🎉Stress Cuddles🎉

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Read 'till the end to see my ugly face :)

And this isn't the Valentine's one, I just got this idea in homeroom and now I'm writing it.


Jeremys sat at his paper covered desk. There were science and math papers scattered everywhere, essay pages falling to the floor, texts books opened and sprawled against the wooden piece of furniture. Everything was a mess.

The figure who occupied the desk was frantically trying to find his homework that was all due in two days. He had a packet of math (which he didn't even understand), twenty pages of science reading (and he was not a fast reader), and a five page essay due for language arts that he was given late after being sick and missing a day of school. The only subject that Jeremy didn't have homework in was history, and that was only because he rushed through it in class.

The twink was on the verge of tears as he tried his best to work out every math problem and answer all the questions from his science reading at the same time.

Jeremy might not have been sure on how to graph whatever the hell it was the he was supposed to know, but he did know that he was stressed beyond imagination.

After the first few hours of non stop working, Jeremy heard a knock on his bedroom door.

Shit. He thought. I told Jake he could come over today and I must've forgotten and now I'm busy and I cancel because he's already here and he's going to hate me and and-

"Hey Jere!" Jake exclaimed upon entering, not yet realizing the state that his boyfriend was in. "Your dad let me in, said you were working on something-"

Jakes talking ceased when Jeremy let out a sob that he didn't even know head been holding in.

Tears filled the twinks eyes, quickly beginning to roll down his cheeks as he buried his face into his hands.

"Jeremy?" Jakes voice was laced with concern. "What's wrong?"

Jeremy only cried harder, replying through broken sobs. "I have so much, so much work to do and, and I'm just so stressed!"

Jake, slowly walked towards the other, pulling him into a gentle hug and whispering into his ear. "Hey now, it's okay. You'll be okay, Jere." Jake pulled away from the hug, causing Jeremy to whimper.

"It's okay, I'm going to help you." Jake kneeled down next to Jeremy, moving some of the papers to face him.

You see, not only was Jake great at sports, but he was also great at math, often getting teased by his football teammates or it. Jake didn't mind though, he was just happy that he wasn't failing.

After about two hours, Jeremys math homework was done, along with his science as Jake had helped him find he answers.  The only thing that Jeremy had left to do was his language arts essay, which Jake refused to let him do at the moment. He had worked so hard, he deserved a break. Plus, Jake came over for cuddles and goddamnit, he was going to get his cuddles.

Jake pulled Jeremy over to the bed, petting his hair as if he were a cat. Jeremy giggled. "What're you doing?" "Admiring how soft your hair is." Jake smiled as he spoke.

"Mmm... well it feels good, don't stop." Jeremy leaned into Jakes touch, cuddling his head into the crook of the talkers neck.

"Aw, your so adorable!" The twink blushed at his boyfriends words. He lightly hit Jakes arm. "Sh-shut up!"

"Nope!" Jake popped the 'p'. "Never!" "Hmpf. You're lucky I love you..."

Jake smiled. "I know."


Are you ready???

I can guarantee you that you're not.

I'm sorry if I blind y'all....


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Where did I even learn to take picture???

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Where did I even learn to take picture???

But actually this is the only one I'm okay with and its because that's the cause of talking to my girlfriend<3

Anyway, sorry for making you guys see my ugly ass self. It was horrible, I know.

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