🌳Pick Up The Phone🌳

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If you know the song; I love you.



Everything started out perfect.

Connor was kind and sweet, never doing anything that would ever hurt Evan. He always made sure that Evan was safe. But then, things changed.

Connor began to get distant and started to smoke and mess around with drugs more and more. He would come over to Evans late in the night when his mother wasn't home, which was most, in a drug induced rage. He never laid a finger on him, though, he just yelled. Then one night, around two in the morning, Connor came over and began banging on the door. Eventually, he climbed up the tree next to Evans bedroom window, knowing that Evan never did lock the window. He started yelling, shouting, wanting to know why the other didn't answer the door. And when Evan didn't answer, Connor hit him.

Pick up the phone
Answer your text
Well I apologize about last night
I really did not mean to disrespect you

The next day Evan wore makeup to school, but not enough for anyone to notice. Though, Connor did.

Whenever Connor came up to Evan, trying apologize, the shorter boy would start shaking and run, scurrying away like a mouse running from its pray. Everyone just assumed it was the couples first quarrel. Everyone just ignored it.

Later that day, when both boys were at their respective houses, Evan received a call. It was from Connor. Evan was to scared to answer and let it go to voicemail. Then he got another call, letting it ring just like the last. There was one more.

After all three calls went to voicemail, Evan opened up his phone to listen to them.

The first was filled with apologies and cries from a very sorry Connor. The second one wasn't. The second was filled with angry yells, telling Evan to answer the damn phone. And then there was the third. The third one was the one to scare Evan the most.

It started out sickly sweet, then verged into obsessive territory, saying things about how Evan was Connors, and Connors only.

You better be alone
No I'm not obsessed
But if I catch you with somebody else
You know that I'm gonna be upset

The next day Connor came over, repeating 'Sorry' over and over again.

But, the cycle continued through the next few days. The yelling to the hitting to the phone calls.

Evan began to fight back, losing his temper rather quickly once this started. The two boys would always be at each others throats when alone. This lead Evan to drink, making the fights worsen.

I truly believe that the reason I'm here
Is to tell you the truth that your ending is near
One day you must look at yourself in mirror
I still don't think you are hearing me clear
You must understand that our friendship is done
Justified by the person that you have become
And because of the fact that enough is enough
Now I'm the one that is holding the gun!

Connor started to blame Evan for everything bad that happened, whether it was problems at school or at home, to their own personal issues that turned into the others misery.

Connor had become what everyone had thought of him and Evan had followed in the footsteps of the man that he sworn to never be like, his father.

This will be the end of us
I have tried way too many times to heal
I have loved you so much it hurts me dear
And this, this will be the end of us

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Where stories live. Discover now