🔥Arson Bros On CrAcK🔥

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Requested by ImTheLastTrashArtist


Rich and Jake had been dating for about eight weeks now, and everybody, I mean E. V. E. R. Y. B. O. D. Y. Knew.

They were both very funny and weird. And, we can't forget, hot.

Currently, the couple was upstairs in Jakes room watching the Notebook.

Why? Because Jake, who had a secret love for sappy romance movies, was forcing Rich to watch it.

"Ughhh, Why do I have to watch this shit?" Rich asked the brunette laying next to him.

"Um, because your my boyfriend? Duh." He rolled his eyes.


Twenty minutes into the movie and Rich wanted to die.

So, he kissed Jake, hoping that they could do a little something.... Else.

Jake kissed back, hard, and as a result, Rich rubbed up against her.

And oh boy, did they do a little something.... Else.

Rich and Jake did the frickle frackle for two hours until Mother Michael came over and heard the smexy time and grounded Rich for eternity causing him to die from lack of things in up his ass, which Then caused Jake to commit toaster bath.

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