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So uh I've been making Evan a dick a lot lately so now Jared's gonna be the dick.



Evan was waiting patiently for his date at a small ice cream parlor called A La Mode. He had gotten there five minutes earlier than the time he was told, which was four-thirty. He got anxious when his date didn't show up on time.

It's okay, Evan. Most people don't arrive right on the spot. Just wait a little. Evan has told himself. Just wait.

Evan has been asked out on a date by a young, brunette boy with glasses. He was also his childhood best friend, Jared Kleinman.

Now, considering how Jared treated Evan, Evan was obviously on the fence at first. I mean, who wouldn't be after being asked out by a guy that constantly teases you and reminds you that he's only using you for car insurance? Probably nobody.

So when Jared walked up to Evan, looked him in the eyes, and said, "Hey Acorn, go on a date with me?", Evan laughed. He thought it was a joke. But upon looking up at Jared and seeing his hurt expression, he gave in. Evan Hansen has just agreed to going on a date with none other than Jared Kleinman himself.

Oh, had he made a big mistake.

Twenty minutes after the agreed meeting time, and guess who still hadn't shown up? Jared. To make matters worse, people were starting to stare at him, giving him looks of pity as they whispered to one another. Evans anxiety started to kick in and he felt like his chest was caving in on him. Oh god.

"Excuse me, Sir?" A waitress had come up to him. "Are you going to order?" Evan anxiously looked up at her.

"I- uh- y-yeah, I'm ju-just waiting for someo-one."

She sighed and nodded, knowing he was being stood up. "Okay, Sir, I'll come back they arrive."

More time had passed. Almost an hour, actually, and Evans anxiety had extremely worsened. The caving feeling in his chest getting heavier and he couldn't breathe. He could've sworn that his lungs were on fire, slowly getting crushed by the thought of being stood up.

Then, a miracle must've happened. Because there at the entrance, was Connor Murphy.

Connor had been walking around and saw Evan sitting alone inside of A La Mode. After a few minutes, Connor decided to walk by again, still seeing Evan alone inside the local ice cream place, and decided to wait a little longer before interfering.

"Hey Evan! Sorry for being so late, the traffic was horrible and my phone died, otherwise I definitely would've called! I'm so sorry." Connor was surprised with himself, as was Evan. But nonetheless, Evan went along with it and smiled.

"I-it's okay, C-Connor." He paused, about to say something else, before thinking against it.

The taller boy sat down across from him. He smiled gently.

"Who ever stood you up definitely does not deserve someone as wonderful as you, Evan. Do yo wanna get out of here and go to you're house?" Evan knew how Connors parents and sister were and quickly agreed.

The pair stood up from their table and walked towards the doors. Connor held the door open for Evan. "After you, m'lady." Evan blushed, Connor to laugh and grab ahold of his hand. And as the two walked home  together, hand in hand, they both felt genuinely happy.

They both felt like they finally belonged.


Does this make up for the horrible Technical Difficulties fluff I wrote the other day?

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Where stories live. Discover now