🎧My Bean<3🎧

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Taking the au where Rich is from Florida (aye that's where I live)

And definitely not basing this off of anything...

I love you my wonderful bean<3


Hi bean<3

Rich messaged his lover, a small smile on his face as he waited for an answer.

Today hadn't been a great day for Rich, seeing as two of the most popular jerks at his school had talked to him. The boys names were Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney. One of them, Kurt, has the same homeroom as Rich, always saying something that caused the short teenager to spiral more than once. However, that wasn't today's case. No, today was about something that happened at lunch.

After fourth period, when Rich had lunch, he sat down at his usual table, next to one of his acquaintances (they weren't close enough to be friends, though they did talk every now and then). About halfway through lunch, Kurt called out to Rich, asking if he wanted to date Ram. Rich glared, shaking his head.

He had many reasons to decline. One, he had a boyfriend. Two, he didn't trust any of the populars, seeing as how all they did was get into fights and gossip. Three, if Ram really liked him then he could ask Rich himself. Four, it was probably just so Ram would have a date for Valentines. Five, Rich didn't know much about Ram, other than the fact that he was a dick. And six, Rich. Has. A. Fucking. Boyfriend.

Anyway, the rest of the day went okay, though fifth period Rich had Kurt in yet another class, Ram in sixth, and both in seventh.

Going home didn't make things any better.

After getting home, Rich had to go to therapy and talk about his life. Rich absolutely hated talking about that, seeing as his wasn't the best. And on the way there, Rich's dad brought up something that had happened months ago. Whenever this subject was brought up, Rich would be called a disappointment.

So yeah, Rich's day wasn't ideal and he couldn't have been anymore over joyed when he finally received an answer from his Boyfriend, Michael Mell.

Hi! How are you?

Rich smiled to himself, telling Michael only about his dad yelling at him. It wasn't that he didn't trust his boyfriend, because he did, he just didn't to dwell on everything that had happened once again.

The two continued to talk for hours on end, constantly reminding the other how much they loved each other.

At one point, they even talked about one day meeting each other, wishing that they didn't live so far apart, as Michael lives in New Jersey while Rich lives in Florida.

Why do I have to be so far from you?<3

Rich frowned, wishing just as much as Michael that they could see each other. He responded.

I don't know bean but one day I will able to see you and I'll give you all of my love<3

It was true. Rich would, hopefully, be able to see his lover one day, and when he would, he'd give him all of the love in he world. He'd shower Michael with many hugs and cuddles, maybe even a kiss too. But sadly, that day wasn't today.

The two still continued their conversation, complementing each other so much that Rich had turned into a cherry, Michael saying that he was just as red.

Rich giggled into his pillow, snuggling into a hoodie and wishing that it was his bean. And though Rich wasn't sure were the nickname came from, he was just glad that Michael loved it.

Oh, how in love Rich was with his wonderful bean.


So this was my day though things were obviously changed to fit with Rich and the story.

I hate the people at my school.

But I love my girlfriend and I hope to be with her in person one day<3

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