🎉His Name Pt.2🎉

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This is long overdue


After finding out that they were soulmates, the two boys actually got together surprisingly well. They hung out, went on dates, they even stayed that night at each other houses. Yet, the two still weren't an official couple.

That, however, would soon change.

It was a Friday after school had let when Jake had come to pick Jeremy up for their weekly date, which sometimes would turn into a double date with Rich and Michael, though this time it was not.

Jake arrived at the twinks house a few minuets early, causing Jeremy to panic slightly, though he was soon ready and out the door, both boys getting into Jakes car.

"Where are we going?" Jeremy had asked as soon as they had gotten into the car. Jake chuckled at the others curiosity. "That's a surprise, love."

Both boys blushed at the nickname.

The car ride was mostly silent. The exception being when Jake reached to put his hand on Jeremy's thigh, making him squeak. Jake thought it was adorable but Jeremy didn't, pouting, which only further proved Jakes point. Jake still put his hand there, though.

Once the car ride was over, Jeremy almost screamed form excitement upon seeing where they were.

"The fair!"

"Really Papa? You brought dad to the fair? That's so cheesy!" A girl in a green vest and black skirt interrupted her fathers story. A boy with poofy hair shook his head at her. "Shut up, Heather! Its adorable!"

"Dad! Johnny told me to shut up!" The little girl yelled out to her other dad while her sibling looked petrified. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"Guys, stop fighting! Let Daddy finish the story!" A small child by the name of Connor interrupted his siblings.

"So cute." Jake and Jeremy laughed at their children's fighting. "Yeah. Have fun putting them to bed tonight." "But baaabbbeee!" Jeremy giggled. "Fine. But only because I love you."

The three kids looked at their parents, smiling. They were happy to have such chill dads.

"Now, back to the story..." Jake began again. Heather, John, and Connor all cheered.

Jeremy and Jake had ridden many rides, played multiple games, and had even eaten more cotton candy they probably should have. The one thing they hadn't done, however, was ride the Ferris wheel.

So, Jake pulled Jeremy over to it, already knowing what he would ask him upon reaching the top. And once they were at the Ferris wheels peak, he did.

"Hey Jer," Jake started, turning to look at Jeremy. Jeremy did the same, intertwining their hands as he hummed in response. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jeremy almost jumped at the question, though stopped himself when remembering that thy were still, in fact, on the fair ride. Instead, he settled for kissing Jake straight in the lips, muttering out a small "Yes!".

"Aww! That was adorable!" John squealed. "Tell us more! Tell us more!"

Connor and Heather joined Johns chanting. "Tell us more!!!"

Jeremy shook his head, telling them to calm down. "Sorry guys, but it's time for bed." The kids whined, Jake following.

"Come on, Jer, can't stay up just a little longer?" Jeremy rolled his eyes, though he soon agreed.



My stomach hurts. I wanna crawl into a ball and die. Fucking periods.

Anyway, how are y'all?

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