🍦Ex-Best Friend🍦

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Angst based on my life.


"Ill always be here for you."


People liked Chloe more, that much was obvious. She had other friends. She didn't get talked over or ignored. She wasn't seen as 'weird' or 'crazy'. Chloe was the one who people loved.

Brooke was just her little play thing.

Yet, Brooke had come back a second time, forgiving Chloe for her past mistakes. Brooke had come back and she fell. She fell so hard in love for her best friend that it hurt.

Chloe knew of her feelings, too.

Brooke had told Chloe that she liked her. That she loved her.

Chloe rejected her, telling her that she'd still be her friend and that this changed nothing between them. 

Brooke had believed her. Yes, she was hurt, but she also knew that she never had a chance. She just needed to get her feelings out.

The two stayed friends, battling through their problems together.

Though, that soon ended.

There was a school field trip that both girls were going on. And during this trip, Chloe completely ignored Brooke, only talking to her once or twice.

Brooke talked to her about this and she apologized. Brooke forgave her.

But, the next week at school, Chloe continued to ignore Brooke.

Brooke tried talking to her again.

Chloe promise led her that she'd never leave, that she'd always be here.

She lied.

The next day Chloe suggested a break.

So, two weeks after the trip, the two girls took a day long break.

Chloe, however, had other plans. After the break, she refused to even look at Brooke.

A week later, and Chloe texted Brooke, saying she was happier with out her. She didn't elaborate. She gave no explanation.

After another two weeks, Brooke had received a text from Chloe.

Do you hate me? For breaking your heart and everything

Brooke said yes.

The two haven't talked since.

And even after all this, Brooke still couldn't seem to get Chloe off her mind.

A part of Brooke still wanted to know how Chloe's lips would feel on hers.

Brooke still loved Chloe.

Yet, at the same time, she wanted nothing more than to strangle her. To strangle the girl who had brought her so much pain, so much misery. To strangle the girl who pushed her into one of the worst panic attacks of her life.

Brooke wanted to strangle the girl who shattered her heart into pieces. The girl who she still wanted to kiss.

So, she burned the bear that Chloe had given her for her birthday.

She smiled when she did so, getting an idea.

Brooke soon burned her arm, too.


Brooke is me and Chloe is me ex best friend.

All this stuff actually happened.

This is the person I was talking about in the last one shot.

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