🎮Hunched Over🎮

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-Mentions of anorexia and bulimia 


Michael couldn't remember the last time he though of himself as skinny. He'd always been just above the average weight and have some extra chub, but it never bugged him. He knew he wasn't skinny but he also knew that he wasn't fat. And then he started to grow up. He got picked on for not being as light as the other people at his school, people online would make hate comments, his dad would hit him and make fun of his size.

Once Michael had reached eighth grade was when he started feeling self conscious.

He wanted to be skinny.

Michael started by starving himself. This led to his mom and step mom growing suspicious and Jeremy getting worried.

So, he tried a different approach.

One night after having a meal with his moms, he went upstairs. He grabbed a new pair of clothes and headed for his bathroom, locking the door upon entering. Setting his clothes down on the bathroom counter, Michael grabbed his phone and turned on one of his many Bob Marley playlists. Next, he went to turn on the shower, though he didn't undress himself.

Instead he crouched down onto his knees and positioned himself right in front on the toilet seat. He moved the top up before hunching over and gagging.

Michael took two fingers, his index and pointer finger, and slowly shoved them into his mouth, moving them farther and farther back until they hit his uvula, causing the gagging to worsen. He pushed his fingers back a little bit more, going until they couldn't go back any farther, and he waited. He waited for a few more seconds, tears in his eyes, clouding his vision as his glasses wouldn't let them fall. He felt the disgusting bile rise in his throat before removing his fingers and throwing it up.

Once he was finished, he undressed, throat sore, and got in the shower. And this went on for weeks, months even, before anyone started to notice.

Michael would leave for the bathroom after every meal, going as far as to it with Jeremy over, though it only happened after the taller male fell asleep.

However, one night when Jeremy was over, did Michael ever get caught. Jeremy has realized that something had been going on with his bet friend, he just didn't know what. So, he pretended to be asleep, waiting for Michael to fall into a slumber so he could investigate. But when Michael didn't start snoring and instead got up and left for the bathroom, Jeremy grew even more suspicious.

The tall male slowly got up, trying his best not to make a sound, and headed for the bathroom. He could see the small amount of light peaking from out of the bottom of the door.

Jeremy couldn't hear anything but silence before he heard a small whimper and began to panic. He was afraid that Michael was having another anxiety attack. But before he could react, Jeremy heard another sound, one that was slightly louder then the last. It sounded like someone was vomiting.

Ever do quietly, Jeremy slowly turned the nob on the bathroom door, finding it to be unlocked, and what he saw shocked him while breaking his heart.

There in front of him was Michael, hunched over, and shoving three fingers down his throat.

Jeremy panicked, letting out a small scream. This gained Michaels attention and he quickly removed his fingers before getting up of his knees. "Jer- I- shit..."

"Michael what the actual fuck?!" Jeremy was so scared, so confused. What had happened to his once always happy and joyful friend?

"Jeremy... I..." Michael tried to explain himself, but before he got the chance to there were tears rolling down his cheeks. "Oh god Jeremy, I-I'm so sorry!"

Jeremy snapped out of his state of shock and wrapped his arms around Michael. He pulled him close, tightening his grip when Michael balled his shirt up in his hands.

"I'm so sorry..."

Jeremy shushed his best friend, rubbing circles on his back as he did so. "Shh... it's okay, Micha. It's okay. Shh... shh..."

As Michaels sobs started to lessen, Jeremy have him a small peck on his head and made Michael promise to never do anything like this again.



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