Chapter 1 -Prologue of the Game (Survivors)-

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*Notice: I'm still in the process of editing this chapter and the others as well, but please don't mind my grammar! And another note~ This is my own opinion of how the characters act and think. Believe me, I don't know much of their background but I do know it's fan-made. And please enjoy, thanks!*

(Lucky Guy's Perspective)

     Where am I? . . . Wait, I don't remember a single thing at all! But why am I feeling so dizzy all of a sudden? And why am I laying on the floor? Glancing warily around my surroundings, I realized I was in a strange room with complete strangers all looking down at me as if I was more stranger than them.

     "Finally, you're awake," a girl with the straw hat smiled down at me. For a second I was relieved to notice I wasn't alone, but when I stared closely at her face, I realized something was definitely wrong.

     "AHHh!" I screamed in horror when I met her eyes. Unfortunately, my screaming caught her to scream as well in alarm too. Immediately, I noticed that she wasn't alone, but the others too, all had button eyes. "What are you guys, dolls?!?"

     "Dolls?" The boy with an owl on his shoulder tilted his head curiously, "That's a funny way to describe a person, don't you think?"

     "How rude you called us dolls," Another girl added, with her goggles on top of her head, "Have some respect, won't you?"

     Seeing them all looked a bit surprised with different emotions at the same time, I tried to reason with all of them, "Wait, no," I began, looking a bit flustered, "Sorry I called you guys 'dolls,' but if you're really a human, why do you all have button eyes?"

     The man who appears to be a cowboy grin, "Speak for yourself kid, tell us why'd you have one as well?"

     I looked down at myself, but didn't see anything wrong. But then when I walked over to the mirror in front of me, I almost screamed again when I looked directly at my face. That was me in the mirror. A guy with glasses, a plain shirt and jeans, that was me... right? Although, why are my eyes all button?! "I-I'm a d-doll?" I stammered, my hands trembled in fear.

     "In real life, I don't think so," replied a lady, who appears to be a nurse for some reason, "In appearances, we might be dolls, but our memories of our own time are not related to dolls."

     "What do you mean?" I asked impatiently, feeling like I could lose my mind anytime. My head was beginning to feel dizzy again, but still refusing to believe I was a doll, "I don't have my memories, they're gone," I sadly told them.

     The others in the room all looked at each other, feeling pity for me, they decided to introduce themselves in hopes it'll help me feel better. "I'm Emma, a gardener," The girl who wears the straw hat began. "This is Eli the Seer, Emily the Nurse, Tracy the Mechanic, Kevin the Cowboy," she pointed, then glanced at the ones who stayed silent, "Naib the Mercenary, Freddy the Lawyer, Kreacher the thief, Servais the Magician, Martha the Coordinator, Aesop the Embalmer, Kurt the Explorer, and uhh-"

     "Hi there, I'm Margaretha the female dancer," Margaretha said, and I could tell she was only saying that just to help her friend remember everyone's names, "The one over there is William the Forward, Vera the Perfumer, Fiona the Priestess, Norton the prospector, Helena the Mind's eye, Murro the Wildling," she then added, "Don't mind his pet boar, by the way," she then continued on, "Patricia the Enchantress, Mike the Acrobat, Jose first officer, Demi the Barmaid, Victor the Postman, Andrew the Grave keeper, Luca the Prisoner, and finally Melly the Entomologist."

(This is my fast way of introducing the entire room, sorry if I'm trying to make this all crumbled into two paragraph!)

     They all give their 'hellos' and 'hi' whenever Emma and Margaretha calls out their name so it was very easy to know which is who even when they are pointing directly at them.

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