Chapter 50 -Better Think Again-

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     No One's P.O.V: "Shh.."

     As night began to fall, Lucky Guy, Freddy, Emily, and Emma decided to call it a night as they departed and headed for bed.... It was almost the time when Lucky Guy wanted to ask Monokuma if he could explore more, until he finally got his answers... 

     "Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement," Monokuma announced. "It is now 10 P.M. As such, it is officially night time. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited." Continuing on, "Okay then... sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite..."

     Knowing that this would happen, Lucky Guy set out to his room, and collapsed onto his bed. Fortunately for him, Kevin and Kreacher were already fast asleep so he didn't have to worry too much about them. 

      However, through the rest of the night... he couldn't sleep just thinking about all the things he wished he had known... If only he could figure them out in time, that is... 


     ???'s P.O.V: "???"

     Ugh. I have been literally watching for hours and my eyes are getting bored... Talk about bad timing when I *yawn* really need to go to sleep. Oh well, at least I got the news that Kreacher will take on level 2. Thanks to that dumb-head -blank name- who can't even follow my directions right in the first place. 

      At least now I knew who would be capable of doing that... 

      "Ya know," I began, turning around to meet my other servant's eyes from behind me, "If you really want to mess things up so badly, I can guarantee you wouldn't last a minute!" 

      "Ah, my apologies, -blank name-," The cloaked-figure apologized with a calm voice. "I was just trying to help, you know. No need to start a fight unless you want to."

      "You seriously think you're smarter and better than me?" I smirked, "Just because you have a special hidden talent in you, doesn't mean you get to use that power over my partner, ya know!"

      "I was... only trying to do my job."

      "Who the heck gave you that job, anyways?"

      "Hm, if I could recall earlier, your partner left in a hurry after trying to ambush Martha and Naib, so I did what any 'Remnants of Despair' can do..."

       "Let me guess, you sicko," I began with a glare, "You decided to take matters into your own filthy hands and do you seriously think I'm that dumb enough to figure out?" 

       "As expected of the mastermind, I do not."

       "Then get your act together and stop fooling around with that useless Mercenary!" 

       "Alright, alright, no need to shout at my ears. I'm right here, you see?" 

      "Utterly useless," I muttered before demanding, "Where's my comrade at--?"

      "I'm r-right here!" The door burst open and my partner or servant with the devil-mask, whatever I choose to comfortably call my comrade, came almost crashing into me. "S-sorry I'm late, -blank name-, but I had to run some quick errand for a second."

      "You better not be late the next time, you lazy prick," I shove the devil-mask figure away from me, "Better think again or else you're done for," I added, playfully kicking my comrade onto the floor. "You know I hate it when you're always late!" 

      "M-my bad."


Taina Zakura: Ahem, on the bright side, let's just move onto something else, 'shall we? And wow, I'm already at chapter 50 and this game is still on level 1... Talk about bad timing here... Yeah, I know... I'm not sure why but I have a funny feeling that this story might be over 200 or at least 300 chapters... Ooops...

     If you guys have any problems with that... I can always split this up into different sections like each level has one book series- if that works, but I'll probably think about it... as long as you're fine, I'm fine.

     Oh and sorry if I do a terrible job at making each and every one of the characters in this story act and feel. Normally I would research it up and find facts and hints, but since I don't have time to do lots of searching, I'll have to guess. Anyways, thanks for understanding! Now, ignore me-- I'm off to Imagination Land! 


      Eli's P.O.V: "Seer"

      Everything around me was all pitch black and cold as I made my way through the city.

     Where am I?
  I wondered. And what's going on? 

      All I could see was loads of people scrambling as fast as they could from corner to corner, trying to get out of this place... Even seeing a young woman carrying her little angel with a son by her side, all looked torn and helpless as they passed by swiftly. 

     "Hey!" I shouted at one of the adults, "What's going on? Why is everybody running away?"

     One of the leading adults, who I assumed was a police officer, shouted at my face instead of patiently explaining what's going on, "Move it, kid! Get the hell out of here before they come after all of us!" And I watched him as he ran off, trying to aid another helpless old man from the street across...

     This place is mad... 


     This place is insanely mad!

     I turned to glance over at my faithful friend, "What should we do, Brooke?" I asked as she perched up on my arm. "Should we listen and get out?"

     My owl gave no response and started to fly away...

     "Brooke!" I called out to her, and I immediately recognized the clouds and the skies as she soared below it...

     It was turning red... 

     Before I could get my owl to come down, a loud explosion erupted near me, followed by many sounds of screaming... 

     And all around me... the city was in chaos... the people's bodies lay on the ground... the ground was covered in blood... the cries, the ashes, the smoke, and the bombs! 

     This can't be happening... 

     Just then, I found a small feather blowing right towards me, carried by the wind... 

      I recognized that feather anywhere... 

      Brooke Rose. 

      And... it's covered in blood... 

      "NoNoNoNoNoNoNo!" I started to panic, "This can't be happening! I...I can't... I can't believe this! This has to be fake! Where's this vision coming from?!?" 

      Someone. Please. Help. Me! 



     "You are nothing. You will always be... nothing," I heard a soft whispering voice in the background... 

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