Chapter 68 -Trial #2: Uncovering Some Truth! (P.t 2)-

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     *I'm getting tired. My energy's running low but I don't want to give up writing. Sorry, I'm procrastinating, but I've been writing and editing my grammars for so long that my head wants to spin. Anyways, enjoy this confusing trial of despair and-- *Yawn* >o< --confusion.)


     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     . . . 

     Fine. Be like that. 

     "Anyways," I got everyone's attention back onto the trial, "Thanks to Robbie for mentioning the blood earlier, I can confirm that--"

     "Wow, gee, thanks for helping them Robbie," Luchino sarcastically said. 

     "-- confirm that there must be another meaning to the blood spill on the victim's chest," I finally finished, ignoring the evil reptilian. 

     "Well, what does that even mean?" Jose demanded impatiently. "That the victim was stabbed multiple times in a row?! Man, you really are unlucky for thinking such a thing like that."

     "Why yes!" I smiled, not sure why I responded to his criticism.

     "Excuse me?"

     Forcing myself to speak in a serious tone, I began, "Forget about the chest wounds for a minute and focus more on the body's cuts and wounds all over the place. It clearly shows a terrible sign of something, doesn't it?"

     "Now that you mentioned it," Helena tilted her head curiously at my direction, "It is strange to believe that this wasn't just a deadly one hit, but something more.... related to torture? I'm not really sure, since I can't really see."

     "Torture?" William's eyes widened, "Why the heck does this keep on getting weirder and weirder by each minute? First, the head. Now, the torture? Unbelievable..."

     "Well, we can just assume the victim's been murder in cold-blood," I shrugged, turning around to glance at Edgar. "What do you think?"

     "Hm, I see your point right there, Lucky Guy," the painter understood where I was going. "However, why do you think the victim's been tortured? Is there... really enough time to be tortured in the morning?"

     Ugh, probably not... Something's missing.... Gosh, I can't think!

     "I have a suggestion," said a voice from somewhere behind me on the left. "But I don't think you'll agree with me."

     "What is it now?" I asked, turning my body around so I could face the speaker. It was that girl in the wheelchair, how odd... "Something you have in mind?"

     "Well," Galatea replied silently, "I was thinking... what if the murder happened yesterday or before that?" She implied. "That is, if you know something about that, although I don't really have much to say."

     "What?" Freddy almost choked on his words like hearing them must've knocked his sense to it. "That can't be right. The murder has to happen this early in the morning!"

     . . . I wonder why he's thinking that. . . 

     "Um, I hate to break it to you guys, but I have to agree with Freddy on that point," Kurt stated to the rest of us calmly. "Just letting you guys know..."

     "Alright, fine," I sighed, knowingly setting a trap for myself later on. 

     If I were to pick up some clues from where they had left off, this'll end this trial a lot quicker than it used to, so why not? Sure, Monokuma and the traitors are after me, because I know so much about solving cases, but then again, I could be wrong myself.

     "Galatea's onto something there, but let's not get to that point just yet. What we need to know is who arrived in the kitchen or the storage room earlier this morning? Anyone?" I asked, hoping Margaretha's claims were correct, that Emily, Tracy, and Kreacher had been in the kitchen somewhere after 6 a.m. 

     No one raised their hands except Margaretha who looked proudly at everyone else. Although, just when I turned to stare at the three who hadn't raise their hands, it took a few seconds later for Emily and Tracy to raised their hand as well. Up and slowly... On the other hand, Kreacher didn't move a single muscle. Not even once.  

     "Kreacher?" I cleared my throat, "Did you go earlier this morning?"

     "Huh?" Kreacher's face dropped, confused at what I'm asking. "Go where?"

     "Don't play dumb with me," I played along, but I already have a gist of what's going on. 

     Kreacher wasn't in the kitchen this morning.

     He never was. 

     "Come on, Kreacher," Tracy smirked from the other side, "Me and Em were with you, so stop fooling yourself, and admit you were with us in the kitchen," adding as if she won a victory to her point or something, "Besides, Margaretha saw you."

     "No, she didn't," I confirmed quietly, making Tracy stare at me strangely from the circle. "Margaretha told me on her account that she never saw Kreacher's face when she entered the kitchen."

     "So?" Tracy shrugged awkwardly, not quite listening to what I'm saying, "As long as she saw him, and so did Emily, that proves nothing. He 'was' in the kitchen without a doubt." 

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