Chapter 86 -Trial #3: Hot And Cold! (P.t 4)-

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     *Yay, we're so close to uncovering this entire mystery! Plus... I'm losing my mind right now-- This is like, the most confusing trial ever! So if there's anything that confuses you, don't hesitate to ask b/c I know as a writer, I make some mistakes sometimes when I just have no idea what I'm doing, Lol~!*

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     . . . 

     "Looks like you have figured it out, Lucky Guy," Freddy sighed, "Just like I thought you would."

     "Thought you would?" Jose repeated. "What the heck do you mean by that!?"

     "Freddy's secret," I explained it to them. "The one-word answer that Monokuma gave to us, he has the word 'cheater' written on it."

     Tracy muffled a laugh. "Ha, now that's funny! I always knew Freddy is a piece of nothing!"

     "Oh, do shut your trap door, Tracy," Burke cursed at her. "Enough of this," he turned his attention back to us, "We still don't understand what's going on!"

     "Yeah," Vera agreed slowly, "A little confused here."

     "Me too," Patricia let out a breath. "Can somebody explain what Freddy did wrong?"

     Robbie crossed his arms, "Let Freddy do the explaining."

     "No way!" Freddy objected. "I did nothing wrong!" And then adding, "I'm not the traitor, I swear to god!"

     "At least," I began as our eyes met. "If you're really our friends, please explain what happened and don't leave out every single detail."

     "Fine," the lawyer gave in. "I just realized I uncovered some part of my memories even though it was just a little, it wasn't only me who realized 'who' or 'what' was familiar..." He paused before giving a quick glance over at the hell ember. "Leo Beck was chasing after me during Robbie's game for some reason after Lucky Guy told us to split up--"

     "That's why I couldn't find my father," Emma mumbled to herself and I almost felt immediately bad for her.

     "And with nobody around at that time on the 2nd floor hallways since... I believe the others were already inside the club rooms," Freddy kept on going. "I found Kreacher and Edgar leaving each other alone, so... I came up with the idea to disguise myself."

     . . . 

     "Then what happened?" Helena asked. 

     . . . 

     Freddy hesitated as if he didn't want to explain the rest of his story to us, but someone did...

     "Freddy came up with a plan to outsmart Leo Beck," Robbie explained. "He followed and knocked Kreacher hard on the back, making him unconscious. Then he swapped clothes with him and once Leo Beck found Kreacher asleep while Freddy was in hiding, Leo Beck didn't hesitate to kill Kreacher by an accident as he assumed it was Freddy."

     Now that makes more sense! Of course! Leo Beck must've realized that he killed the wrong person!

     "And it was too late," the axe boy tilted his head over to Leo Beck. "Leo Beck had just realized what he had done, because of his hatred after he had recovered some memories... He realized it was actually Freddy who destroyed his life... Again," he continued on, watching Freddy's hands shaking. "But now~ after realizing he killed Kreacher, Leo Beck was forced to kill another person... And that person was Edgar Valden."

     "But why him?" Luca demanded. "He was our friend! Our guide for escaping this place!"

     "Well, that wasn't Leo Beck's thoughts, is it?" Robbie said heavily. "He thought Edgar was the traitor, since he overheard that he had appeared out of nowhere when he and the hunters first met him."

     "It's true," Leo Beck sadly accepted those words from the axe boy. "I believed he was the traitor at first."

     "You monster!" William accused him angrily. "How dare you!?"

     "But I'm not done yet," Robbie kept on going. "Besides, after Kreacher had died by an unforgiving kill, Freddy went about his way to change his clothes back once he had reached into his room, and then came back to swap Kreacher's clothes back to his own in which he secretly stole from Kreacher's room with the help of Kreacher's key from his pocket," he told us. "And then... I don't know about you, but it seems like Freddy wanted to make the kill more legit, and you guessed right! He went to the 2nd floor of the garden club when nobody was looking and took the axe to end Kreacher after carrying him into the 3rd floor, and had hidden him before taking him out when everybody on the 3rd floor had gone downstairs."

     "Kreacher was already dead by the time I arrived to tamper the evidence," Freddy replied. "It wasn't really a kill."

     . . . 

     "So after you placed Kreacher on the 3rd hall to expose the body," I gathered as many guesses as I could. "You then came down to the 1st floor to pretend that you were there all along, weren't you?"

     "I..." The lawyer hesitated. "Yes, that is what I did..."

     "I want to punch you in the face for that, Freddy!" Jose slammed his fist down onto the trial stand. "How could you!?"

     "I'm sorry," Freddy looked away. "It was the only thing I could do to get the truth out of harm's way."

     . . . 

     I couldn't believe Freddy did all of this to confuse us! I... I thought we're friends! Does that mean... No, he couldn't be the killer or the traitor... He just couldn't!

     "I know you're not the killer, Freddy," I stared at him with a worried look. "I want to believe you... but... I can't."

     "Um, if I may ask," Michiko began, "Who killed Bonbon then?"

     . . . 

     "It could possibly be the 2nd killer," me and Robbie both said at the same time before looking at each other. 

     "Or," I added, "It could be the traitors."

     "Wait, weren't the traitors supposed to be the killers?" Joseph brought up a question for the class trial. 

     "That was my first thought," Robbie responded instantly. "Although, then again, I don't really know what happened to Bonbon. But I could tell you one thing: It's a suicide."


     "It seems as though you've got some miscalculations on that part, Robbie," Joker argued. "Of course it couldn't be a suicide! Robots don't malfunction on their own!"

     "Unless somebody helped him," a voice on my left suggested calmly. "Somebody, that is."

     "What are you implying, Emma?" Emily asked. 

     "It was a thought, but I could be wrong," the gardener answered quietly. "The message that was written for Bonbon mentioned him as a friend, and I wondered what that means... Could the killer be a friend of Bonbon?"

     . . . 

     It could be, but we have no idea if the message was legit or not...

     "You sure those two didn't write it?" Kevin stared at Leo Beck and Freddy at the same time. 

     "Nope and neither did Robbie," I added. "The only ones I could think of... that could write this message was from the 'other' traitor."

     "Hold on a minute," Mike stopped me for a second. "Why are you saying that as if Bonbon was the traitor? He's not, right?"


     . . . 

     "Because he is," Robbie broke the silence. "Bonbon is the traitor."


     "You have no proof!" Burke disagreed on that claim. "He's a robot! He only does my bidding! I CREATED him!"

     "Or so you thought you did," Robbie flashed at him with those words. "However, you have no proof that you created him on the 1st day that we met. Since how long did that take you to complete Bonbon again?"

     . . . 

     "It would've taken you 26 times, isn't that correct?" The axe boy said. "But for some reason, you completed it for the 1st time. Ever."

     "No...." Burke shook his head sadly. "I refused to believe my own invention is the traitor! He's a robot!"

     "He's not your robot," Mary rolled her eyes at him gracefully. "Besides, Bonbon is called 'Guard 26' right? That would've mean Bonbon is really 'Guard #1.'" 

     "No!" The mad's eyes snapped at her. "I... I can't believe this!" Then claimed, "Is that the reason why the mastermind like Monokuma attacked Bonbon in the 1st place!?"

     "No, that's wrong!" I shouted, making him listen to me. "There is no way Monokuma could've attacked Bonbon in the 1st place, even if he wanted to... It's against the rules for the headmaster to do that to the students!" I explained. "However, in my own opinion, the reason why Bonbon might've been malfunctioned was because of the traitor. The traitor did this!"

     "Why would the traitor hurt their OWN kind?" Burke countered furiously. 

     Hearing this, I brought logic into this argument. "Isn't it obvious? The traitor wants to bring the meaning of despair once you realized who the real traitors are! And if they were to malfunction Bonbon, he wouldn't be much of a suspect, don't you think?" Adding, "After all, they knew Bonbon could be reborn with the help of Monokuma."

     "Then... I guess that device inside Bonbon was just a hoax, huh?" Burke grumbled angrily out loud. "So infuriating, those traitors!"

     "So that means Bonbon was part of the dead victim, right?" Jack the Ripper asked. "That figures it..."

     . . . 

     (Author's note: I could go on all day and all night writing about every single detail about each survivors thoughts, but since it's really getting late, I think it's best if I leave out some of the investigation behind even though it might contains something that you guys might be interested in, I don't really know. But for now, I'm speeding things ahead!)

     "If Leo Beck is considered as the killer," Norton pointed it out. "By using the toxins from..." Then he looked at Joseph with a frustrating look, "I can't believe that the photographer was willingly going to hand Leo Beck that toxin without confessing about it... But what about the traitor? Does Bonbon count as the victim or the traitor?"

     Wait, Joseph actually did that!? Oh, so that must've been the part where I missed when I was with Orpheus... NO wonder Aesop suspected it was his doing! Poor thing!

     "It actually depends on Bonbon's status," Monokuma answered proudly. "On the other hand, he might be the traitor. Or he might be an innocent victim, who knows!?"

     "Since there are only 3 bodies; Kreacher, Edgar, and Bonbon," Martha recalled. "It's best to say that Bonbon is in the 'victim's category,' don't you think?"

     I agree... Everybody's here and with those three dead, Bonbon couldn't be the killer... Unless Monokuma counted him as both the victim and the traitor...

     "We can vote for someone twice, can't we?" Yidhra asked the headmaster, thinking the same thing as me. 

     "You can vote whoever you want!" The headmaster exclaimed cheerfully. "But there's a catch, where's the other traitor? You still haven't caught them yet, have you?" Saying, "This trial is mainly about catching the killer and the traitor, even though the traitor hasn't done any killing yet, you still need to reveal them to me!"

     "What?!" Demi gasped after what she just heard. "That would be impossible!"

     "So true!" Violetta agreed. "Without the other traitor starting the killing game, it would be useless as to find them! It'll be like trying to catch flies who haven't landed on your web!"

     "Disgusting example," Tracy made a face like she wanted to puke. 

     . . . 

     Everyone looked at each other, waiting for the other traitor to reveal themselves with more clues. Or better yet, announced themselves to us... And I have a bad feeling that we would never pass this trial unless that one traitor shows up...

     "Here's your options," Monokuma said, "Do you want the traitor to still be in your group or do you want to end them now so you won't have to worry about them later on?"

     . . . 



     I'll stop here for now and thanks for reading~! 

     -Taina Zakura-

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