Chapter 45 -Accusation Nightmare-

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     Luca's P.O.V: "Prisoner"

     As I was making my way down the hallway with a book in my hand, I watched as Kreacher stormed past me, forcing his elbow into colliding with mines and I immediately dropped the book with a quick *thud.*

     I've never seen Kreacher acting so angry all of a sudden... What's his deal anyway? I thought to myself as I picked up my fallen book. 

     Though, I wish to say something to comfort the thief, but when I opened my mouth... no voice came out... and I was shocked to realize that my potential into bringing everyone closer together was now gone... I can't do... anything.... anymore... after I read... what I wasn't supposed.... to read... 



      "Ah, there you are, Luca!" My roommate, Mike smiled at me, waving me to get over here as others soon began to notice that I had arrived just in time. "You won't believe what just happened." Then he and the others told me everything while I did my best to pay attention at what's in front of me, but there are some times where I only heard my thoughts saying--


"Martha and Naib were attacked by a devil-mask with a gun and a knife--" Stated Murro. 


    "Unsure whether they are alive, Lucky Guy might be presumed dead--" Norton sighed. 


    "And as for Naib, he could be dead as well as--" Martha wiped her tears. 


    "And Emily's telling us lies--" Freddy began.


   "That she had gone to follow the attacker while no one was with her at that time--"


    "Then..." Tracy gasped as she stared strangely over to Emily, "I get it now, you're the traitor! Admit it, you liar--"



    "STOP!" I shouted, interrupting everyone's voices at the same time. Unfortunately for me, I immediately lost it as I spoke clearly, and loudly, "HOW COME YOU GUYS GET TO BE THE ONE TO DECIDE WHO'S THE TRAITOR JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE WHAT-SO-EVER!?" I demanded. "WHY, TELL ME WHY?!"

    . . . . 

    And everyone around me grew silent as they waited for me to calm down. . . 

     "Um, are you alright, Luca?" Servais glanced at me worriedly. "You don't seem alright there, buddy."

    . . . . 

     I glared at them, but then I realized I was being too over dramatic about this...

    How am I supposed to tell them that accusing someone without evidence.... is what I had faced before? Even though I couldn't remember my past correctly, I knew Monokuma wasn't lying as that word kept ringing constantly in my ears. 

    Accusations... Accusations... Accusations.........

     And I'm not going to standby and watch them point fingers at someone before-- Like what they did to Lucky Guy earlier when I overheard some of them talking behind Lucky Guy's back about how he might be suspicious or strange since he didn't have the slip of paper after we got them. 


     "I...I'm fine," I lied, although I'm not going to say the actual truth since it wouldn't matter anyways. And I met Freddy's eyes, "If you want to blame Emily, go ahead and blame me since I wasn't there when that incident had happened. So go ahead," I got up in front of Freddy, "Blame me, I dare you."

     "What's your problem?" The lawyer frowned in dismay, "I thought we were clear on who's suspicious the most. Isn't that obvious, prisoner?"

     "Oh, so you find evidence based on hearing people speak besides going out to find some evidence?" I mocked him before explaining my point, "I may be the one suspicious because of my so-called title as 'Prisoner,' but I'm no fool, lawyer." 

     Freddy glared at me uncomfortably, "What's your damage anyways?" He spoke unpleasantly, "Is it because you're too trusting of others that you don't know that you'll later one day, be stabbed in the back like Vera?"

     And those words hit me close to home run. . . 

     I.... trusted you..... I trusted a lot of different types of people... including strangers.... and I could no longer bear listening to that word, again... if it's the last thing I do...

  "Hey, take that back!" Vera said abruptly, but I ignored her--

     "Does that mean I can't trust you?" I replied calmly to Freddy. "Does that mean I can't trust anyone?"

     "Hey, that's not my problem for being stupid like you," the lawyer impolitely told me off. "And what more do you want to hear from a professional lawyer talk about, hm? How about your cases of ending up in prison?"

     . . . That's the last straw. . . 

     Just as Freddy turned away from me and walked off like nothing had ever happened, I completely was so boiling furious that I didn't even stop to think twice when I hurled my book straight at his head, knocking him out in seconds. 

     Watching him collapse onto the ground, I ran away as others began heading over to check out if that lawyer was alright or not.

     Although I knew he would come around sooner enough, why do I feel so messed up sometimes? 

     I could hear Jose and Patricia calling me back as the enchantress tried to paralyzed me with that cursed emblem she carried with her all the time to stop me from running away, but I was quick enough to electric stun her first before she could get to me. And I instantly made my way up the stairs, doing my best to hide. . .

     We usually never head up the stairs since it was... kind of unnecessary but I decided to take things slow and explore as much of this place as I can, in hopes to avoid the others while I'm at it.



      Basically since the manor and the school are combined together, there are a few custom floors. The rooms/main room/dining hall/kitchen/storage room are all in the 1st floor, leaving below the 1st floor a secret passage tunnel, 2nd floor would be the computer data system, etc. stuff, 3rd floor would be etc., and lastly 4th floor would be the trial room. Reason being why I say it's etc. is because I don't want to spoil all the remaining floors and it's also because I haven't thought about it yet.. And yes, I shouldn't have squeezed in all of the rooms together since I never thought about that in the first place, but mistakes happen, and I'm too lazy to change the entire chapters around so I'll keep on going...

      Oh and if you're wondering where the hunter's side is, the school is split in half! There I said it, it's one of the reasons why Vera was able to find the hunter's main room through the secret tunnel she took earlier before-- and if you're wondering how come Luca, Kreacher, Naib, and Fiona (#2) A.K.A: Fake Fiona- wasn't able to go through the tunnel to reach towards the hunter's main room, because there are more than one tunnels and they weren't going to dive in deeper since everybody was technically waiting for them to come back after the Traitor's Game. 

     Hope you don't get dizzy since I'm already dizzy explaining these things...

     -Taina Zakura- 


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