Chapter 10 -Secret-

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     Naib's P.O.V

     I can't believe what I heard when my roommate, Norton the prospector, told me about how painful it was to get hit once, and then twice from that hunter. Was it really that bad to endure? "I'm sorry to hear that," I said, feeling sorry for him, "Must be hard winning against that hunter, hm?"

     "Yeah, totally is," Norton agreed, settling down on the sofa as he lay down. "One thing's for sure, I heard that Aesop escaped, didn't he?"

     "He sure did," I wavered, unsure if he wanted to hear the news. "I don't know how to explain it to you, and I mean, I'm sure the others would tell you," I said, trying to get my point started, "But..."
     "But what?" 

     "Don't get mad," I sighed, "The hunter let him go."

     There was a moment of silence as Norton said nothing, but he didn't look quite angry. Maybe he's happy that Aesop escaped? Or confused? Though, I'm highly sure everyone around here is also dying to know what just happened. Hmm, I wonder what the hunters are wondering as well . . . 

     Hunter's P.O.V

     "Are you seriously out of your mind?!" Yidrah hissed at Joseph, as all eyes turned towards him. 

     Joseph ignored the stares as he minded his own business, taking a seat on the wooden chair- while listening to the other hunters yapping. "That's such a bold move you did back there," Bane grunted. 

     "What kind of hunter let's one survivor go?" Hastur questioned.

     "Obviously, he's hiding something," added Burke with a slight frown, "But what could it be?"

     "Maybe he was trying to trick him?" Suggested Ann. 

     "Why on earth would he do that?" Joker asked in alarm, "He certainly would've tied him to the chair already!"

     In the back of the room, Mary was the one who looked more frustrated than everybody else in the room as she stood in front of Joseph. "If I knew you were going to plan that from the start," Mary began with a cold, icy glare, "I wouldn't have let you go so easily."

     Looking back at her, Joseph smirked, "Got a problem with that?"

     Mary eyed him dangerously, "What did you just say?"

     But before she could argue any longer, Monokuma suddenly appeared out of nowhere between them. "Did I miss something?" He tilted his head at Mary, then back at Joseph, curiously wondering what's all the commotion about. 

     "Just in time," Joseph said with a small relief, as if he had been waiting for Monokuma all day, "Anyway, what's important right now is that I helped you guys score a point, isn't that enough to feel satisfied?" He turned his eyes back at everybody else in the room. 

    "Of course you did!" Monokuma agreed, then put one of his paws behind his back, "That's why I'm here to congratulate you guys for scoring that point!"

    "Even if that last survivor escaped-" Antonio said before Monokuma interrupted him--

    "It still counts as a win on your side," he explained, holding back his laugh, "So it's no point in arguing right now. Besides, it's night time so you guys should be heading back to your dorms for tomorrow's next round." 

     Leo Beck sighed, "Already?"

     "Time flies by when you're all having fun," Monokuma replied, "But anyways, now's not the best time for chit chatting," he told them. "And don't forget to be here by 8 AM sharp. You're all dismissed!" And he was gone. Just like that. 

     As everyone headed out of the main room, Joseph stood up, and walked past Mary as she watched him headed out the door, until he abruptly stopped between the doors. 

     "Just so you're wondering," he began, still turning his back at her. "I didn't spare that last survivor out of sympathy, but rather it's something that you don't see everyday."

     Mary looked a bit troubled hearing those words, as she still, didn't understand what it clearly means to her. "Are you saying you . . . " She hesitated, "Like to play this kind of game?"

     "Perhaps you're mistaken," he responded thoughtfully, "There is no such thing as liking this game, trust me." Joseph turned around to meet her eyes. "But the fear in one's faces makes it hard to resist, don't you agree?"

     "Just stop it already," she said, then her eyes turned into frustration, "What you did is unforgivable back there!"

     "Which is why you don't have any friends," Joseph counter, then immediately left the room, leaving Mary all alone. 

     Friends? Mary thought for a second, stunned. Friends? Why does that word not ring a bell to me? Then she glanced at the weapon in her hand, revealing her own reflection. Tsk tsk, Joseph. It turns out you were wrong after all, because you seem to forget one thing . . . Beauty is my friend, those mirrors you see~ are my friend. The reflection of my own is also my friend. And those who 'shall stand in my way, will never be forgotten . . . 

     Naib's P.O.V
     After a quick shower, I got into my changing clothes, and just as I was about to call in for the night, someone decided to request a favor. 

     "Hey, Naib," Norton began, "Can you do me a small favor . . . ?"

     Agreeing to his request, I went out of the door, and headed over to the kitchen to get him some drink. Luckily Monokuma gave us a map so I'm aware of my surroundings if I ever get lost in this huge place. 

     When I was about to open the door to the kitchen from the storage room, I heard footsteps coming closer behind me. With quick reflexes, I managed to pull myself into a tight corner behind one of the piles of boxes, and prayed no one would find me. 

     Hearing my heart slowly thumped, the footsteps drew a bit closer until I spotted a flashlight shining brightly in the room. Someone's here! Careful not to make a single sound, I waited patiently for that person to leave. Who could be down here at 11 P.M? Probably to get a midnight snack or so? 

     That's when I noticed a familiar-shaped figure talking to itself, "Nope, not this one, looks like we got the wrong room, Brooke."

     The small animal responded with a small hoot. Wait, that sounded like an owl! The only person I could think of as an owl lover would be . . . "Oh my-" I clasped my hands on my mouth to shut it from talking to myself. It was Eli! What was he doing down here?

     Unfortunately, I should've remained even more quieter, because then, Eli asked, "Is someone down here?"

     Then just as I was about to be caught spying-- I wouldn't even call this spying, just hiding-- someone behind him made a small sound that sounded more like a mouse squeaking on the floor. 

     Eli instantly directed the flashlight at the spy and he was surprised to find Aesop watching him, or actually, I'm surprised why he's here too. Didn't anybody come here because of the kitchen? Or had the storage room become a main attraction? 

     "What are you doing here, Aesop?" I heard Eli asked him. 

     "Um," Aesop began, "I caught you?" He sounded quite unsure, it almost made me feel sorry for him. 

     "Caught me?" Eli was taken aback at that reply. "For what?"

     "For, um..." Aesop's face was a bit flustered in the darkness, "Fine, I'll get my point straight on," he began softly-- Judging from his tone, he didn't seem like the type of guy to get mad that easily, or even being confident as well. "Unless you admit to me, are you the traitor?"

     Eli's face became startled, and he wasn't the only one, I was. I mean, Eli? The traitor? That doesn't seem quite right. 

     "You think I'm the traitor?" His voice confused, "Why would you think that?" Even his pet owl seemed to hate Aesop even more as it tried to attack him, but Eli forced his owl to hold itself back. "I-it's alright," he whispered to his owl. Then turning back to face Aesop, "Did I do something wrong to make you think that way?"

     "No... of course not," Aesop mumbled slowly, "I would...not think you were the traitor, unless you tell me...what Monokuma told you what to do."

     "Oh, that," Eli eventually sighed in relief, "That was nothing really, I assume Monokuma didn't want me to tell anybody, because he's worried that once everybody finds out that I'm his uhh, data collector, he thinks everyone would be jealous of me."

     "Data collector?" Aesop repeated. "What's that?"

     Eli replied, "It's where I'm supposed to keep all the data from each round into the computer data system." 

     "Why did he choose you?"

     "You think he'll choose Freddy?" 

     "Um, I don't see why not?"

     "I don't know, really," Eli shrugged, "I can't seem to find the computer data system room anywhere without a map."

     "I don't know either," Aesop said, "But since you told me... would you be in trouble now?"

     "Of course not," he sounded quite confident of himself. "If it's only you, I don't mind."

     "Don't forget me too," I said, as I bolted out of the boxes with a perfect landing, and both Eli and Aesop flinched instantly as they took a step back. Getting up from the ground, I patted the dust off of my clothes, "Sorry for spying on you two," I apologized hastily, "I wasn't sure if you were someone else looking for trouble."

     Eli shook his head casually, "Just as I thought Aesop's the only one who knows my secret, now you too?"

     "Like I was about to say," I began, "I won't tell anybody about your little secret, so don't worry," I promised. 

     "Well, I guess it's nice to hear that," Eli replied, "Mind telling me your name?"

     "Call me Naib is fine," I introduced myself, "I'm the Mercenary."

     "Well, I'm Eli and this is my good friend, Aesop," Eli told me, even though I already knew their names by heart, I tried my best to act like this is my first time hearing that--

     "Nice to meet you Eli and Aesop," I said, meeting their eyes, then I swiftly remembered about Norton's request. Ah shoot, I almost forgot about him! "Well, if you excuse me now," I respectfully began, opening the door to the kitchen, "But I'll just be on my way. Good night to you two!"

     "Night," Eli waved back and Aesop nodded. 




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