Chapter 8 -Unexpected-

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      Monokuma: I wish I made it clear about the NO Ships policy, but . . . Oops, did I spoil a hint just now? Puhuhuhu, too bad, might not be so clever in hiding that away from me, because I'm Monokuma! Ahahahah hahaha!!

      Taina Zakura (the author): Quite down there, Monokuma! *Ahem* Sorry if I decided to bring Monokuma with me, because .... Sadly, I'm here to tell you readers/detectives some bad news...  Okay, so the bad news is that 'Part of me felt like doing a ship, but part of me somewhat did not.'  It really doesn't matter, since this game is too early to ruin the fun though.

      Monokuma: Wha, wha, what? Why tell them now, you spoiler!

     Taina Zakura: "ME? A Spoiler?! Didn't I hear you say 'Did I spoil a hint just now?' Oh please, Monokuma, I'm just trying to tell them the news!

     Monokuma: Puhuhuhu, by telling your readers so early? Definitely a spoiler here! Besides, I'm Monokuma, and I never said anything about me being a spoiler!

     Taina Zakura: Ah, my apologies, now let me do the talking, Monokuma, before my reputation is ruined because of you!"

     Monokuma: You're the one to talk too-

     Taina Zakura: Hey readers! Understand that I'm a totally different type of shipper-- when that happens in the story, so ... You can probably tell I don't really agree with many people's ships. But if you're not okay with this, then I have no choice but to admit, "I'm Sorry, and also- don't hate me! I'm trying to do my best here!" The reason why I'm saying part of me doesn't want to do the ship was because I'm not very accurate at ships, since we all have different opinions. (I might even trick you into thinking they're together, but I'm just bluffing, really.)

     Monokuma: .... So lame ... You call that understanding?

    Taina Zakura: Anyways, back to the story! Oh and please don't forget to cheer on your favorite characters! They are also trying their best to stay alive!! Hmmm...? Did I sense something wrong by the looks on your faces? Ah, you must be thinking about that traitor (totally guessed it, right?) in the story. Not too worry, it's only the beginning so you can't tell which one of them is who. But I can give you guys a major hint: The traitor is actually a Survivor. Yep, you heard right! The traitor is one of the survivors! LOL, don't you love when I troll you? Sorry, my bad. 

     Monokuma: *Snores while sleeping*

     Taina Zakura: Oh come on! My jokes are hilarious, are they not? *Ahem* Sorry, 'bout that-- On to the story as the author 'shall say!"  (Starts flossing fortnite style)

     Monokuma: Stop ... Just stop what you're saying/doing. Completely childish you are...

     Taina Zakura: (Exit the stage) My career is over . . . Monokuma bested me. Ouch.

Aesop's P.O.V

     What's taking so long? Plus, how long do I have to wait? It must have taken quite a while there, because the world around me still is dark around here. Just as I was about to give up waiting, I found myself sitting on a chair. In front of me was a long white table, and there sat my teammates. At that exact moment, the image around me grew light, and I could finally see what was going on. We're in some kind of waiting room, like I expected to. 

     "Just so you guys don't get tired of waiting," Monokuma explained, appearing out of nowhere in front of us. "I provided a waiting room," he told us. 

     Tracy and Norton sat on the right side of me while Kurt sat on the left side of me. It was totally strange how I thought this game would go faster, but it turns out- waiting takes longer. 

     "Thanks, but how long do we wait?" Tracy pouted with her lips, "I'm getting kind of bored here."

     "Have a little more patience, won't ya?" Monokuma said, "Unfortunately, there is a little bit of a mix-up in the Hunter's side and I did spend a little time stealing the spotlight from Tai- Whoops, can't reveal the name! But not to worry!" He added a little too quickly, "The game will begin momentarily!" 

     And then he left. 

     Tai-? Well, that's a completely different story here. . . What is he hiding now?

     Still, on the other hand, the hunter we're probably about to face next could be a bit more dangerous than the one Lucky Guy faced, so I better be on guard... And that's when everything around me turned into darkness. The game has now begun. 

     . . . . . . . . . 

     And I did it. I finally escaped, barely making it out alive. 

     As I entered back into the room with everybody else, I didn't say anything, just shook my head, and I sat down on the ground. Never would I ever imagine to come across a very intelligent hunter like him. Never. I'm so exhausted, I could barely even mutter a single word.

     "Are you alright, Aes-?" I heard Emily began, but Kevin interrupted her-

     "He's alright," Kevin answered for me, "Just cut him some slack and he'll forget what just happened."

     "How can you say that?" Emily argued, "At least we have to make sure he's alright," her eyes melt into pure sadness, "We're friends."

     I met her eyes, but for some reason, don't feel like talking about it. What I had witnessed was not what I had expected, but more importantly . . . Why? Why did he . . . Let me go? I deserved to meet the same fate as the others, but why not me?

     Does that mean the others who are in those rocket chairs are gone? Are they dead? Alive? What happened to them? And if they are dead, shouldn't I be the one to embalm them? But they flew out of the map didn't they? Where had they gone too?

     "Ahem," Monokuma announced, waiting for the entire room to be silent. "Now, now," he began, "You might wonder where are the other three who lost the 2nd round?" Then continued on, "Well, there gone, Poof!"

     "What?!" Everyone around me gasped in horror. Even I noticed the boy with the owl didn't seem surprised either, neither am I as well. 

     "There must be a mistake!" I heard Martha argued.

     "That's not fair at all!" Kreacher seemed pretty frustrated as well. 

     "Unbelievable," Vera said. "Unacceptable."

     Before the survivors got worked up arguing, Monokuma laughed right in our faces. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" 

     "Is something funny, Monokuma?" Patricia asked, though, I was also wondering that as well. 

     Monokuma recovered quickly, "Ha ha, oh no!" He said, "It's just, I've seen better expressions like this one before!"

     "So you're bluffing," Freddy confirmed, "You were trying to wipe our hopes up, aren't you?"

     Monokuma tilted his head curiously, "Wipe your hopes up?" he repeated that statement, "Perhaps," he said, "Anyways, I was only kidding around."

     (Taina Zakura: Stop it Monokuma, you were also about to scare my readers away!)

     "No can do!" Monokuma replied with satisfaction. 

     We all stare at him in confusion, "Wait, so they aren't alive?" Asked Emma. 

     "What? Did I say something wrong?" Monokuma looked a bit stressed. "Sorry, I was talking to the author! And yes, they are alive for now."

     Author? Who's author? Now that makes me even more confused as to whether or not Monokuma is acting kind of strange here. However, I wouldn't compare him to Lucky Guy of course... Though, is there someone named Author here? Could that be related to someone who we don't know? 

    "Author?" Mike asked, "There's a person called Author here?" 

     "No," Monokuma snapped, "Forget I just said anything!" 

     (Taina Zakura: Ooohhhh~)

     "Anyways," Monokuma said, "They should be back just about ... now." At that exact moment, the door to another room opened as Tracy, Norton, and Kurt all crashed into each other with a thud onto the floor. Huh, so Monokuma wasn't kidding this time. 

     Emily was the first to take action as she went over to them, checking if they were alright. We're all surprised to see them make it out alive after we lost the entire round. And I also felt a bit relieved for them as well, just because I felt bad for them. Luckily, all of them remained in one piece, and no injuries were made after the game was over. However, they don't look so well after coming back. Kind of reminded me of how terrified it was to face Joseph. Or, I think that's what he told me his name was. . . 

     "How are you guys feeling? Any better?" Demi asked, rushing over to see if they needed help.

     "I think I'm fine?" Kurt replied, touching his head, "A little bit dizzy coming back, that's all."

     "My head hurts as well," Tracy said, holding her stomach, "I think I'm going to puke!"

     "Me too," Norton agreed, sighing, "Though, I think I might need to sit down for a moment."

     Monokuma beam, "Oh, don't worry! I set up your rooms in the Manor so all of you guys can chill for a while," he told us, "Besides, night time is approaching, so I guess you could say you're all safe for now but tomorrow, let's resume the game, 'shall we?" And with that, he disappeared. 

     Rooms? We have rooms? Since when is it already night time? We've only been here less than a few hours, but it must have felt like time passed by so fast in the outside world. As I watched everybody curiously headed out of the room, we were amazed to see the hallways filled with doors. 

     Each of the doors had names and photos of our faces planted on the doors. Sensing the shivers running down my spine, I prayed that I never want to encounter that hunter again. As I left the group, I went over to check where my room was. Passing by many other doors along the way, I found myself looking at my own face in the picture with my name titled: Aesop Carl but next to mine seemed to belong to someone else: Eli Clark. Does that mean I have to share a room with him?

     How long does it take for Monokuma to write name plates with our faces up on the doors? And when did he have them taken? All of these questions don't seem to have an answer unless I asked Monokuma later on. 

     Before I was about to open my room, a hand touched my left shoulder behind me, and I flinched a little. "Hey, Aesop," said a familiar voice, "Mind if I have a word with you?" 

     Turning around to find the owl boy, I could only sigh in relief, "Oh, it's you," I mumbled slowly. But even when I said that, I actually didn't know him that much. "Um, who are you exactly?" 

     He was wearing a mysterious, black robe with a navy-blue hoodie wrapped around his shoulders. His thin brown scars appeared under his black blindfold with a weird symbol embedded on it. To me, the symbol was round with wings, does it represent his pet owl that he has on his shoulder? Even so, it doesn't exactly look like a bird. Anyways, he appears to be wearing a pair of black and brown gloves with a brown belt attached onto his waist. 

     "Eli," he replied, letting go of my shoulder, "My name's Eli Clark."

     So he's my roommate!   
     "I'm Aesop Carl," I said softly, then raised my curiosity, "So, how can you see where you're going ... without bumping into that wall over there?"

     "Pardon?" Eli looked a bit startled.

     Thinking that he didn't understand my question, I repeated it again. "How can you see ... where you're going ... with that blindfold on?" I tried again slowly. 

     "Oh," he hesitated, "I'm actually blind," he told me, as if that explained how he can see through his surroundings. Hearing this, I got even more confused. 

     "Shouldn't you have a cane with you?" I asked politely. 

     "A cane? For what reason?" 

     "Doesn't anyone who's blind use a cane?" 

     Eli froze in shock at my response, then slowly recovered, "Ah, I forgot to mention that I have my owl with me-"

     "Yeah, but ... how does your owl have ... anything to do with you ... knowing where to go without bumping into objects?" I asked, accidentally interrupting him. 

     Feeling rather a bit guilty for not explaining it clearly, Eli tried again, "My owl and I share a connection that allows me to see and know my surroundings," he explained thoroughly. "This is actually my ability as a seer."

     Hearing this, I kind of started to understand what he meant. . . "Oh, I think I get it now," I said, sensing his shoulders relaxed a bit. "Your owl's the cane, right?"

     "What?" Eli's shoulder suddenly flinched, including his pet owl who looked mortified at my response, fell off from his shoulder as if it wasn't alive.

     "Something wrong?" I asked them, still confused why they looked somewhat pale. Hmm, I guess by the looks on their faces, I think my answer was correct after all.

     Seeing his owl flapping in panic on the ground, Eli quickly leaned over and whispered to his pet-- as if what he's saying doesn't affect me, "It's alright Brooke, you're not a cane," then paused for a second, "Or at least, you don't have the appearance of one." Getting up, he turned his attention on me. "Sorry, just trying to calm my companion down."

     "I don't see why not," I said calmly, then realized something I haven't noticed earlier. "Come inside," I opened the door, "It's better not to talk out here."

     "But I haven't found my room-"

     I pointed at the door, "It appears we are roommates."

     And that's the last straw his owl fainted. Again. 






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