Chapter 16 -Bad situation-

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     William's P.O.V:

     We never expected to find Freddy lying on the ground in a pool of blood. It was as if he'd just been murdered all of a sudden. "It can't be," Murro gasped from behind me. 

     "I'm guessing one of the traitors got to him first," I said, analyzing the body. "Darn, he must've gotten guts to make it this far across."

     Freddy's clothes were mostly covered in red blood and so was the floor around him. At the corner of my eyes, something caught my attention. There was a single word written next to Freddy. It wrote: Hahaha. 

     "Is this a joke?" Naib asked out loud. "Because if it is, this is not funny at all."

     "It isn't, that's for sure," Luca replied, crossing his arms. "So, what do we tell the others then?"

     Before anyone of us could answer, we started hearing someone chuckling near us. It was... Freddy? We watched in horror as Freddy got up from the ground, laughing to himself. What the hell's wrong with him?! I wanted to scream. 

     "Hahaha, can't you guys take a joke?" Freddy laughed right in front of our faces. One thing's for sure, he didn't look like he's in pain. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this is not my blood. It's cow's blood from the kitchen."

     "You seriously found that in the kitchen?" I heard myself saying. "Why you little piece of shoot!"

     "Okay, we get it, let's calm down now," Murro quickly intervened me before I could get myself in front of Freddy. "We don't need any violence and cursing right now."

      "But can't you see he's playing us like a fiddle?" I argued, "That scared the heck out of us!"

      Naib sighed as he turned to Freddy, "Is this what you called a sick joke?"

     "Relax guys," Freddy shrugged like it was no-big-of-a-deal. "It was only a prank," and then he added, "I can't believe you guys think I am so stupid to die first in this game."

     I snapped, "Well, that prank of yours ain't worth my time!"

     "Tsk, I'm a lawyer, don't you think a lawyer can handle this game by himself?" Freddy smiled boldly. "Trust me, I've been through worst already, and it's not my fault you guys messed up pretty badly."

     This guy had the right to accused us?! How dare he?!

     Before things could go badly worse between us, Luca pulled me back while Naib pulled Freddy back, away from our fist fight. "We won't go anywhere if we continued to fight like this," Murro sighed in frustration, "Just, can we please head back to the main room? Surely we can find the others waiting for us by now."

     Letting us go, I still hadn't forgotten to watch out for Freddy as we all headed out towards the main room. . .

     Eli's P.O.V:

     Wandering along the corridors with my friend, Aesop, we soon found ourselves back where we came from. Is this some kind of trap? A prank? No matter how fast or slow we turned from one corner to the next, we kept going back the same way where we once left off. 

     "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him. 

     Aesop answered with a shrug, and I take it that he doesn't know where the main room is either. As long as I'm with Aesop, I knew our chances of going to the main room would be better since two minds are better than one. 

     Just as we're turning from the right corner again, I noticed a pathway we've never came across before. Even looking at Aesop, he's probably thinking the same thing as well. This is it...

     Hastily, we walked over there and I remembered a familiar room with a door. "Hey, Aesop," I began, "Is this the same room where we'd been last night?"

     "It's... the storage room," Aesop replied back softly. 

     "Strange, I don't remember it being here," I said my thoughts out loud. "Perhaps this storage room have more than one entrance if I could remember exactly."

     Aesop nodded slowly, but I still felt like he doubted me. For some reason, we still haven't found the others yet. Not to mention following the culprit was a bad idea, a trap, actually. Or it's kind of what I think it is. 

     Heading inside the storage room, everything was dark so I groped my hands on the wall, trying to find the switch until I caught a slight bump on my finger, and I immediately flicked it up. Suddenly, the lights above us flash brightly, filling the entire room and corners visible to see through. 

     As we looked around, I heard a voice coughing somewhere around the room. . . 

     Vera's P.O.V:

     Sitting down on the ground was a lot painful than I thought. Oh how it was so terrible of me to think that everything could've been a lot safer if I never went into the kitchen in the first place to get a drink of water! 

     But that's when I realized the darkness around me grew bright. Someone turned on the lights! Oh, please don't let it be the traitor! I can't die here, not alone!! Trying to stay silent, I accidentally got dust in my mouth and I started coughing pretty badly. 

     "Who's there?" I heard someone asked, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching towards me.

    I was hiding behind a couple of boxes, heart pounding. Until, I was relieved to find Eli and Aesop's faces appeared, looking down at me. Although when they got close to me, they all must've seen a ghost because Eli hesitated all of a sudden (Aesop really needs to fix his emotions because I can't tell if he's shock or just plain normal when he saw me). But Eli's face looked at me in horror when he opened his mouth, except no words came out, and I could tell something's wrong...

     "What?" I demanded, wondering if the boys were thinking about leaving me here. Or maybe they never expected me to sit here by myself, since this is kind of unusual to find me here. "You never saw a girl before?" I said with a straight face. 

     "Umm," Eli began, "Vera, a-are you alright?"

     Standing up slowly as I clung to the wall for support, I sighed. "No, I'm not alright," I responded with a sad expression on my face. "I-I was attacked a moment ago in the kitchen with Fiona."

     "By the traitor?" 
     "Y-yes," I stammered. 

     "You look like you've been through hell," he commented, and I wasn't sure if I took that as a compliment or a comment, but I dislike neither of it so it doesn't matter right now. 

     I looked down at myself, my clothes covered some bits of my blood. "Just a few minor scratches when I was trying to escape," I told them. "But I don't think I could walk properly as you can see, my legs aren't quite working very well." Gently, I sat down onto the floor once again, coughing.

     Aesop's P.O.V:

     Vera didn't look so good at this moment, and I could tell my friend, Eli, is struggling on what to do. For a moment as I stared at Vera, and then at my small suitcase that I'd always carried around, I suddenly realize the answer to the problem. 

     And then I heard the familiar voice in my head again. "Aeosp..." It sounded like someone whom I knew before, but where had this voice come from? And why was it so familiar? Somehow, I realized the answer was something about losing my memories, because I knew nothing about why I'm here... But I do, fortunately, know what I'm capable of. 

     "Vera," I began gently, and she looked up at me curiously. "I know you do want this... and don't deny it... do you feel pain right now?"

     She eyed me suspiciously, "Well then, what else do you think?" Vera snapped, "I'm in pain already and I want this to end so badly!"

     That's when I made my move as I opened the suitcase slowly on the table, before saying, "Then would you mind... letting death be your wish?"

     "No!" Vera yelled at me, eyes widening. "Like I told you on the first day here, living is better than wishing to die! A fool would believe the opposite, and that includes you!"

     "Um, Aesop," Eli hesitated quietly, "W-what do you think you're doing right now? Don't you think it's better to find Emily first, she could heal her-"

     "No," I interrupted, still keeping my voice soft and calm. And then I turned around, pulling out a bromide hydrate (highly toxic body preserver) out of the suitcase. Instead of being powdered, it was already mixed in with the liquid, enough for a person to swallow it with one gulp. "Then if you're not going to accept death... please allow death to accept you first," I said, walking towards her. 

     Vera must've been terrified of this, because she was now trembling in fear. "N-no, wait! I don't want to die! I'm begging you, leave me alone!" 

     (Obviously, this is a lot to take in. The fact that everything's happening very quickly, makes me so dizzy. Anyways, thanks for reading!)





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