Chapter 42 -Alive + Don't Bully Kazuichi's Note!-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     *Flashback before the incident*

      After hearing someone trying to break open the door to my room, I scrambled into hiding under my bed. Although it was a stupid idea, it's the least I could do to remain hidden as much as possible! And with barely a few hiding places left to find in this room, I'm not sure if I really want to know who's coming after me--


     The door automatically opened and this time, I was really quiet as my heart started to pound... Not even daring to peak at who's coming to find me or who's trying to get to me in this way,  I remained silent as much as I could until....

     "Stop hiding," an unfamiliar voice broke the silence. "I know you're in here, Lucky Guy... Be a good boy and come on out~" It said with a soft, dangerous voice. 

    However, I wasn't easily fooled so I said nothing, nor did I move an inch...


    "Or we can do it the hard way and I'll make you suffer so much, your nothing but a sick little puppet," the voice replied, and I could hear the figure trying to find me as it opened the closet, but realized that I wasn't there.

     As I watched from below, I could see this stranger has a long cloak that is reached onto the ground, combat boots, a knife blade on one hand while the other hand carried a gun...

     And after carefully searching the bathroom and then the two beds, it all comes down to one....

     And the stranger knew.... where I was hiding....

     Just as the the mysterious figure walked over to my side of the bed, I could feel my heart pounding as it got down on one knees, and was about to peer down when all of a sudden--

     We heard some voices coming from the outside....

     It's... Martha and Naib! 

     Oh shoot... if they come in here, they'll get killed! I...I can't let that happen... but, what can I even do? 

     The attacker quickly hid behind the corner of the closet that's right next to do the door, and waited for the two to come in... 

     . . . . . 

     And before I could warn the others about the ambush, I felt my body collapse as I accidentally pulled the switch right next to me, causing it to trigger and for me to fall right through the hole that is under my bed. . .


     Although I was worried I might fall towards my death, it didn't take long for my answer to show up...

     I didn't.

     It was only a few seconds of falling until I hit my back with a thud and collapsed onto the ground... And that's when I heard it... Gun shots.... 


     They're in danger... Must save... them........ before....... before they......  


     I lost my consciousness. 

     *End of Flashback*

      A few hours later~

      Oh, so that's what happened... Man, I couldn't believe I've been in this.... absolutely no-idea-where-I-am, and I.... Darn, I'm really exhausted... What time is it anyway? Evening? Night? Morning? Dawn?

     Brushing dust off of my clothes, I let out a small sneeze. . . 

     Rubbing my head to sooth its pain, I was able to recall all the things that had happened. . . And I didn't like it one bit...

     What am I supposed to do now? 

     Glancing around my surroundings, I was able to see that I was in some sort of tunnel, and when there's a tunnel... there is usually... a secret entrance.... All this time, under my bed was another secret tunnel that I never knew about?

     Gee, what luck does that have to do with me?

  And the strangest thing of all... was that the tunnels were all lit with torches... 


     Someone has been down here not too long ago....


     Thanks for reading Chapter 42! Pardon me if this was the shortest chapter I have ever written that is less than 1000 words, but since chapter 41 was up to 2000 words, I'll cut this down into a minimum, and excuse my grammar as I do my best to correct them... And it's not because I'm lazy, I have other things I have to do to relax my stress, but I hope you guys don't mind and I know many of you don't mind. So thank you!

     And as for a bonus note, I don't know why in a quick match today, a few players in survivors were bullying and making fun of poor Kazuichi in Danganronpa 2... A player with the first officer was like this when he saw someone's name was Kazuichi (gardener user): 

First officer user: "Miss Soniiaaa"

First officer user: "Mis soniaaaa"

First officer user: "Miss soniaaaaaaaaa"

Luca user: "Soda can"

Helena user: "HQHQHQ" (I think it's abbreviated as hahaha)

First officer user: "PLEASE I'M P**ing"

Gardener user: "Lol"

Helena user: "Soda would make a great peach souda"

Luca user: "Kazuichi can"

First officer user: "Wait, I actually gotta p** hunter. If you kill me while I'm p**ing, you're a meanie."

Luca: "Lmaooo"

     I'm not sure if this is called toxic or whatever, but whoever bullies and teases Kazuichi just because of his name and that he has a crush on Sonia, will face the wrath of BQ, and that's what I did~! And guess what? After I tied one of them down and headed over to the other side, I saw the player using the first officer was doing exactly that (though he was just standing there, not even decoding or saving what-so-ever, and pretending to do his own 'business').

     What a douche bag these players were. But hooray, I hit him down, tied him into the chair, and after someone saved him while I was busy hunting down the other survivors, he left early just like that (leaving his team alone)! Ah Hah, now that's what he and the others get... Bruh, I thought I was going to play a nice hunter for today, but then these gamers got no brains of who they're messing with. 

Anyway, thanks for reading! Sorry I have to censor that word up there, that is so disgusting, I want to puke... Bleh!

     Oh and besides taking revenge for Kazuichi, I really disliked when the user with the first officer can be the judge of what he's doing-- he doesn't have to say that out loud! Like dude, no manners! (Which is why I taught them a valuable lesson in the end. Depending if they were really toxic or not, this is unacceptable in my opinion so that's why I'm saying this here).

     And yes, I'll happily accept I'm a meanie just because I'm doing it for Kazuichi (not the user with that name, since they all surrendered when I really wanted to bully them some more, but I knew they didn't started this mess, just some typical bystanders) <3

     And uh... I guess if you're reading this, pretend I never told you this would happen-- Since I was frustrated at these players so I wrote it here for a reason... or it might be just me? I dunno...

    -Taina Zakura-

    #Don'tBullyKazuichi  #HappyFriday


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