Chapter 43 -I'm the Traitor! I'm the Traitor! I'm the Traitor!-

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      Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

      "W-what are you doing here?" I suddenly heard someone behind me asked, forcing me to jump in surprise. And it was then did I figure my theory was correct...

     I wasn't alone....

      Immediately, I whirled around to meet a familiar figure hiding in the shadows... It was really hard to see since it wasn't near the torch light, but when it got closer to me... I could sort of take a guess who it might be judging by the outfit and the expression...

     "Naib?" I began as he stumbled to get over to me, "W-what happened to yo--" And I didn't have to ask... I should've already known by now that this would happen... "Oh my god, are you alright? Do you need some help?"

     "I want to say that 'I'm okay,'" Naib answered back before slowly putting himself down onto the ground to rest, "But on the other hand, I'm really not alright."

     Hearing this, I sighed, "Guess we're both stuck down here together then..." Until I felt shivers running down my spine as I stared closely at Naib, and thousands of questions rushed through me...

     What is he doing down here? How did he get down here? What happened up there? Where's Martha? Where's the attacker? Who's the attacker? Am I with a traitor? Would Naib hurt me? Of course not, right? He's injured! Unless... unless he's faking it!! That's gotta be the reason why he's down here... so he can have an alibi that he's been with me this whole time so that he wouldn't be suspicious as a--



     I nervously sat down near him so I could act like everything was normal, but to me, it wasn't... "H-hey, Naib," I did my best to sound like myself, even though it's a bit difficult as my voice started to shake a little. "C-can you tell me what happened back there? Like how did you get down here?"

     I was expecting him to give me a reasonable answer, somewhere like, "Oh, we were ambushed and got rid of the attacker just to find you," or, "I found a secret tunnel under the bed so I decided to check it out afterwards to find you," but instead, he said nothing....

     "Um, Naib?" 


     "Can you tell me what happened?"

     "...What do you mean?"

     Oh Shoot... Shoot....... SHOOT!!!!! 

     If he doesn't tell me what happened sooner enough... I..... I can't..... I can't even.... can't even trust him!!!!


     Seeing the look on my face as I trembled in fear, I instantly got up from the ground, and took a step back away from him. . . 

     "Lucky Guy, what are you doing?" Naib's expression was written in confusion and pain, "Don't you trust me?"

     "Not if you don't explain w-what's going on up there," I replied back, taking a few cautious steps away from him. "Or how else would I trust you?"

     "Oh, right, I forgot about that," Naib let out his breath in silence, "Forgive me, but I just woke up."

     "Woke up?" I repeated.

     "Yes, I woke up after a short coma on my head."

     "....So was I...." I faltered, unsure whether that was a reasonable answer to trust him... "I heard gunshots, what happened?"

     The mercenary took a deep breath before saying, "I got shot after trying to save.... to save..... Ah shoot, I forgot who I was with earlier!"

     "You don't remember?" I gasped, covering my mouth. 

    "Not that I couldn't help it," he looked almost as torn and confused as me, and I don't blame him... at least, not now.... 

    . . . . .

     He regretted sadly, "Now that I think about it... after the person that I saved earlier ran off... getting some... help I guess?" He hesitated as he thought this carefully, "The devil mask attacker came back and.... knocked me out... and I guess that's why I'm here?"

     "Why are you saying this as if you're confused, Naib?" I questioned him, hoping he could tell me this honestly. 

     "Y-you don't trust me?" He seemed taken aback by my words.

     "N-no, no, I trust you," I tried my best to calm him down, hoping I could at least try not to provoke him if he wasn't so innocent like I thought.... "A-anyways, let's talk about getting out of here."

     Naib shook his head to disagree, "Like I wanted to tell you, I can't walk properly," then added, "Don't forget, I'm in a lot of pain here."

     Ah shoot, shoot, shoot... I almost forgot about that part.... But should I try to convince him that he could walk? Or was he acting like he couldn't but could? Th-this doesn't make any sense at all! 

     Whatever, as long as I can get him to trust me, he... might not show his bad side... but at least I could try to trust him.... oh please don't let me die here if he tricked me--!

      "Oh yeah," He suddenly interrupted my thoughts. "Forgot to mention, if you're thinking if I'm the traitor, I actually am."

     What... what.... what... what... what... what.. what...???!!!!!

     "Excuse me?" 

     As I watched his expression turn into a frown, he tried again to explain it clearly, "I'm the traitor," and another look of horror passed his face. "Wait, wait, wait... what am I saying? I'm the traitor, yes! I'm the traitor! N- YES! I am! I Am!! I AM!!!"

     He started shouting those words and I couldn't help but cover my ears. "Um, calm down, I can hear you but please, don't say that so loud, I'm right here!" 

     But his face was stunned as he shook his head like he'd seen a ghost, "I'm the traitor," he said weakly... 

     At first when I heard him confess that, I wanted to run away that badly... But then my guts stopped me as I turned back to face him... And he was still there, sitting down, looking depressed and I realized he wasn't faking his injuries alright.... They were real.... Not even wanting to chase after me....

    Does he... know what a traitor is? 

     "Um," I paused as we stood there in silence, unmoving... "A-are you alright, Naib?"

     He ignored me. Completely. 


     "I... am.... a.... t--"

     "I get it, I get it, I get it," I rushed my words impatiently, tired of hearing those words again. "But why, Naib? Why tell me this? What happened to you??"

     And that's when he glared at me and I could guess this reaction accurately... He's not happy with how I'm responding... 

     Just as I thought he might come chasing after me, probably got a knife in his sleeves or something, instead... he looked away from me.... "I am a traitor," he repeated again, but only this time, he shook his head at me as if.... as if he couldn't believe he said that... or....  maybe...... he's trying to tell me something....


     Alrighty, I'll stop here, and thanks for reading!! I might need to tone down those confusions sooner enough so it later wouldn't be rushed, my bad! I just wanted to make each chapter have their own unique mysteries and confusions that'll later be solved in later chapters so it would be more exciting, and less boring! 

     -Taina Zakura-



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