Chapter 51 -So Close to Exposing the Traitor!-

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     Norton's P.O.V: "Prospector"

     The next morning when I woke up, I was shocked and also relieved to find my roommate sleeping on his bed peacefully. 

     How long was he even there? I thought to myself as I fully dressed and prepared for this morning's game. Well, whatever, at least he's safe and sound, I guess...

     "Good morning everyone!" Monokuma's announcement rang in the speakers. "It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine!" Then adding with some excitement in his voice, "Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day, survivors and hunters! Don't forget, be there in the Main Room at 7:30 a.m. sharp!" 

      And then he was gone... 

     Walking over to the mercenary, I was about to wake him up when I suddenly noticed he was wearing some bandages wrapped on his arm. 

     One thing's for sure, something doesn't look right, now that I think about it a little longer... 

     "Naib," I shook his shoulders gently, "Naib, wake up." 

     "Hmm?" Naib's eyes fluttered open as he gave me a confusing look. 

     "It's 7 a.m." I informed him, "Monokuma's probably expecting us to arrive in the manor right now, but um, what happened last night?"

     He held up one of his fingers at me, indicating to give him a moment as he went slowly towards the bathroom, and closed the door behind him. 

     I guess he needs to get ready first before he tells me anyway...

     . . . 

     After he was all done and prepared for today, we headed out in the hallway together, not even speaking to each other...

     I guess he was tired, judging by the look on his face, so I decided to cut him some slack, and minded my own business. And when we finally got to the dining hall for some quick breakfast, mostly everyone was there eating and talking... 

     Until I realized how some of the survivors were giving us weird glances, but I suspected it was because we arrived kind of late and also the fact that Naib had just returned. Fortunately for me, I was right as I caught Martha rushing over to us from the table. 

     "Naib! Oh there you are, thank heavens!" Martha exclaimed, her face beaming with joy and relief, "I've been so worried about you and the attack, I--ack, just am so thankful you've finally come back!"

     She stood there, smiling silently as she waited for us to respond, and that's when it clicked me... 

      How am I supposed to give her the full answers? Like, I'm surprised and shocked that Naib came back last night, but... I don't even know what's going on either... 

      I looked at Naib for some explanations, but then I caught him avoiding our gazes all of a sudden... as if he doesn't want to tell us the truth... 

      "I don't want to disappoint you as much, Martha," I began, "But I don't know what happened to him either, so I can't give you the whole story here except that he probably arrived in our room last night when I was sleeping."

     . . . . 

      Giving a direct sigh, Martha's eyes examined Naib from top to bottom. "Looks to me he has bandages on," Martha said quietly after a few seconds, then her eyes darted around the room as if she was searching for someone in particular. 

     Who's she trying to look for, I wonder? 

      "If you're trying to look for Emily, forget it," we heard a familiar voice behind us. 

      Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

      "If you want to know what happened to Naib," I began, "I found him under the ground last night while we're trapped in there."

      Martha gave me a strange look before asking, "And how exactly did you guys get under the groun--"

      --I'm going to have to dodge this question--

     "As much as I wanted to share with you and the others the info... Sadly, I can't," I interrupted her. 

     Actually, it's only the benefit-of-the-good, because... there's something else I wanted to confirm next... 

     "Why's that?" Helena joined in the conversation as she headed over to us with her cane. "You don't trust us?"

     Ugh, what's this got to do with trust?  I wanted to tell her, but decided to keep my mouth shut as the others began to surround us for answers. 

     "So what if you two were trapped under the ground?" Tracy putted uncomfortably, "How does that explain how you two got out on your own?"

     I let out a breath, unsure how to explain this... Do I tell them Freddy rescued us? That Emily was the one who healed Naib's wound? That we were discussing about the missing student last night and the diary we found from....? 

     Gazing back up at the crowd, my eyes carefully searched around me, but just as I expected... Luca was sitting at the end of the table, his head resting on the table without even bothering to  touch his food...

     He looks almost miserable, I must say... And tired.... 

     "Are you going to ignore her question or are you going to answer that willingly?" Snapped Freddy, then he directed his message at me, "Do you know how shocked and surprised I was to find you in our room this morning? You automatically jump-scare me!" 

     Speak for yourself, thief.  I wanted to respond back. You were the one that jumped-scare yourself after you decided to scream right in front of my face while I was sleeping... What. A. Liar. You. Are...

     I shook my head steadily, "That's not important right now," I told him and also to the rest of the survivors in the room, "I'll explain everything when I have time about my disappearance..." Then I stared back at Naib apologetically, "And I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a whole new level."

     No One's P.O.V: "Shh.."

     After Lucky Guy told everyone that Naib couldn't speak properly but quite the opposite and that he was suffering a little from amnesia, the others were startled and stunned as they now faced a huge problem...

     "Do you guys think Naib was drugged?" Asked Margaretha. 

     "Or maybe it was a prank?" Jose added. 

     . . . 

     "What if the attacker in the devil-mask came back to finish Naib off?" Kurt suggested. "That would explain what happened to him for sure."

     "You jerk," Tracy grumbled before getting to her point, "If the attacker was to finish Naib off, he would've been DEAD BY NOW!"

     "Ack-Stop yelling for god sake, Tracy!" Kurt immediately clamped his ears tight with his hands. "God you're so annoying!"

     Seeing his reactions, the mechanic stuck her tongue out at him, "Bleh, serve you right for trying to talk trash behind my back, Mister Meany!" 

     "Why you--"

     "Stop," Freddy halted both of them, "There's no need to fight, at least... Not at a time like this."

     "Hmph," Tracy pouted at him, "Weren't you that guy who got smacked down by a silly diary by that prisoner?"

     The lawyer's face turned a little red, but then he shrugged it off like it was nothing. "Yeah, that was my bad for starting something bad, alright."

     Listening in closely, Lucky Guy was surprised at how Freddy was taking this situation calmly this time.....

     "See?" Tracy smiled innocently with her eyes closed in relief, "So there's no reason for you to get so worked up--"

    "Although, I must say," Freddy sighed in disappointment, "You really caught yourself in a trap, haven't you, mechanic?"

     "Huh?" Her eyes widened in surprise. "W-what do you mean?"

     "H-hey, what's going on?" Kevin frowned, confused at where this conversation was leading to. "Weren't we just talking about Naib before? How had she gotten into a trap just now?"

     Sensing what needs to be said, Freddy was about to expose her right there in front of everyone until... Until, Lucky Guy had gotten to the point of what Freddy was trying to do, and before the lawyer could utter a single word, Lucky Guy took his diversion as a sign of weakness to stop the exposure--

     "Hey!" Lucky Guy shouted, getting everyone's full attention as he pointed at the clock on the wall, "It's almost 7:30 a.m. Remember, we're to arrive in the main room before the game starts." He then paused to emphasize his words cautiously, "Monokuma doesn't want us to be late, so let's not make him wait or else... or else what punishment he has for us if we fail to comply with his orders."

     Everybody in the room thought for a few seconds and nodded immediately as if they agreed with Lucky Guy and began exiting the dining hall. Even Tracy was right behind them as she abruptly stopped and gave Freddy a cold, icy glare before following the rest of the survivors, and left. And after that, Luca woke up from his rest on the table, and followed the others slowly... 

     Soon, it didn't take long before Lucky Guy and Freddy were alone in the dining hall together...

     Avoiding Freddy's accusing stare, Lucky Guy started to explain himself, "Listen, Freddy," he faltered without meeting his eyes, "This might look bad, but even if you did caught something that I just caught as well, it doesn't make you a good lawyer if you keep on exposing them out for the world to hear."

     "What the heck do you mean?" Freddy pointed at Lucky Guy on his chest, "I thought we're on the same team here!" 

     "We are!" Lucky Guy answered, his eyes steadily grew in pain, and that made Freddy confused even more as Lucky Guy tried again, "And I'm sure you know why I have to stop you before it's too late." 

      Freddy's P.O.V: "Lawyer"

     "Too late?" I repeated that word as if I hated every last word of it, especially when it's coming from a random person's mouth, I hated this even more... 

     But Lucky Guy's not a random person, correct? He's a guy who doesn't know his skills, or his special talents what-so-ever! So, why in the world was Lucky Guy interfering with my business just now?! Tracy was the traitor! Why. Can't. He. See. That!? Or is he that deaf to notice?!?!?

     "You may not suspect this outcome if I ever let you expose her," Lucky Guy's voice became soft. "And if we're going to expose someone as a traitor... let's do that in the upcoming trials, not here..." he advised me. 

     "So?" I scoffed, still not getting him. "What's your point? I almost got her, you know that well--"

     "No," then his words cut me off guard all of a sudden when he responded, "You were about to die, Freddy." And that's when I saw Lucky Guy's expression and it was painful to watch as he started to cry... "You were... *sniff* about to *sniff* die, so I can't *sniff* let that happen to you..."

     Wait... was that even true? Nah, he's bluffing! Probably overthinking it...

     "So you suspect it's Tracy?" I asked, hoping at least he would agree with me. 

     "No," he stated flatly.

     . . . 

     That's when I hit Lucky Guy on the head, "Are you crazy or mad? Tell me, which one is it?!" I demanded as I began rubbing his hair, pestering him for some answers. 

     "Neither!" Lucky Guy swatted my hands away from him. "It's neither one of them!"

     "Then?!" I pressed, letting go of my hands. "Explain why!"

     Taking a few deeper breaths, Lucky Guy whispered, "I know what you were thinking earlier when Tracy announced that she knew that you were hit on the head with a book--"

     Ugh. Is Lucky Guy serious? OR is he too dumb to even figure it out?

     "I'm not mad that she knew about it!" I grabbed his shoulders so he could see how serious I was being, "If your ears were blind, let me rephrase what she said earlier, she called the book a 'diary.' DIARY."

     "And?" He asked curiously. 

     ...Can somebody give this guy a slap on the back and lots of coffee to wake him up? Like, Please, ANYONE?!

     Trying my best to calm down, I let go of Lucky Guy, "Then if you didn't suspect her, why did you stop me?"

     "Oh that's easy," Lucky Guy smiled as he led me out of the dining hall, "I wasn't afraid of her... I was afraid of the trap."


    "Shh, not so loud," he silently breathed. "I'll spare you the details later when we're alone."

     "We are alone," I muttered under my breath as we were half-way down towards the main room. 

     "Just so you know," Lucky Guy added, "Stay away from Kevin."


     "No questions ask, just do as I say, and stay out of being smarter than everyone else here or else you'll end up in a close death-zone like what I've gone through..."

     He didn't have to warn me that again... I already could tell by what Vera had gone through, I think it's easier to say that she's out of my list of my number 1 prime suspects since she was attacked earlier, and couldn't be the traitor, am I right? Or I could be wrong... 

     "So you're saying Kevin was trying to..." I couldn't finish my sentence properly, but Lucky Guy had already understood my message.

     "Listen, Freddy," Lucky Guy's voice became some-what stern as he kept his eyes at the front of the hall, "I believe you, which is why I'm telling you this. You and I are no different than each other, so I suspect you to do the same." 

     That's when it clicked me... He wasn't trying to give me advice on how to use my skills, but a warning to not use my skills! Why the heck does he... Judging from what I saw on Lucky Guy's expression, he's deadly serious unlike the first time that I had met him... Is he... No, this couldn't be right! He can't be... This isn't the Lucky Guy that I had known from the beginning... He's different... Way out of my thoughts, like I couldn't read his mind, and we're not in the same page!

     "Needless to say, I'm the main target the traitors and the mastermind here wants. Thanks to you, you're a lower target since you've been..." Lucky Guy hesitated at those words...

     I was hoping he would say something like, "Been an awesome helper that kept a low profile on their IQ,"  or "Best investigator as a lawyer instead of being a novice," but instead, he said quite the opposite of what I wanted to hear--

     "Been pretty bad at figuring out who's the traitor," was all he said with a funny smile before I slapped his back. 

     "You're one weirdo guy," I complimented him as I watched him rub his back in pain. "Take that as a compliment and knock it off."



     Thanks for reading! Ooh, I feel like this is getting even more interesting~! And sorry I took a short two-day break due to my loss of interest in writing and other depressing stuff-- ignore that... But I'm back and ready to go, I guess. So yay? Oh and also as a short gift, I wrote this chapter a bit longer with up to 2,500 words for the work that I had missed on publishing before yesterday, so thank you for being patient with me! \^_^/ Have a great day / night! 

     -Taina Zakura-






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