Chapter 21 -Twins!-

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     *Hey, detectives! Just letting you know that this is going to be a bumpy ride once the trial begins. There is some information I might've left out from the other groups that you guys haven't read in the last couple of chapters, but will then be explained during the trials. Even so, I want to thank you all for making this far! IT has been a pleasure and... I hope I haven't left out any slight details when taking note, so thank you for being patient with me and let's begin! Note that if you have a guess on who one of the traitors are, well done! (It's okay if you don't know)*

P.S: I had watched the game play of Danganronpa 1 and 2 before, but either way, I'm going to confess that I don't really know much about what Monokuma would say if this was put into a real situation here. And because of that, I know I might get some complaints about how Monokuma should react and shouldn't (including the other characters in the IDV).... But I'm doing my best here in my own version since this is literally a Fan-Made between Identity V and Danganronpa, just putting it out there.

Hint Hint~ Don't judge basically on appearances!

     -Taina Zakura

     Survivor's P.O.V: "Shhh....Listen"

     As everybody made it into the main room, every one of them were stunned to discover that they weren't the only ones in the room besides Monokuma. . . 

     "Victor?" Lucky guy began with a questioning look, "How come you arrived here earlier before we did?"

     "Not to mention that the doors were locked from the outside," added Patricia with a hint of an Haitian accent. "Were you responsible for this?"

     Hearing this, Victor shook his head apologetically. Then he pulled out his pen from the satchel and started writing on the letter as if he was giving them a mail. After a minute had passed, he handed it over to Demi for her to read it out loud:

     "No, I have been here this whole time with Monokuma," she read, "The doors were locked and I couldn't escape. Monokuma told me that since I was the smart one for not following the culprit, he gave me a chance to wait here for the rest of you guys to come back before he can open the doors."

     "Hold on a second," Freddy began with a strange look at Victor, "What do you mean, 'the smart one?'" He challenged him. 

     "He probably meant that he's way smarter than you, Fred," Tracy teased him, "But don't worry, it's not that big of a deal."

     But before Freddy can argue, Monokuma interrupted their conversations. "Are you guys done chit chatting?" He asked. "Because if you haven't noticed, not everybody in this room arrived on time."

     "What do you mean?" Fiona asked from the front, "Everybody's here, aren't they?" She glanced around the room to confirm her statement. However, as she began counting everybody in the room, she then realized that there were 3 survivors missing. "Strange, where are the other 3?"

     That's when Murro jumped in to explain, "Oh, they are coming alright," he said calmly, "Just give them a few minutes and they'll be right here as soon as possible."

     "How long will that take?" Monokuma grumbled with a sad look on his face, "I placed an easy game for you all to play and a few of you guys can't make it back on time.... what a waste of my time..."

     "That wasn't easy, you know," Andrew said thoughtfully. "You never told us this place would go in circles."

     "Hm? Oh, that was just temporary," the black and white half-sided, robotic bear answered. "But that topic will have to wait when the trial begins after everyone's here. The trial where you guys get to determine one of the traitors out of the 3, and be the ones to blackened them! That is, who 'shall be blackened if you guys get the wrong traitor?"

     At that sudden news, the survivors in the room grew quiet and still as if they couldn't believe what they just heard....

     "You can't be s-serious, right?" Margaretha spoke up first. "I-I mean, shouldn't we continue playing the 'other' game instead?"

     "And let the traitors wipe us out before the hunters did?" Jose shot back at her, "No way am I going to let that happen to me!"

     "I hate to agree with Jose, but he's right," Norton said with a dejected look on his face. "We can't sit here and do nothing while our lives are on stake here."

     "Not to mention we knew nothing about why we're here," Mike added, then frowned. "But come to think of it, how come I never knew so much about my past life?" He asked, "For once I thought I remembered something that happened before I came here, but don't you guys feel the same?"

     The others looked concern at him with a puzzled expression, although it didn't take them long to realize what he meant. "You mean," Andrew began worriedly, "That your memories were gone and so are we?"

     That's when Lucky guy remembered something else too, "Oh right," he said out loud, directing everyone's attention on him. "Hey, Emma," Lucky guy called her, "Didn't you say the place was familiar?"

     "W-what place?" Emma nervously replied. 

     "Remember in the first round we played together?" He recalled, "You told me that this factory place was familiar to you."

     She sighed as she thought for a moment, "I thought I did, but now that acrobat over here mentioned that again, I'm not really sure if I did find that place familiar anymore."

     Monokuma, listening over to their conversations, began to laugh abruptly. "AHAHAHAHAHAH!" 

     "Honestly, can't he keep his mouth shut?" Muttered Freddy as everyone turned back to face the headmaster, Monokuma. 

     "Just listening to your conversations brings me joy, enough for me to say, 'Your memories are wiped clean!'" Monokuma confided, sending chills to everybody in the room. "In other words, it's been taken from you all!"

     "Our what?!" Martha gasped in alarm. 

     "He must be lying!" Emily remarked. 

     "But that's Monokuma we're talking about, kid," Kevin said, unsure how to put it in other words, "How else should we believe it?"

     That's when someone spoke from the back of the room, "Don't have to worry about it, he's telling the truth anyway."

     All eyes whirled around to find the three survivors came back. But what surprised everyone the most is that they didn't come from the back entrance like they did. They came from behind the stage. 

     "What the hell are you guys doing back on the stage?" Monokuma demanded, turning bright red in anger. "And more importantly," he began, "How did you guys get up there?!" 

     The three survivors-Luca, Naib, and Kreacher all glanced at each other before bringing their attention back at Monokuma. 

     "Well?" Monokuma said impatiently. "I'm waiting..."

     "We... came from the back entrance," Luca replied, trying his best to stay calm. "We, uh, thought it's easier sneaking on the back of the stage... to~ surprise you guys."

     There was a moment of silence as everybody waited for Monokuma to say something. . . 

     "Now that's a surprise," Servais commented, breaking the silence. "Bravo!"

     Monokuma, on the other hand, didn't enjoy that response. "Well, even if that was a surprise, I'm sure I'll be even more surprised to figure out what you all discuss once the trial begins," then he turned back to the other 3 survivors that are standing on the stage. "Get down from here!"

     "If you say so," Kreacher grumbled, but when he noticed a familiar figure standing out in front of the crowd, he almost choked. "Say what?"

     "What's wrong?" Naib asked him, and then he turned to see who Kreacher was looking directly at. "Oh, you must be kidding me..."

     "Hm?" Luca paused, as he too, glanced at the other survivors down there. But when he spotted the unexpected target, he knew exactly what's going on. "Well, no time to hide here, Fiona, I think you won't be so comfortable with this."

     "What are you talking about?" Fiona asked from the front of the crowd. "I'm not hiding, I'm standing right here."

     "I'm not talking to you," Luca shook his head before turning his attention on the side, beckoning someone to come out from behind the curtains. 

     And that's when everyone's jaw dropped. . . 

     "F-Fiona?" Vera gasped, then glanced at the other Fiona besides her, "Why are there two of them here?"

     "Cool, so there are twins!" Emma piped up with a smile on her face. "How cute!"

     "Not cute at all," Murro disagreed with that statement. "Much more like a chaotic mess between which is real and which is fake."

     The Fiona (#2) standing on the stage looked down at the other Fiona (#1) on the bottom with everybody else, "How is that possible?" She asked as she made her way towards her own twin. "How are you like me? Am I supposed to be you or are you supposed to be me?"

    "No," the other Fiona (#1) began, "It's pretty uncomfortable watching someone else pretending to be me," she said with a disappointing look across her face. "Don't tell me you're the traitor."

     "I'm not the traitor!" Fiona (#2) defended herself. Then she locked eyes with Vera as she headed her way to her, "Vera, where were you? Why didn't you tell me you were with a complete impostor?"

     "What?" Vera's eyes widen as she glanced between Fiona (#2) and then at Fiona (#1). Then sadly, she trembled with fear. "I a-actually don't k-know who to believe."

     Freddy crossed his arms triumphantly, "Since there are only one out of the 3 traitors we're supposed to find, I bet one of those two must really be the traitor."

     "If you put it that way, I'd say it looks like it," Helena admitted, hating how he's right at that point. "However, this must be some sort of test."

     "What test?" Eli asked her. 

     "The test to be ready for anything, I guess," she responded back, almost immediately. "However, this isn't some sort of fun game where everybody lived happily," Helena warned them. "This is a game where one of us will leave this side."

     "Um, when you say, 'leave this side,'" Demi began, "Don't tell me it has got to do with what Monokuma said about being blackened--"

     "It is!" Monokuma interrupted their little talk, making everyone focus their attention back on him. "Once the survivor or traitor is blackened with the most votes, he/she will be eliminated permanently!" Seeing how shocked and upset everybody in this room was, he continued on his little speech. "Anyways, now that the whole party is here, let's just head onto the trial grounds, 'shall we?" And he pointed on the other side of the unknown door from the main room, "Please proceed onto the elevator and once everyone is there, proceed to walk forward to your destination," he instructed them before disappearing from sight. 

     The door to the elevator instantly opened and everyone soon hesitated as they made their way into the elevator. Not only was the elevator huge, but it could also fit at least a huge number of people in there. 

     Waiting for the elevator to reach their destination, everyone wasn't feeling so well about the trial by the look on their faces... It was very quiet once everybody stepped outside of the elevator, making their way into the trial room. And every one of the survivors took their place behind the stand (don't know how to describe that but could look it up on what the trial really looks like in Danganronpa), waiting for Monokuma to show up, and he did. 

     Monokuma sat on the throne in the chair, a completely different throne compared to the one in the main room. "By the way," Monokuma said, "Before I can explain the rules to you all, I'd like to give a friendly reminder that I'm not the only listening in," he mentioned. 

     Feeling confused and puzzled by what the headmaster meant, the survivors glanced around them, and it soon became clear that they have some audiences as well. Each and every one of the hunters were sitting down on one side of the room, spectating them. This was the first time the survivors get to see all of the hunters, well~ most of it anyway (sorry BonBon).

     "Ahem," Monokuma began, "Now, let me explain the rules to you all...."


     Wow, did that take up to 2,000 words for this chapter! Sorry I didn't make this shorter here, but will try not to do that again some time.... (I can't stop writing more words!) Anyways, I'm doing a good job at keeping fast updates in my story, so yay me! (Clap clap clap!) Aww gee, you didn't have to applaud me! (JK, LOL!) Somehow, I feel like my chapters are only boring when there's no one dying.... BUT, I'm sorry if you don't appreciate who the traitor is... So make sure not to cry....) 












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