Chapter 84 -Trial #3 Ongoing Trial! (P.t 2)-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     So nobody saw me? Nobody...? Wait, don't tell me they're suspecting me because of what just happened earlier! I can't lose! No...

     . . .

     "I did," piped up a familiar voice.

     We all turned to stare at the little axe boy.

     "You did what?" Ann asked.

     "I saw him, I saw Lucky Guy once," Robbie clarified himself. "He was on the 2nd floor, so no way was he ever near the garden, or the 3rd floor to be exact," he backed me up. "He was hiding, because he just told me that Emily and Kurt were looking for him."

     . . . 

     "But that could've been awhile ago, you never know when the bodies were murdered!" Luchino pointed it out. "Besides, what about Bonbon's death? How come he died 2 times?"

     Wait, what? So Bonbon died before? Since when!?

     "Bonbon actually died before?" Murro asked with a questionable look on his face. 

     Wu Chang (Xie Bi'an) nodded his head. "It was right before 'your' 1st class trial started," he explained it to us. "Or right before we're supposed to complete the rounds."

     "Still, there are many ways that piece of robotic penguin could die," Tracy mentioned out loud. "It's obvious he was dismantled with a wrench to destroy his functioning system, or his source is running out--"

     "It never runs out," Burke corrected the mechanic. 

     "Um, who are you again?" Tracy mockingly glared at him. 

     "He created Bonbon before," Robbie answered for Burke. "And he created Bonbon again, until.... I don't really understand why anyone would target my friend..."

     . . . 

     "Although, there was a message written for his death, isn't there?" Mike suggested to the rest of us. "It called Bonbon a friend, right?"

     It's true, but I'm not really sure why anybody would call Bonbon a friend, unless the killer or the traitor wanted us to assume it was--

     All eyes turned over to Robbie.

     "You're the only friend, Bonbon has!" Joker pointed his finger at the axe boy. "Explain yourself, little boy!"

     "Drop your filthy hands, clown face!" Robbie tightens his grip on his axe. "I swear I didn't kill anybody, not even once! Not even to escape from this place! I would never leave or hurt my friends!"

     "You only have one friend," Mary sighed in disappointment. "Unless you count that blondie girl in the wheelchair, then I don't see why not?" She muttered. 

     "Whose side are you on?" Robbie snapped. "You think I would be able to kill Kreacher and Edgar as well? Ask yourselves! I've been going around finding everybody else during the game, that I know all of your locations!"

    . . . 

     My eyes lit up. "Well, why didn't you say so? That's perfect, Robbie!"

     "Y-yeah, thanks," the axe boy blushed, and I was pretty sure rarely anybody had ever praised him for some reason. 

     "This'll help us get somewhere for sure," Freddy agreed as well. "Let's see, when did you last see Edgar, Kreacher, and Bonbon, Robbie?"

     The axe boy paused to think for a moment. "Last time I found Edgar was when he was about to split up with Kreacher at the 3rd floor near the stairways."

     "He was?" Luca gasped. 

     "Then what happened?" Kurt asked. 

     "Well, yeah!" Robbie beamed. "I scared both of those two so badly, that they almost jumped out of their skins just like Lucky Guy did!" He teased me and I forced myself not to get mad at him. After all, he was just doing his job, anyways. "So after that, I happily walked away from them just to find them done talking to each."

     . . . 

     So they must've split up right before they were murdered! However, that doesn't explain why Edgar wanted to talk to Kreacher. Especially alone... 

     "Did you, by any chance," I began hopefully, "Listen to their conversations?"

     "Not really," the axe boy shook his head sadly. "But I did catch some of the words they were saying, it's more like Kreacher was confessing that he tried to poison the mercenary when finding his cure, and oops! I think I heard their entire conversations by coincidence!" He faked a chuckle, and I knew that's what he wanted for us to hear. 

     Everyone was shocked in disbelief. 

     "Wait, what?" Emily's eyes landed onto Naib and Aesop. "So you two were... were just covering him up? B-But for what? You two never told me a-anything when I came to check up on you guys!"
     "For a different random reason," Naib murmured at the same time when Aesop said, "That doesn't matter."

     "Then Kreacher deserves that pain!" Jose smiled triumphantly. "That's what he gets for trying to harm one of us!"

     "But you guys," Helena's face fell. "Even if Kreacher had died for whatever actions he did," she hesitated. "Does that mean he deserves to be murdered out of cold-blood like this for his actions?"

     "She's right," Melly added on. "Besides, Naib's alive, isn't he? I'm sure Kreacher never meant any harm what-so-ever."

     . . . 

     Hm, from what I could think of... I still never forget that look Kreacher had given me when we're all together in the dorm before bedtime... Oh, that's right! I accidentally interrupted him and focused more of my attention on Kevin, asking him who was looking for me, which... I don't think it was actually Tracy, that's what... 

     Oh Kreacher, you don't deserve this. You don't deserve this at all!

     As everybody around the room continued to argue about this, Monokuma got really impatient with us as he shouted, "Hey! Stop deciding whether Kreacher deserves or doesn't deserve his death! Besides, time is ticking and you don't want to vote out the wrong killer just because your attention is focusing on elsewhere!" 

     I hate to agree with Monokuma, but he does have a point... IF we're going to waste time, at least don't waste it on the class trial!

     "He did it because the mastermind wanted him to," Aesop broke the silence. "It's... not his fault."

     "Oh, now you decided to take a part in this class trial," Tracy sighed sarcastically. "For the first time, congrats!"
     "Anyways," Robbie jumped in before this class trial could turn deadly. "That's all I could hear before going off to find everybody else," then he frowned. "Although, it was really strange how both the killers have perfect timing on their kills.... Besides, I didn't see anybody closer to those two or... Bonbon."

     "Last time you checked, where was Bonbon?" I questioned him. "He was with somebody, isn't he? Or wasn't he with you?"

     He sadly shook his head. "No, no he wasn't," he confirmed. "I saw him alone in the main room by himself and... I guess I never knew he was going to die after I left him..."

     . . . 

     "But it could be you, Robbie," Bane suggested. "After all, it could've been 'you' who wrote that message for your dying friend."

     "Me? Why would I do that?" Robbie crossed his arms. "Only a killer would've done that! Don't you see? I've suffered enough problems with friends I can't even have!"

     "C'mon you guys," Freddy began, "We don't have much time here and if we're going to talk more about this 'stuff,' let's do that later, 'shall we?" And getting to the point, "There's something I'm still very concerned about how this killer had planned out their strategy, don't you think so too?" 

     Emma's eyes lit up. "Oh, you mean it has to do with Robbie's account? That he didn't see anyone near Edgar and Kreacher?" 

     "No, but close," the lawyer replied slowly as he placed one of his hands on his chin to think. "What concerns me the most is that whoever went to the garden club on the 2nd floor could've murdered Kreacher up the stairs, leaving Edgar dead first."

     "Ah, I get it now!" Martha exclaimed happily. "So Edgar must've died first since he was on the 2nd floor, where one of the killers murdered Edgar, while the 2nd killer had gone off to kill Kreacher!"

     "But that makes no sense!" Luca disagreed on the other side of the room. "Why kill Kreacher with an axe when you could also kill Edgar with an axe as well?"

     He's got a point there... If one killer used an axe, then what about the other killer? What did they use to kill Edgar and Bonbon? 

     "What about poison? Or toxin?" Vera proposed, glancing warily at the embalmer. "He still has it on his cosmetic box!" 

     (Author's note: I think I accidentally called Embalmer's cosmetic box something like a suitcase or briefcase, I forgot, so excuse me! But I can't seem to get any words right!)

     "True," I agreed, "However, how would someone look like if they drank it? Wouldn't there be side effects?"

     Aesop looked away for a moment before saying, "It has no side effects, but only death."

     "What!?" Everyone gasped. 

     "It makes the victim's body vulnerable," the embalmer explained calmly. "And it looks like I'm the killer who's responsible for Edgar's death... Isn't that right, Lucky Guy?"


     Thanks for reading~! 

     P.S: Does anybody know how difficult it was to kite against the new hunter, Percy? Oh boy, I think it's time for me to NOT be a survivor for weeks until hopefully people will get bored of overusing him! (And yes, kiting isn't my thing even if I used Norton, but I think Doctor is the best counter against him.)

     -Taina Zakura-

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