Chapter 64 -Future Foundation? Bug? Game? Time? Trust?-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     Still, isn't it strange that Edgar showed up in the right moment when we're about to start this game? Or is it just me that he seemed highly suspicious...?

     "But where is the body?" The mind's eye asked Monokuma calmly, "At least, give us a chance to examine it closely in person so we can double check on the body."

     "Very well then," the headmaster agreed, "It's in the storage room--"

     "Wait, the storage room near the kitchen?" Kurt questioned, unsure if there were more than one storage room in the school that he doesn't know about.

      "Yes, that one," Monokuma replied with a cheerful smile, "You have approximately 1 hour to gather as much evidence as you can in order to justify who's the killer, good luck!" And he disappeared right in front of our eyes...

      Just then, the walls on the stage began to shift all of a sudden. It was a slow rumble at first, before the entrance to the back wall appeared...

     Oh right, I almost forgot about them...

     As the hunters arrived into our main room, it was very silent at first when we're not sure what we're supposed to say to them... If they were here, that means the body must be in our main side of the room. Not theirs, is what I'm guessing...

     But before any one of us could say something to break the silence, the little boy with an axe-- I'm not sure why he needed an axe in the first place-- walked right up to Edgar with a strange look, "How come I've never seen you before?" He then chirped, "You look funny."

     Seeing as if Edgar was about to open his mouth to explain, Tracy decided to answer for him, "Well, that's very easy to explain," she began with a meaningful look at the painter. "It's strange that he somehow appeared out of nowhere where there are no possible exits in this school, isn't the right, Ed-Jar?" 

     "Ahem, it's Edgar," the painter corrected the mechanic, and then went back to the first topic, "And it's a very long story, actually. Maybe some other time I will explain--"

     "That means, 'there is no possible way that we could trust you,'" Patricia added as a matter-of-fact. "For some reason, you could be lying to us. Since the only ones that had been gone when we're all here in the main room together was only you and I mean it personally."

     Sure Edgar is suspicious since he had just arrived all of sudden. But there's something missing that I can't quite put my finger on... Hm, let me try this out myself....

     "Hold on," I said, bringing back everyone's attention on me. "Edgar, can you tell us how you arrived here in secret? Is there a secret tunnel that can lead us outside from here?"

     It was an easy question... As long as he said 'there is' or 'isn't', then he's a fake for sure. Since I already knew that answer to my heart, I decided it was best to test him out just in case I could trust him...

     Everyone waited for Edgar to respond as the ultimate painter crossed his arms in his thinking position, "Hm," was all he said, but before I could announce that he might be fake due to his hesitation, he glanced past me and I swear he locked eyes with someone behind me...

     Not wanting to turn around and ruin the moment, I stood very still as everybody waited for his response...

     . . . 

     "Not likely and likely," were his final answer, until I realized he had just solved my question unexpectedly. 

     The reason why this was the correct answer as to neither of them was because it's true, we don't know if there are secret tunnels that could lead us outside. And the same goes to doesn't, because we can't be sure unless the evidence is provided. 

     Now this makes me give one final push of luck, "How did you get here then?"

     "Well, it's not like I could go anywhere," the painter sighed as he tried a different approach of how to explain this situation, "But if you guys want to know so badly, I guess you could say I didn't come here on purpose like you guys did. A foolish act is what the Future Foundation calls it to be precise."

     Future Foundation? Foolish act? Why does this not ring a bell to me?


     "What on earth are you even trying to tell us here?" Servais asked impatiently. "Who is this 'Future Foundation' that you are talking about? Do we need to know 'who' that is?"

     "Unfortunately," Edgar replied with a stern look on his face, "I'll spare you guys the details later, but for now, we don't have much time left. 60 minutes on the clock has begun, so what are you guys waiting for?" 

     All of us stared at each other with a faltering look. 

     "Um, Edgar?" Freddy began, "Do you have some extra time left to explain where you had come--"

     "At what point exactly do you think I should answer that?" Edgar eyed him arrogantly. "Like do you know where I come from?"

     Take a mental note here: Edgar is just as arrogant as Freddy. Period.

     "Hmph, think you're better than me?" The lawyer shot back with a nasty glare. "I don't care where you come from, but you don't stick your *blanking* mind into this problem. We don't need your help!"

     "Who said that again?" Edgar frowned, tilting his chin up high away from Freddy, as if to tell him to back off. "Anyways, I don't have a lot of time for this, so be suspicious of me, whatever- I don't really care if you don't need my help, although I'm assigned to be a guide here."

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