Chapter 18 -The Traitor's Among Us-

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     Emily's P.O.V: "Doctor"

     Everybody turned to stare at me and I could tell they wanted some explanation about my strange behavior. Feeling my face turned red, I did my best to explain, "I-It's not what you all think!" 

     "Oh really?" Vera grumbled as if she didn't quite believed me, "Then, why did you ran after Fiona?"

     "B-Because," I hesitated, "I came back from the restroom and I s-saw her running away."

     "It's true," Emma agreed. "Emily told me she was in the restroom when she came up to me in the main room, before Fiona came and announce there was an attack."

     "Wait, what?" Tracy asked, finally paying close attention. "But if Emily was right behind Fiona and if Fiona arrived after Emily, isn't that a little confusing here?" 

    "Does that mean," Eli began with a question, "That one of us could possibly be the traitor?" And I could tell what he meant when he said that. So, you suspect me and Fiona's a traitor?

     Silence fell for a moment... 

     "Let me explain first," I interrupted the silence, "I have to admit, when I was heading towards Fiona, I thought she was going to the main room," I told them. "However, just as I followed her into the corner, she disappeared from sight so I decided to head back into the main room, exhausted."

     Fiona argued, "That's a lie!" Then explained, "That's because you lost me, there is no way that's possible when there are more than one doors."


     "Can I just say something?" Vera asked, raising one of her hand. "Let's take this conversation back into the main room and once we get there, we'll find out who the traitor is."

     My shoulders slumped, "Oh, alright," I said sadly. . .

     After I took care of Vera and found some extra bandages to wrap around her wounds, me and Emma helped half-carry Vera as all six of us headed out of the storage room. However, I still didn't buy Vera's story or Fiona's, but possibly because nothing is making sense here. And I just hope everything goes according to plan. . . 

     Galatea's P.O.V: "Sculptor"

     1 win on our side against 2 wins on the survivor's side in just 3 rounds (level 1). And by the look on everybody's faces, I guess now's the best time to start arguing...

     "You're so ridiculously weak," I heard Luchino hissed at Bane when he came back. 

     "It's not my fault," Bane grunted furiously, "That was my first time against bug girl."

     "But doesn't she control only bees?" Robbie piped up behind them, "If so, she should be called 'bee girl,' not 'bug girl-'"

     "Silence, adult conversations only!" Snapped Burke, forcing Robbie to huddle closer behind me. 

     As the other adults kept on arguing as usual, I whispered to Robbie, "That's why it's best to stay away from adults, they're so bossy and demanding," I glanced over at the others before bringing my eyes back over to Robbie. 

     "Oh, I see," Robbie replied, his shoulders slumped down a little in disappointment. "But what about Bonbon? Won't he get to play the same game as us?"

     Why in the world did he have to mention that robotic penguin at a time like this? "Well," I began with a sigh, "I don't have big brains on mechanics and stuff, but since Burke created him, shouldn't he be able to rebuild him or something?" I suggested out loud. 

     "Really, he could do that?" My friend looked like he was ready to jump up in joy, and I wasn't sure if that was a good idea in getting his hopes up...

      "Unfortunately, I'm not sure if he has that ability anymore."

      "What do you mean?"

      "Use your brains," I scoffed, "There's nothing here that could rebuild a robot unless Burke have some equipment and stuff," I told him. "Just like me, I can't build a statue without my chisel."

     "Oh," Robbie said sadly, "I guess you have a point there."

     And I couldn't agree more. . . 

     "But what if we find those equipments," he suggested, "Wouldn't that be possible for Burke to rebuild Bonbon?"

     I was so ready to get off of my wheelchair and scream, but I decided to remain calm instead. "Look, Robbie," I started off nicely as possible, "What do you mean by 'we?'" Then quickly explained, "You just don't get it, don't you? Robots take longer time to rebuild."

     "Yeah, so what if they did?" Robbie asked curiously, "Since you're the master of statues and you're able to create one very fast, can't Burke do that too?"

     I wanted to fall down very badly. . . "No, no, no," I shook my head. "Statues are my skills, but as for that old man, who knows if he'll want to help."

     Both of us stared at Burke, the old guy with a white beard and an unusual metal arm on his right arm. Judging by the looks of him, he really does seem like he can do a lot of things with mechanics. Even so, I fear things wouldn't get so easy being around with adults like him. 

     "You're probably right," Robbie sighed, "But, still, who would kill Bonbon?"

     "You mean malfunction," I corrected him, "Not kill."

     "But do you have any suspect?"

     I glanced around the room as everyone was busy talking, thankfully no one paid us any attention as I surveyed the entire room. Finally, I turned back to face him. "Not a clue," I responded with a shrug, "Though, I have to admit, Burke did seemed a little suspicious--"

     "What do you mean?" Robbie asked me, and I thought I saw him gripping tightly on his axe, as if he badly wanted to hurt someone right now. Perhaps, I'm a little overreacting on this statement... 

     "That was just a guess," I said, matter-of-fact. "Don't take it too seriously here, Robbie," I told him, and he immediately relaxed his grip on the axe. 

     After a few moments of being silence, Robbie then asked, "So, what's your life like for you, Galatea?"

     I paused for a second to think. However, it didn't take me quite long to reply, "Strange, I knew nothing about my past, nor do I know who's my family."

     He fidgeted his hands, "I guess I'm not the only one here who thought I was insane to forget about my past."

     And I went completely silence... Even if I had lost most of my memories about who I am, even though I'm not the only one, I felt like it's all Monokuma's fault. How. Dare. He. . . 

      Murro's P.O.V: "Wilding"

     We did our best to head back to the main room, but I'm pretty sure Monokuma left us one slight detail...

      "How do we get back to the main room?!" William snapped. "We've been going around in circles!"

     Indeed, he's not wrong. No matter where he turned or try to take another path, we kept going to the same place. The same place where we first met Freddy. "Maybe if we split it, it'll work?" I suggested. 

     "What the heck are you talking about splitting up?" William demanded. "Don't tell me you want us to split up, just so you could kill us one by one."

     How ironic. 

     "He kind of has a point," Naib agreed. "It's better to stick together than feel sorry afterwards."

     "Alright, if you guys insist," I gave in with a deep sigh. "Who knows if this is Freddy's doing?"

     "It's not me this time!" Freddy protested. "Why would I want to be caught in this mess? I just want to go back to the main room like everybody."

     "Oh yeah?" William challenged him, "Just so you could give an alibi that you were with us this entire time?"

     Freddy crossed his arms tightly, still not wanting to admit defeat. "Is that all you think about me?" His expression was hinted sadly. "Fine then, it's not like anybody needs me anymore." And he ran off in the opposite direction. 

     After a few seconds of seeing him disappeared down the hallway, we turned around to look at each other, but no one said anything. It's possible that they must have read my mind. . . Why give him a hard time when we all knew, everybody hates him. Isn't that the reason why he's alone on his own?
     "Do you think he's going to be fine all by himself?" Luca asked all of a sudden, then glanced at the Monokuma's clock on the wall, "We only have less than 40 minutes to head back to the main room before the traitor can get to us."

     "I hope he's safe," I replied, "He'll probably know his way around from here better than we do."

     "If you say so," Naib shrugged, "Come on guys, let's get moving."

     All four of us began making our way down towards our path until we noticed that we are no longer going around in circles. "Hey," William said his thoughts first before we did, "I guess we got out of being trapped in circles."

     "Finally," Luca grumbled, "Then we must be on the right path."

     "I guess s--" William's words were interrupted as he nearly tripped over onto the ground. "What the heck?" He snapped. "Who tripped me?"

     I hopped off, taking a closer look onto where William must've tripped, but what I found was something quite odd.

     "So, did you find out what tripped me?" William demanded as he got up from the ground, with the help of Naib and Luca, of course. 

     As I watched them pull William up, I answered back, "It's funny to say, but I think you tripped by yourself."


     "Just kidding," I teased him with a chuckle, "Hard to believe, but the floor tripped you."

    "The floor?" Naib repeated. "But that's not right..."

     I pointed at the wooden plank floors, "It's not even," I explained. "The floor here is a bit crooked."

     "Maybe that's under construction?" Luca suggested, but I could tell he wasn't buying his own theory anyway. 

     "William, you're strong enough," I began, "Do you mind pulling out this plank on the bottom?"

     "You mean, the one that tripped me?" William asked, and I nodded. "Well, heck yeah, this plank deserves it." And without a moment of hesitation, he started prying open one of the planks with his bare hand, revealing a large gap of pitch darkness below. Just like I expected, this floor hides a secret tunnel. 

     (I hope you enjoy this chapter~! Now, are you starting to get some clues on what's going on, Detectives?)


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