Chapter 48 -We Need To Talk-

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     *I bet you're wondering how come I promised to post at least 2-3 a week and instead, I post like mostly twice or once everyday from now. Yeah, that was a big mistake... And under strict parent-ship, I'm not allowed to take most of my time writing since high school is a big deal for me, and you know how strict parents are... So I'll keep this a little bit slow, even though I love posting everyday, I'm starting to feel tired all of a sudden so excuse my procrastination!*


     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     I wondered which room was up there...

    Better not be a girl's room or else that'll be pretty awkward to explain this situation... 

     "Hey, is anyone up there?" I shouted, using a long stick to bang the ceiling for any signs of trap doors in hopes for someone to hear us. "Anybody?"

     No answer. . . 

     "Yelling is going to help," Naib commented, though I could already tell he meant the opposite of what he's saying. 

     "Yeah, I know," I replied back, "Yelling isn't going to help, but banging might?" And with that, I was about to launch the stick above me until I heard something moving above us... "Oh my gosh, I think someone heard us!"

     And as we all kept quiet, waiting for something to happen... Much to our dismay, nothing happened...

     Dang it, I thought we're so close into being rescued... As much as I wanted to explore more down here, I'm afraid of being left to starve! How will I die down here? Starvation? Illness? Disease? Loneliness? 

     "You are lonely," Naib mentioned out loud as if he read my thoughts when I started to panic. 

     "I am?" I questioned, but then I almost forgot he only spoke the opposite. "Oh, well, thanks?"


     Just as I was about to explore the next tunnel to try to find another way out, we suddenly heard a rumbling sound as if something above us was being shifted...

     Without wasting any second longer, my heart began to burst with joy as we realized someone was coming to rescue us! 

     Until it didn't take long for a familiar face to show up from above and say, "Pft, didn't expect someone like you to be down here." 

     "Freddy?" I tilted my head to stare up at him, "Is that you?"

    "Of course, who else would it be?" He replied back, "Hang on, let me get something to pull you up," and I waited as he later came back with a rope. "Hang on tight," he said, tossing it down to me. 

    However, when I felt the rope was tight enough to climb up, I glanced over at Naib first before looking back at the rope in my hands... "Naib," I walked over to him, "Come on, you go up first, I'll assist you."


    . . . . .

     After the both of us finally got out of that tunnel, we were exhausted... And after telling Freddy about what just happened, he seemed a little surprised at how many things I mentioned to him, but I didn't tell him about my encounter with Kevin in our room before the attack had happened just so I could later find that part myself, no need to get a lawyer involved anyway... 

     Few minutes later, Freddy told me most of everything about what was going on when I wasn't even with them. Besides the part about how they suspected me in the first place, now they were also suspecting it could be Emily. 

     "Emily?" I gasped, "But she's--"

     "She's not what you think," the lawyer interrupted me. "Although, there's little evidence to back her up, but... still, I know it's not a great way to rush too early, now that this is what I believed the principal wanted."

     At the word, "principal," my mind was now confused... until I was awakened by someone snoring near the back of the room. ..

     "Um," I stared at Jose sleeping in his bed, "Can we talk outside?" I whispered, then glanced over at Naib, "Plus, we need Emily's help as well. Are they all asleep?"

     "Nah, don't think so," Freddy answered back immediately before getting up, "But thank god I heard you banging down there, otherwise, I wouldn't believe a single word from that embalmer."

     Now that got my full attention... 

     "You mean Aesop?" I asked, "He knew I was there?"

     "Hm, he just told me someone was screaming down somewhere, so I figured he meant you but then... didn't know Naib would be there as well, since I thought one of you was dead."

      "Oh, I see," I nodded, "But speaking of Naib, don't forget he can't speak properly so you just have to focus on the opposite word."


     "It's... a complicated process to understand," I told him, then turned around to ask Naib, "Am I right?

     "No, you're wrong," Naib immediately replied. 

     "And that just means, 'I'm right," I added, just in case Freddy was still confused. "But I'll explain the short details later, because now, we gotta find Emily," I said, staring at Naib's arm. "And fast."

      Emma's P.O.V: "Gardener" 

     "You sure you're alright?" I asked my bestie once we're in the room together, "I... I can't b-believe Kreacher just tried to slap me! And... you didn't have to protect me, you know... I kind of deserve it..."

     "No, I did what I must," Emily disagreed with me, "It's not just about protecting you, it's more than that!"

     I frowned, "You mean, there's another reason why you protected me?"

     She hesitated at that thought, "W-well, it's nothing personal, but there's something really important I have to tell you and... I know you might not believe me but..."

     Seeing my friend looked distressed-well-enough, I almost felt really bad for her. Now, I can imagine why she must really feel miserable about keeping secrets... 

     "You don't have to tell me," I spoke calmly to comfort her, "There's no reason to force yourself, anyways." But then I added, "I already know. You're the traitor."

      "W-what?" Emily's eyes widened in horror, "M-me? A... traitor? Nonononono, you must've misunderstood me, I'm not the traitor!" 

      I sighed, realizing I spoke too soon, "Then never-mind, if it's not that... then what is it? Why did you run away?"

     "How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't run away!" 

     "Oh, you were telling Freddy and the others that you were searching for the attacker, isn't it? Or is that a lie?"

     She muttered under her breath, "It's. Not. A. Lie."

      Looking back at her, I almost felt sorry for my accusations. Probably, I should tone it down a little and not get too carried away. But I still couldn't get the thought that maybe... perhaps my best friend... would be the traitor... maybe... 

      "Listen," I began, "I'm sorry, my mouth just has a mind of its own," I apologized to her, "And even so, you don't have to worry... I trust you," I smiled at her, giving her a hug. "I'll always be there for you, no matter which path you choose, I'll always stand by your side!" Then after we finished hugging each other like best friends, I beamed, "After all, you're my angel."

      "Thanks," Emily sighed in relief, "Alright, I was about to tell you that I--"

      *Knock Knock*

     "Who is it~?" I called over my shoulders. 

     "Emily. Emma. We need to talk," I heard a familiar voice outside the room. "Open up. Now."

     Ugh. Freddy...


     Thanks for reading~! 

     -Taina Zakura-

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