Chapter 40 -No Clues!-

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*Oh my god, I just played a quick match with someone as a hunter, BQ of course, and one of the survivors chatted, "SWEET LITTLE BUMBLE BEE, I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME, DUBI-DUBI-DU-DAH-DAH" Like OMG, that's a song I remembered since a long time ago~! And that just made my day... Ah, I'm getting side-track here, sorry. Excuse my mistakes if I kept listening to this catchy song over and over again while writing here, LOL!*


Robbie's P.O.V: "Axe Boy"

"Monokuma," I began, "Why would you give me this?" I held out the piece of paper, "It said 'Misfortune,' what the heck does that even mean?"

"What am I, your dictionary!?" Monokuma gave me a meaningful expression. "If you're looking for a dictionary, find one in the library!"

My shoulders perked up immediately when he mentioned this news, "Really?"

"Don't tell me you think I was lying," the headmaster sighed, "Besides, what a great way to start 'the fun' is by encouraging you all to play these next games in the next round."

"Speaking of games," I mentioned, "How come we can't hold the trial for Bonbon, Monokuma?"


"Remember we watched the trial this morning about someone hurting that... that perfumer? AND they got executed?" I did my best to recall his memories... if he ever has one, that is...

. . . .

I waited for Monokuma to say something, but it seemed like he wasn't sure how to respond to that question. "That's a tough question," he stated.

Tough? Tch, he's the headmaster of this killing game, what the heck does he mean by 'tough question?'

"But surely if he's killed, he--" I began, but Monokuma interrupted me.

"Burke's building him."

"I'm sorry?"

"Geez, don't make me take back my words so fast, axe boy!" Monokuma revealed one of his claws out as one of his eyes glowed red. "If you have any further questions, make sure you deliver it promptly to me," he clarified, "Not blurt it out like you're the boss of me." And with that, he disappeared.

Was Monokuma always like that? Or had he woken up from a late, night sleep?

But, still, if what Monokuma said is true.... Then that means Bonbon will return back! However... will he be the same Bonbon that I'd known before?

Crumpling up the piece of paper, I really wanted to throw it away... Unfortunately to my horror, I held it firmly in my grasp as if I was having second thoughts about throwing it away, just like that...

Hearing someone coming up from behind me in the hallway, the sound was easily recognizable that I didn't feel like turning around to check who it was.... And it didn't take long for me to hear a familiar voice chuckled, "Your answer must be bad, isn't it, Robbie?"

"Nope," I shook my head as I turned around to face her, "I'm happy."

"Happy?" Galatea frowned, "There is no such thing as 'happy' in my vocabulary."

"I know," I replied back before telling her the good news without having second thoughts, "Monokuma just told me that Burke is working to fix Bonbon right now, isn't that great news?"

"Great?" She scoffed instantly, "What's so great about a live robot anyway?"

Hearing this, I was immediately taken aback by her words until I realized she was no longer the Galatea that I knew from the very beginning. She was the new Galatea...

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