Chapter 26 -End of Trial 1-

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     Thanks for making it so far as Trial 1 is about to close in pretty soon! (Note that this trial is only to solve only one of the traitors, not the three just yet since the other two were not involved in the attack!)

     P.S: It's going to be emotional. . . Just a quick warning. And at least 2500 words...


     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     We were stunned as Fiona (#2) confessed, "It appears you guys were way smarter than we thought, which is why I'm admitting this... I was also part of the attack and the one to blame for Vera's injuries."

     "H-How?" I heard someone behind me stumbled to find the right words to express... and it was at this moment, I realized someone was back so soon from the hospital. "How could you do this to me and lied about it, Fiona?"

     Vera was standing in front of the elevator as she made her way towards us. Her bleeding seems to stop- thanks to some bandages wrapped around her wounds, she was able to keep her posture straight as she entered the trial grounds.

     "Vera?" Fiona (#2) met Vera's eyes as she took a small breath. "I'm sorry I caused you so much pain, it's unlike me to do something rude to someone who trusted me from the start, but got caught up in this mess because of me--"

     "You were my friend!" Vera snapped as she carefully balanced herself against the wall. "I-I trusted you!" She blurted out uncontrollably.

     Fiona (#2) shook her head sadly. "Y-You don't understand, we're not friends."


     "It was all an act..."

     All an act. . . Those words must've affected Vera a lot because she rushed over to Fiona (#2) and I thought she was going to murder her ex-friend that badly at that time. However, to everyone's surprise, Vera hugged her. . .

     "What are you doing, Vera?!" Freddy demanded, "Didn't you just hear? They're both Fake!"

     But Vera wouldn't listen. She kept on sobbing as she held tightly onto Fiona's (#2) hand. "I-I don't believe this, this must be a mistake!" Vera cried as tears poured down her cheek. "We have only known each other for less than two days and I thought we're going to get along pretty well... what changed?"

     We all watched as the two of them faced each other. One sad and one full of guilt. "I'm the one that attacked you earlier, so why can't you see I betrayed you?!" Fiona (#2) snapped while clenching her fist. "I take full responsibility for what happened to you and that's why...." she met my eyes in a flash, "When you guys cast your vote, make sure you take down both me and my sister. It's the right choice."

     "This is not fair at all!" Fiona (#1) argued, especially towards her sister. "You could've lived but you decide to bring down both of us, how stupid can you get?!"

     "I'm not doing your bidding anymore," Fiona (#2) relaxed her shoulders with a soft smile, "I rather accept our fate than let others suffer because of us."

     "You will regret this!" Fiona (#1) boiled with rage. "I swear I'll get everyone killed and that's that!"

     "Not unless I stop you," Fiona (#2) smiled innocently. "Besides, everyone around us now knows the truth, I'm afraid it's over between us."

     Hold on, something's not adding up here. If both of them confessed they weren't the real Fiona... Then where is the real one?

     "Wait a second," I began, "But then, who's the real Fiona? If you guys admit you're fake, then...."

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