Chapter 75 -Insecure-

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     *This Part will be the most confusing one!*

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     After Edgar continued on answering as many questions as he could from everybody else, Emma finally arrived in the dining hall with some extra sandwiches she made, just in case it wasn't only me who didn't get one. 

     "Thanks, Emma!" I thanked her a millions times after I reached in and took a bite, "Oh wow, they're so good!"

     "Thanks!" The gardener smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

     "Ahem," Kevin, on the other side, was about to reach in for more when--

     "Kevin, you ate like 10 slices of the sandwiches already," Helena called him out from her seat next to him. "Don't you think it's polite that you save some of the rest for Lucky Guy and the others who hadn't eaten yet?"

     The cowboy glanced warily at her. "Hold on a minute, I thought you were blind!"

     Now that offended her so much that she stood up from her seat and began saying, "Even though I am blind, my ears are not deaf!" Adding, "It's not my fault that you get to eat so loud through every pause and take from the sandwiches in your hands." 

     Ouch. That was a burn, alright. 

     "Helena's got a point," Freddy agreed. "There are a few others who haven't joined in the dining hall with us."

     "You mean," Demi stared at everybody as she began counting for the missing people. "Oh, yeah, Martha and Vera aren't here with us. And so are a few of the hunters as well, who are they again?"

     Mary rolled her eyes at her question. "That would be that little axe boy, Robbie and the robot penguin, Bonbon. Plus that rotten photographer, whatever-his-name is."

     Wow. As a queen herself, if there's one thing she hates the most out of all the hunters, it's probably Joseph. 

     Turning around to face Edgar, I started to wonder why he hadn't touch any of the food Emma and some of the others had made. Could he be cautious of something, I wonder? Or maybe he's overthinking too much at this moment...

     "Shouldn't you eat one?" I asked him, offering one up from one of the colored plates. "They are quite delicious and you wouldn't want to starve to death here by any chance, do you?"

     Hesitating, I could see fear written all over his eyes, "N-no... no thank you," he sputtered his words out. "I'm... I'm good, actually."

     He pushed the plate away from his face gently, forcing me to put it back onto the table.


     What's wrong with him all of a sudden!? He's starting to look like he's really anxious of something? Oh my gosh... Don't tell me...

     "Are you allergic to the sandwiches?!" I gasped out loud in front of everybody. 


     "What? No way!" Edgar responded back immediately, face flushed in red. "I'm not allergic to anything that is related to the sandwiches, so stop talking about me, and start talking about what we should do right now."

     "Does anybody want the leftover sandwiches then?" The feaster asked, and I'm pretty sure he was dying to eat all of them...

     "Hey!" The cowboy frowned. "I want one to--"

     "No way, you two! Save some for Martha and the others!" Emma intervened as she body-blocked their way into getting more of the sandwiches. "Besides, eating too much will make you guys sick!"

     She's got a point. The thing here to survive... you don't want to eat too less or too much if we're to survive through this level... 

     The two of them sighed, "Fine," they said altogether, giving each other a weird look of stop-copying-me. 

     However, as everybody started laughing and smiling as if everything was calm right now...

     There is something wrong about what I'm seeing here... And it bothers me to realize about the journal... About what Edgar had 'NOT' mentioned... IF my guess was correct... then maybe... No, there is absolutely NO WAY I could trust him!

     Still, I'll still keep that a secret so he doesn't know... But who the heck should I trust then? I can't trust everybody besides.... No, there is at least a few others here I could trust. I just need a little more time to be aware of my surroundings, that's all....

     As I watched how distracted everyone else was, I decided it was the best time to make my escape. So without causing a scene while everybody's attention wasn't on me... I made my exit out of the dining hall and out of the storage room silently...

     But what I didn't realize before at that second... 

     Was a soft thud coming from my heart...

     "Hello?" I turned around in the hallways, thinking that someone must've followed me out of the dining hall. "Is anybody there?"

     No answer...

     Worried, I decided to keep my pace slow at first, just in case if I could hear more footsteps behind me, when all of a sudden--

     I heard it...


     It sounded like my mind was messing with me...


     "Lucky Guy... Lucky Guy... Lucky Guy," it called, and I swear that it sounded really close... Was that the Monokuma's announcement? 

     No, that can't be right. It doesn't sound like anything like Monokuma! Nor did it sound like it's coming from the announcement either....


     "STOP! Just show yourself already!" I cried, feeling slightly dizzy all of a sudden. "And leave me alone, whoever you are! Are you the traitors or something?"

     "Hahaha... Do you really think you can escape? Maybe if you did, what's the point? Your friends will die, and so will you! Just because you couldn't SAVE THEM!"

     "But you don't know anything about me..."

     "Oh? Do I?"


     "I know EVERYTHING about you. The way you think, the way you feel... what's the word? Relived? That you're still alive while it's only the beginning of the game?"

     "Just who the heck are you?" I shouted in the hallways. "Show yourself!"

     But the only response was laughter....


     I....I....I've never felt so much pain hearing it laughing at me... Who was that voice? And... why is it only laughing at me!? What did I do wrong!? Was it all just.... 


     "Um, Lucky Guy?" A voice came from behind me as I felt a hand on my back-shoulder. I got so frightened that I accidentally swatted-- more like slapped-- someone behind me. 



     "Oh, I'm so sorry, Emma!" I helped her get up from the ground, feeling sorry as I get to watch the gardener's face was twisted into confusion and pain. But when she noticed how much of a 'slap' that I put onto her arm, she immediately realized it--

     "Ah, no, it's fine, Lucky Guy!" Emma smiled sadly as she picked up the plastic plate on the ground. "Wow, it's a good thing that the sandwiches haven't been knocked on the floor!" Then she made a face, "Because nobody would like to eat their food that has been touched on the ground. Not even 5 second rules count."

     Right... Thankfully, that didn't happen!

     "It was an accident," I told her, thinking she might've misunderstand the reason why I slapped her other arm-- also thankful that it's not her face, because that would be a total burden... 

     "Oh no, it's fine!" The gardener lifted her smile. "I totally understand," adding as if to clarify this sudden turn, "It was my fault... I should've kept some space while you're hallucinating."

     "Hallucinating?" I repeated, confused why she brought that up. 

     "Mmhm!" She nodded her head. "You were shouting in the hallways like you were talking to a ghost or something, I don't really know," she explained it to me. "Although, it made me feel skeptical about if I should intervene... since, I didn't want the others to come out in the hallways and finding you... uh, being paranoid?"

     Oh my gosh... I felt so ashamed of myself... Of course! Those weren't just random voices coming out of my head... They were--

     "If I may ask, Lucky Guy," Emma met my eyes carefully, "You don't seem alright. But by any chance, are you... feeling insecure?"


     Darn. She's right about worrying me... But I don't want to admit it!

     "Of course not!" I lied, faking a smile once again like I did earlier to her and Emily this morning. "I was just... tired... that's all. Which is why I'm heading off to my room... to get some early rest..."

     "Well, in that case, if you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know!" Emma called over her shoulder, but before she could walk any further, she stopped in her tracks. "Lucky Guy...."

     "What is it?" I asked her, wondering what she wanted from me this time...

     "If you didn't notice... It might actually be a good thing..." Emma began, "It took me a while to realize, but... we're getting our own rooms!"

     "What, really!?" 

     Thank god! That's such a good thing to hear! Now that I don't have to worry about Kreacher and Kevin being the traitors in one room.... Yes!

     "Yep!" She nodded her head as she glanced back at me, "I just overheard the others were talking about it in the dining hall, but feel free to find your room first before you get confused!" And with that, she walked away...


     Thanks for reading~!

     -Taina Zakura-


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