Chapter 67 -Trial #2: A Path To Nowhere (Pt.1)-

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     *The trial you've all been waiting for~!*

     (Author's note: Sorry I couldn't get to everyone in time when finding evidence and clues for Lucky Guy, but these evidences from everybody will be shown in the class trials so don't worry about it!)

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     Now the moment we've all been waiting for...

     It's showtime.


     "Ahem, please proceed to the main room where the elevator is waiting to gather you all to the Class Trial rooms!" Monokuma announced in the main speakers. "Puhuhuhu... I'll be waiting for you guys in the 4th floors! Ta taa~!" And with that, the clicking sound from the speakers indicated that the announcement was over. 

     Heading over to the main room, I noticed many of the survivors and the hunters weren't well prepared for what is to come next...

     Even some of the survivors and the hunters were giving dirty looks at each other as we all arrived in the elevator together. Fortunately, at least, we took turns getting into the elevator so the elevator wouldn't be too full to carry the rest of us as we made it up to the 4th floors...

     "This is it," I heard Freddy mutter under his breath besides me. "The fate that determines whether we will succeed or die by the hands of the traitor."

    "Hmph, you got a lot of balls to say that, lawyer," Edgar turned his body away from Freddy in a strange manner. Then turning to glance over at me, "And I also suggest you to be on guard as well, Lucky Guy."

    "Y-yeah, of course," I replied, unsure how that message was going to help me think this through. It's not like I could immediately come up with ideas to draw out the killer... That takes time!

     . . . 

     "I have a bad feeling about this," Melly said as the elevator reached its stopping point. 

     "Me too," Kurt agreed silently. 

     "Do whatever it takes to survive, guys," Tracy suggested. "But either ways, I'll still be doubting you guys."

     "How is that even helping?" Servais grumbled, shaking his head. "If we keep on doubting each other, where's teamwork?"

     "Open up your eyes, magician," Jose commented in disbelief, "Do you think there's such a thing as teamwork?"

     "Uh, yeah?"

     The first officer snorted, "Then you're automatically dumb as heck."

     "Quiet you guys!" Yidhra hissed in frustration, tired of hearing the survivors argue even longer. "Some of us need quiet and peace for a second here!"

     "She's not wrong," I overheard Murro agreed calmly behind me. "Let's just try to stay focused on what's ahead of us, rather than what's behind us..."

     "Sure..." Demi said slowly, and that's when the elevator opened, revealing the same trial room just like the 1st trial we had a few days ago. 

     It looks pretty much the same, I guess... Except, there's no audience from the hunters, that's what...

     As everyone headed into the center of the class trial room, we soon came upon Monokuma who was sitting on his throne, looking perhaps pleased with himself.

     "Now that everybody is finally here~" The headmaster began with a cheerful voice, "Let me explain the rules one more time!"

     "But we already know the rules," William protested, but Monokuma wasn't having it--

     "So? You may know the rules, yes, but you don't know the rules of how it's going to work, since did you already forget? The hunters are going to join this class trial as well, so why not add in a few extra rules?"

     . . . 

     He has a point there. I'm just curious how this 2nd trial will run due to a slight difference in numbers and competitions. 

     "Let me lay out the additional rules for how it's going to work," Monokuma said proudly, "From here, you guys will be participating in the debate as one whole class! Meaning anybody can ask questions to the opposing team as well, for example: Hunters can ask Survivors and Survivors can ask the Hunters! Literally anyone!"

     "Is that it?" Vera frowned. "Doesn't seem much like a new rule to me."

     "Hey, hey, hey! I'm not done yet!" Monokuma's face turned bright red with his paws up in the air. "Geez, where's your patient, little perfumer?"


    "Anyways," Monokuma finally calmed down a little, "Here's how the points to the winner will be decided. Whoever solved this mystery of the killer and the victim, will earn a point to their side! So far, survivors have a total of 1 point while the hunter has 0," he explained, but then his voice darkened all of a sudden. "Failure to solve who's the killer and the victim will result in a terrible punishment of execution from both sides except the traitors!"

     How awful... Too bad that I won't let it happen. At least, not while I'm here... 

     "Once all of you guys come into conclusion of who's the killer and solve the mystery of the headless murder, then it'll be decided," he added. "Oh and one more thing... You cannot choose the same target, so how should I put it? You guys have only two chances, that's what!"

     Silence filled the entire room as I processed those thoughts in my mind.

     Hm. 2 chances are better than 1 chances since there are a lot of participants here in the class trial. 

     "So in conclusion, one of you guys might 'accidentally' kill the innocent when catching the traitor!"

     "What?" I said, shocked to hear this sudden news. "How come?"

    "Puhuhuhu, isn't that obvious?" The headmaster laughed, "Because~ both sides will be forced to cast their votes, of course! Meaning, even if one of the sides managed to solve who's the traitor in your group..."

     Then that means the other side will have to eliminate the other 'one' as well.... 

     "That's crazy!" Martha exclaimed. 

     "Unbelievable," muttered Luca. 

     "What a sad place to be put in," murmured Emma.

     "But....BUT~" Monokuma emphasized his words carefully. "You might also discover the 'other' traitors as well if you're lucky enough to guess the right one."

     "And if we happened to guess both of the traitors...." Edgar hesitated. 

    "Then you have less than one of the traitors to worry about! Isn't that exciting!?"

    "Ah, not really," Joseph answered from the front, "But if you insist on wanting us to play this game, I guess we really don't have a choice here, do we?"

    "Of course you don't!" Monokuma chuckled, "Well then, let's not waste anymore time now, please stand by in the trial grounds!" 

     (Author's Notice: "Trial grounds" is a word that I would use quite often when the survivors are going to take place in the trial stands. Like, I can't find the right word for that, just saying. Oh and don't mind me having bad interpretations for Monokuma, because I can't really think what he's saying, literally!)

     Without much hesitation, everyone headed over to the trial stands, waiting for the class trial to commence. 


     P.S: The trial room had been upgraded when the hunters participate in this class trial with the survivors! So instead of one big circle (I can't imagine how open that huge space would be if that happens), There is going to be 2 circles. The hunters are in the outer circles while the survivors are in the inner circle. Hope that helps!


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