Chapter 59 -The Anonymous!-

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      Naib's P.O.V: "Mercenary"

     After I took a quick shower before getting ready for bed, I couldn't stop thinking about that incident from yesterday...

      How could I possibly be so blind? Kreacher almost poisoned me! But then again, I still wonder why Aesop hadn't told the news to Emily when she cured me. It was as if that embalmer doesn't want to make this harder for the thief to bear...

      "Don't tell me you're still thinking about what happened today," my roommate, Norton began. 

      "What does that mean?" I asked impatiently, slowly realizing that he wanted to talk about 'that' incident between me and that... I-don't-want-to-say-his-name...

      The prospector gave me an awkward smile, "You know what I mean, Naib."

      . . . 

      "And what about it?" I raised one of my eyebrows at him, as if I was daring him to answer. "What more do you want me to suffer because of... him?"

      "Not much," Norton replied tactfully before leaning back on the chair, making himself more comfortable. "Anyways, I wanted to ask your thoughts about Kreacher and Emily."

      There was a moment of silence as I stared at him from across the room...

      What about them? I wanted to ask, but I decided to let him answer that by himself--

      "It's..." he continued on, "Just that I have a weird feeling and... I wanted to know your opinions about them, if that's alright for you."

      My opinions? Hmm... Not much I wanted to say, but... Should I tell Norton everything about Kreacher's plan to harm me? Should I give him the truth that we hadn't given to anybody but ourselves? And how long is Aesop planning to hide this secret from everybody? Won't Kreacher come up with another plan to... harm us? 

      . . . 

      "I...." I faltered, not meeting his eyes. "I.... don't have a comment about that," I finally managed, turning my back away from him. "And if you don't mind, give me some time to think about it, Norton." 

      Hearing him getting off of the chair with a small *squeak,* the prospector walked over to me and before I knew it-- He ruffled my hair. 

      "Hey!" I swatted his hands away from my hair. "What's that for?!" I demanded, putting my hood on.

      He smiled reassuringly, "No reason! But anyways, I didn't mean to pressure you, Naib," he patted my shoulders gently. "Well then, good night," and he walked off to close the lights. 

      Right... Good Night.

      But even so, you're still my rival, Norton. 

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     "Night dudes!" Kevin put his cowboy hat near the side of the rim of the bed before getting himself comfortable in the covers. 

      "Night," Kreacher muttered, although he didn't appear to look and sound too eager to go to bed already... 

      "What's wrong, Kreacher?" I asked from across the room, sitting up in my bed. "Something you have in mind?"

      In the darkness with only the small-glowing lamp between us, it was hard to tell if Kreacher was startled by my question or if he's too tired to answer...

      "I... I'm..." Kreacher began hesitantly, almost as if he's afraid to talk to me, but then my mind went somewhere else as I turned over to glance at the cowboy.

      "Hey, Kevin," I got the cowboy's full attention. "Remember before you were mentioning that someone was looking for me? Before I got attacked by the devil-mask?"

      Kevin, who was already lying in bed, brought his eyes up at the ceiling. "What about it, kid?"

      But we both knew what I wanted to ask next...

      "You know what I wanted to talk about," I urged him. "Who was that person that wanted to look for m--"

      "I ain't gonna tell you," Kevin replied without thinking. And before I knew it, he turned his back side over so I couldn't see his face. 

      "Why not?!" I challenged the cowboy. "You know who attacked me... did you? You... you knew this would happen to me, r-right?" My voice almost cracked as I got off of my bed, and went over to him. "Tell me, why did you insist me to stay in my room be--"

     "Look. Kid. I did this for 'your' own good, so leave me out of this," was his response. "Besides," he added, "I had a feeling that this would happen... which is why it's what the mastermind wants. He or she wanted to make the others believe that you were one of the traitors."

      "And?" I put my hands on my waist, demanding more explanation. "So? That doesn't explain who or why they wanted to attack me. Who wanted to see me in the first place? I don't get it!"


      "Please, Kevin!" I begged him, shaking his shoulders while he's still in bed, "I need to know so I could be aware of the upcoming attack!" 

      The cowboy had enough of my drama as he got up from his covers and grabbed both of my shoulders, pulling me so close that I could hear him breathe out the words in my ears...

      "Tracy wants to see you."

      Tracy? The mechanic? W-what? 

      Seeing my shock expressions all written on my face, he immediately let go of my shoulders. "It was written on a letter, Lucky Guy," he told me with a whisper so Kreacher wouldn't overhear us as he was trying his best to sleep. "I found it lying near the doorway as if someone was sliding the letter underneath the door to our room. And you know what's so weird about it? It was addressed to 'only' you and signed by Tracy's name."

      "But she..." I hesitated. "She can't be the attacker, she's not capable of--"

      "True, she can't be the attacker," Kevin agreed with me, "But we can't be sure that she might be one of the traitors as well, so that's why I was cautious about it when I read that letter over and over again."

      "D-do you still have it?" I whispered silently, hoping he didn't toss the evidence in the trash. 

      "Yep, that I do, kiddo," he got up from the bed and pulled out the letter from his hat. "I figured you might ask me for this, so I kept it with me, hidden."

      I smiled as I took the letter from him, "Thanks," but then I frowned, "How come you never want to tell me about this, Kevin? Why hide it from me?"

     "Well, there's many reasons why I did that," Kevin sighed, "Look at it from a different perspective, Lucky Guy. Tracy is the traitor."

     "But the letter could be written by anyone," I muttered, examining the letter closely: 

      Dear Lucky Guy, 

      I want to talk to you privately about something. Please meet me by my room ASAP before dinner time. And please come alone, I have something to discuss with you. 

      Yours truly, Tracy 

     I don't believe this...

     "This letter could be a fake," I argued quietly, "Anybody could write this and--"

     "I doubt it, kiddo," Kevin let out a yawn as he stretched his arms. "Man, I'm exhausted having to talk to you."

     "But Kevin," I began, still reminding him that I wasn't done with him just yet. "Don't you think this is all a set up to make Tracy look suspicious?"

     "Oh yeah," the cowboy turned to stare at me, "I almost forgot to mention while I was heading down towards the dining hall, I noticed Tracy peeping out of the doorway as if she was expecting someone."

     I glanced down at the letter once more, "Funny she never mentioned this to me..."

     "Dunno, perhaps she wants to forget about it, I guess? Since you never arrived at her door, she probably assumed that you never got the letter because of me," he suggested thoughtfully. "Oh and by the way, there are some survivors who never came to the dining hall besides you and Naib."

     "And who might that be?"

     "Luca, Eli, Tracy, and Vera," Kevin acknowledged. "Though Aesop came sooner. Not to mention Emily was gone for a while to use the restroom."

     Processing those names in my head, something doesn't really add up here... But there doesn't seem to be a pattern either.... 

     "Thanks, you've been a great help," I murmured gratefully to my roommate, "And... I can understand how worried you are about me, Kevin."

     "Don't fret it," Kevin grin reassuringly. "Not many people have your kind of detective skill."

     That stopped me for a moment...

     "But I'm no detective," I replied with dismay. "I'm nothing, but just lucky."

     "Well, that's what you think." 


      Hearing this made me feel good about myself, but then again, part of me felt worse. Because, what if the traitors were actually after me this whole time? Then that would make sense, wouldn't it? 

      "If you could solve the 1st trial, then that would make total sense here, kiddo."

      "But I did solve the 1st trial!"

      "Exactly," Kevin nodded slightly, "That's the problem. You're better than anyone when it comes to turning the whole trial around unlike Freddy-- Don't tell him that or else he'll kill me," he teased with a whisper. "But you get what I mean, don't ya?"

      I do. 

     Though, thinking back to what I told Freddy earlier about keeping his cover low, I wonder if that would be a huge problem as well... 

      And that's when a light bulb hit me--

      I have to find Freddy! 


     Thanks for reading! Have a Wonderful Day!

      -Taina Zakura-

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