Chapter 72 -Upgrade + George Washington-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     Monokuma broke the silence, "Well, now that we got those two out of the way, let me share some additional rules for the upcoming trials if that ever happens."

     "Like what?" Kevin grumbled, "More death?"

     "Close~!" The headmaster chuckled, "Puhuhuhu, it's an upgrade that I would call, actually!"

     Upgrade? What does he mean by that?

     "Because~ After examining this trial, I've been thinking that it's not entirely fair for the hunters to not understand the concept of this trial, so here is what's going to happen," he continued on. "From today, the hunters and the survivors will share the same buildings, and it'll be connected as one!"

     Then that means... Both sides will be forced to participate in another killing game... And the most challenging part is, the killer could be one of the hunters... Which is going to be a lot of twists and turns...

     The others in the room looked away as if they were afraid to argue with the headmaster, but didn't say a word. 

     "And while I'm still talking to you guys, the buildings are now shifting underneath us," Monokuma said with a laugh. "Which means, the traitors can be anybody~!"

     "What? It's shifting?!" Helena gasped. 

     "Talk about how crazy this place is!" William added. 

     "It sure is!" Mike agreed. 

     "Anyways," Monokuma brought everyone's attention. "For the points, the survivors won their point so it's 2 v.s 0! But don't worry, hunters! You'll get your point the next time~" Adding, "If you want to start the killing game immediately for the points, go ahead! You have all the time you need!"

     "Tch!" Tracy crossed her arms, "I wonder who's going to die next."

     "I hope it's not me!" Emma's face saddened. "Or else... it'll be really sad because I just found my long-lost father."

     "Or me," Demi murmured, "I just have so many questions about the outside world."

     "Same here," Kurt mentioned thoughtfully. "Wouldn't like this to happen, so I'll bet on that we can escape together to live our normal, regular life in the outside world."

     "Mhm!" Emily smiled. "I hope we can!"

     "Um, you guys?" Edgar cleared their thoughts away. But I could see it in his face that he was struggling on how to approach this conversation very cautiously. "Maybe, don't get too caught up in your reality here? I mean, there's still a chance you guys can succeed and get out of this place, so do what you got to do, and don't think too much about it..."

     Now that got me thinking... Edgar had been in the outside world not so long ago, so what happened? Is he hiding something from us? And, he had mentioned that he was a guide to make sure that we escaped altogether, but... why is he not wanting to tell us the truth?

     "Oh, I just remembered," Freddy called out the painter, "You have been in the outside world, correct? So tell us, what's it like out there?"

    That's what I was dying to know!

     However, the look on Edgar's face says it all... But not wanting to hurt our expectations, he managed a small smile, "Ah, it's alright! Not much of a difference! Just a little busy is all."

     "Pft, I wonder why you didn't get the police involved if you guys knew that we've been trapped in this school for days!" Tracy snapped at him. "Hmph, moron!"

     "My apologies," Edgar sighed sadly, "I could not get the police involved for serious reasons."


     "L-Like I said," Edgar clarified himself, "The world's pretty busy with something, and since this was an order given by the Future Foundation, I could not disobey them."

     Hearing this, Monokuma had enough of our conversation as he changed the topic, "Well, you guys, welcome to level 3! You may now do whatever best suits you, go eat lunch, go eat dinner, go to bed, wake up, and dream like this is the last time you'll ever dream, and good luck!" And with that, he disappeared within a flash...

     That was an unexpected announcement...

     "You heard what he said," Martha turned away sadly, "I... I think I'll skip lunch and head to bed like Monokuma said... After all, I'm tired."

     "Me too," Vera mumbled in agreement. "I'm very tired as well."

     As those two left, the others glanced warily at each other before following them into the elevator where half of us waited for the 1st group to enter and leave the elevator... I was part of the 2nd group, so I waited with the rest of the hunters and some survivors. 

     "Lucky Guy, I'm sorry," Edgar whispered right next to me, "Sometimes, finding the right amount of hope mixed in with a little despair spreads like poison, doesn't it?"

     "It does," I softly replied back, making sure the others didn't overhear our little conversation. "But don't worry, I believe in you."

     For now if you're being honest.


     Naib's P.O.V: "Mercenary"

     This trial really packs a punch on my stomach here. I mean, I never expected Margaretha to be the killer, but everything Lucky Guy had put out there was correct after all... He sure is something... Maybe, there's a chance that he's our last hope to escape this place...

     Although, now that Monokuma had placed in a bigger problem for the upcoming trials... Not to mention that we, as survivors, get to experience a little rough start with the hunters, but--

     "Will you stop looking at me?!" I shouted at the stalker from behind me. 

     "Dude, it's just us," Eli flinched when I accidentally gave him a frustrated look. 

     "Oh, right, sorry!" I awkwardly apologized, realizing that it was only Eli and Aesop behind me...

     Now that I think about it, the embalmer really didn't participate as much in the trial here... or whatever reason why... I think it's best if I don't overthink too much about it since he's not a talkative survivor here. 

     "Hmm..." Eli turned around to glance over at the ripper within less than a mile away, "Oh? You're avoiding him now?"

     "Shh!" I motioned him to quiet down. "He hasn't heard me yet, so please turn around so you can body-block me from his view."

     "But you're a mercenary," Aesop reminded me, clearly hinting that I was mistaking my role. "Can't you body-block yourself?"

     Got me, didn't he?

     "Fine then," I got out of my hiding place from behind Eli. "Suit yourself, if I'm dead, make sure you guys pin this blame on him."

     "Wait, does that mean you'll be the traitor's bait?" Eli questioned me curiously. "But then, we'll lose you!"

     "Are you guys freaking serious?" I almost raised my voice, but then I realized someone was watching us from afar. "I didn't mean 'it' literally!"

     As I glanced over at the ripper, hoping that he wouldn't come over to talk to me... Instead, our eyes met for a brief second and I swear I saw nothing but regret written on his eyes. Even though he was wearing a mask to cover his whole face, his eyes were clearly visible when our eyes locked.

     And just like that, he turned away from me...

     "I don't think he likes it when you called him a stalker," Eli whispered what he was thinking. "But I'm sure he doesn't mean to stalk you, after all, we're stuck here together."

     "Y-Yeah, you're probably right," I agree with the seer. "Maybe I was a little overthinking it, although... I'm not sure. He could be the traitor and the next killer..."

     "Who knows?" Eli shrugged, "What do you think, Aesop? Got any advice for Naib?"

     . . .

     Aesop glanced at me slowly, but before he could answer--

     Eli interrupted him as he added on to comfort me, "Besides, Aesop already knows what it's like to be watched from afar as well with the hunter that looks just like none other than George Washington--"


     "Ow!" Eli rubbed his head as he turned around to stare at Aesop. "What did you do that for?"
     Giving him one-last annoying look, Aesop walked away, forcing Eli to follow right behind him again with dozens of apologies, saying something about trying to help and so on. 

     Yeah, right... I thought sarcastically in my head as I followed those two without putting much of a fight. Sometimes, I just have to go along with it...


     I'll end this short chapter here! Sorry! The trial has been a bug to bear with, but with that gone, I'll keep my next chapters a little shorter than expected! 

     Yeah, I know. I shouldn't have added the little humor, but since you guys were all reading mostly about Lucky Guy, now this is my chance to go through other people's perspective as a break time! 

     And yes, the humor is bad, but at least it might lighten up some mood? I don't know if you guys know George Washington, but he's the 1st president of the United States and LOL! To me, he looks like Joseph! (If you know what I mean~!) Sorry if I offend Joseph with that because of his wig!!!

     BUT OMG, that title made me laugh!

     And thanks for reading~!

     -Taina Zakura- 

     (I'm getting quite tired of naming myself, so I'll keep my usual name for now!)


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