Chapter 52 -A Sudden Turn-

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     Eli's P.O.V: "Seer"

     As we headed out of the main room, leaving Freddy and Lucky Guy alone in the room, I kept silent to myself as I watched Norton trying to get Naib to say something. 

     "Just one word, please?" The prospector pleaded. 

     Shaking his head, Naib was uncomfortable to talk even a single word. But after a few moments, he sighed, and whispered, "If I don't talk, please tease me."

     Hm... I think it's translated like: 'If I do talk, please don't tease me.' 

      "Oh," Norton understood that message clearly, but he didn't stop there. "Say~ How are your feelings with the Ripper going?"

      Naib opened his mouth, but then he stopped... As if knowing what Norton wanted him to say, he changed the topic-- 

      "I don't need a cure for this."

      "Well, if you're going to need a cure for this," I began, "We might as well find one in the school's health room upstairs at the 3rd floor." Adding, "They might have it."

      Now that got some of the others' attention. 

     "You know about this?" William raised one of his eyebrows at me. 

     "Of course," I nodded honestly. "And not just that, but there are other things that represent this manor as an actual school."

     "And what is that?" Aesop asked.  


      However, I still haven't forgotten about my vision last night, and I was hesitant if I should let the survivors know about this... Even so, where is Freddy and Lucky Guy? Weren't they supposed to come out behind us? 

      "Wait, forgot something in the back," I abruptly told the others, before whispering to Brooke, "Find them," and released her to go back to the dining hall. 

     . . . 

      After we arrived in the main room, I waited for my little birdie to return for some news... Along with having to listen to Monokuma's lecture and so on about basic rules to not forget... 

     Finally, after a few minutes, the owl returned back, and flew with a swift land on my arms. 

     "What did you forget?" Aesop asked me softly, and I could tell he knew I was up to something.

     "Oh, I thought I left something back there, but I guess not," I replied smoothly without hesitation. 

     Then my owl told me everything about what just happened as I did my best to listen patiently and quickly... 

     So that's what is going on. . . I figure those two were onto something as Brooke then told me about the diary and the book stuff, which I don't really understand since... now I can assume that this book Luca had thrown was actually a diary... 

      Hmm... that makes Luca, Lucky Guy, Freddy, Tracy, and who else knows about that book was a diary? Had any of them read it, that is? If so, I like some explanation myself... 

      Just when Brooke started to flap her wings, I knew that those two were back... And the clock had now struck 7:30 a.m. Just gone a few minutes was all it takes to uncover a quick mystery... 

       Helena's P.O.V: "The Mind's Eye"

       My mind was blank as I fidgeted my cane. I was so overthinking about this... I really was... but then a sudden thought hit me when my eyes wandered over to Lucky Guy and Freddy who were just coming into the main room. 

      Who knows when this'll be all over... And I bet one of us is the mastermind and the traitor here despite no one is saying anything... That has to be it, isn't it? Otherwise, we wouldn't have been here... Trapped and forced to play this ridiculous game was all it takes for despair to win over our hearts... And... And we'll lose for sure, I just--


I blinked back myself as I watched Lucky Guy facing towards me from the other side of the room...

     What is he... 

     "Now that everyone is finally here," Monokuma's words woke me up from blanking out, "Let's start the next round, 'shall we?"

     "Hey, wait just a sec," William began, pointing his finger at Monokuma, "Why can't we just begin the trial first and--"

     "Is this some kind of a joke?" The headmaster snapped back, anger written all over his face, "If so, please let me finish telling you that the trial would not begin unless you guys completed all the rounds in each level. And besides," he mentioned with a sigh, "This action was unnecessary so it would be an excuse until now."

     "W-what?!" Martha gasped from the front, "Y-you can't be s-serious, Monokuma! We have to figure out who drugged Naib and--"

     "Are you trying to defy your headmaster?" Monokuma challenged. 

     "N-no," the coordinator looked down in shame. "Forget I said anything."

     "Very well then," Monokuma chuckled, "Let's get to the 5th round, 'shall we? Who wants to volunteer?"

    . . . 

     "I have a question," Eli blurted out.

     "What is it now?" The headmaster replied impatiently. 

     "While the game goes on, is it alright if someone takes Naib to find a cure on the 3rd floor?"

     "What kind of a game don't you understand?" Monokuma sighed in frustration, "No, I will not tolerate that."

     Are you sure about that?

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