Chapter 46 -All Set And Ready To GO-

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     ???'s P.O.V: "???"

     Well, it's not like I could tell -blank name- that this was all my fault... It's true I messed up, thanks to that awful motivator, but that wasn't even a plan that I wanted to agree to in the first place.

     What made me want to attack Lucky Guy was because I feared him... I know, it's ridiculous... After all, -blank name- would always call or treat me like I'm one of those servants even when I was only doing a favor because of our relationships. 

     Speaking of which, I wondered if I should ambush Kreacher and forced him to submit to being motivated... Or I can just simply hand it over as if it was nothing-- 

     W-wait a second, why would I pass this note to Kreacher when Monokuma could handle this by himself? Wasn't -blank name- supposed to do that? I mean, didn't she do that earlier? Or had I lost my mind just now? 

     Maybe she wanted me to redeem myself and-- Ah, that can't be right. There's got to be a reason for this... I'm sure -blank name- is just confused as I was... maybe... 

     Taking a quick glance around me before exiting out of the secret tunnel that I took and had to travel all the way down with the secret passage within the walls, and made my way towards the room where Kreacher was supposed to be in where the door was wide-open. . .

     Just as I expected, he really did take the time to clean up the bullets and some of the messes laying on the ground... Predictable. 

     Watching him for a few minutes of cleaning up bits of pieces, I was about to think of a quick strategy to knock him out and force him to read it, but unexpectedly, I didn't have to do any one of these because--

     "I know you're here," he interrupted the silence between us as I stood there in the door-way. "Took you long enough."

     "Don't play dumb with me," I gritted my teeth. "Of course you would know why I'm here, but if you're finally cooperating in that case, here," I tossed him the piece of paper as it flew straight into his hands. "Read it."

     "Excuse me?" Kreacher glanced at the paper before looking back at me, but I wasn't going to allow him to play dumb-dumb with me since I only had a minute to spare before the others would notice and expose me. 

     "I said, 'read it,'" I repeated impatiently, "Or do you want me to stab you to death?"

     He shook his head and began opening up the folded paper to reveal the truth, or whatever -blank name- decided to announce him to do... 

     Seeing his shock expression, I must say, I'm kind of amused myself... Oh how -blank name- is going to be so happy with me~! I can't wait to see the excitement written on -blank name's- faces when -blank name- realized what a good servant I am to be a part of this organization! 

     "Can you do it?" I asked after he finished reading. 


     "But this is... I might be..."

     "Surely this might make you look suspicious, but don't worry," I said in my don't-you-worry tone. "We promise this is all just a game... After all, don't you hate when no one listens to you? Hate that people don't treat you like the others? You really want to make Emma listen to you, right? Since, let's face it, you don't have the guts to even do it, but trust me, no killing has been done by me so now it's your job to finish it."

      Kreacher nervously stared back at the letter once more before finally confirming, "If that's what it takes to... make my life easier... then yes, I'll accept the offer."

      "Great," I did a swift nod and turned away from him, "If you need to contact us, don't forget to holler for Monokuma and we'll contact you from there." 

      And with that, I disappeared through the hallway as I entered through the secret passage way behind the walls, and just like that.... the plan was all set and ready to go for level 2.

      Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

      It was pretty much boring having to wait for someone to find us and also, it was impossible. And not only was I bored, but also kind of tired and frustrated at how I should've known someone would target me that fast. 

      I guess not a lot of others liked me... 

     "Naib," I began, and he looked up at me from the ground, "Do you, by any chance, know how to get out of here?"

      He thought for a few seconds before answering, "Yes, really?" 

      "You do?" My eyes lit up.

      However, the mercenary frowned again, "I didn't have a coma."

      "But you just told me you had a coma earlier when we first met down here?" I argued, realizing something was wrong with him. And I could tell that I wasn't the only one who disliked his response as well, so does he... 

      "I didn't," he tried again, shaking his head but there was no point, he wasn't even admitting it fully. 

      "Hey, take it easy there," I patted his back, hoping this'll calm him down. "We should..." 

      And that's when I smelled it. . . 

      It smelled kind of odd... almost like.... like......

      "Oh my gosh," I gasped, backing away from him, "Are you on any drugs or alcohol?!"

      He looked surprised at me, until he shrugged. "I don't think so." 

     "You don't think so?"

     He sighed in frustration and I could tell we're both having a hard time communicating with each other. As his eyes darted around to find a broken stick, he reached over to it, and tapped it on the dirty ground until I noticed he was trying to write me a message:

     "I think so," it wrote. 

     That's when I almost had a headache, "But you said you--"

     Then he started to write down all of these things he wanted to tell me, "I had a coma. My memory is bad. I'm no traitor..."

     When... When did this all happen? Does that mean... Martha is in danger as well!? 

     "IF you're down here, then that means Martha must've been in trouble?!"

     "She's not fine," he blurted out, before mumbling to himself and writing out the words he wanted to say: 

     She's Fine. 

     "H-how can you be so sure of yourself? Didn't you say you have a memory loss?" I argued, then I glanced at the message, and then back at him. . . "Wait... you... you're..... no wait.... you're...."

     And I knew the reason why he smelled kind of funny... I might be onto something... 

     "Um, Naib," I did my best to relax, "Don't tell me this, but... you... either way you lost your memories or you're taking the opposite day so seriously, if there's such an event like this, I don't blame you."

     He immediately gave me a look like he wanted me to be quiet before slumping down as if he wanted to give up so badly.... 

     "Or... is it just me that you can't help it?" I tried again slowly. 

     . . . . 

     And that's the reaction I wanted to see...


     He met my eyes with relief... 


     Thanks for reading! If there's any confusion or question, don't hesitate to ask. But I won't answer questions that'll ruin the upcoming suspense that I had all planned out and ready to go. 

     P.S: Don't take this too seriously. 

     -Taina Zakura-


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