Chapter 22 -The Beginning of the Trial-

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*Unlike the other Danganronpa game play you might've seen before or haven't, I've decided to switch things up a bit and try to lighten the first trial much easier than what it's supposed to be. Usually there would be someone dead before the trials begin, but since I want to take things slow at first, I'll make it easier to say that Vera, thankfully, survived. However, who shall be blackened at the end of the first trial I wonder?*


     No One's P.O.V: "LISTEN"

     "During the class trial," Monokuma began, "You will present your arguments for who the traitor is, and vote for 'whodunnit,'" he explained. "Your votes will determine the results for anyone who you think is the traitor."

     "That's it?" Freddy chuckled softly, "Heh, If you want to play this kind of game, I'd say this game is pretty easy to win alright."

     "What are you talking about, Freddy?" Kreacher asked from across the room, although not  pleased to hear him say such a thing. 

     Freddy shrugged, "What do you think I'm talking about?" He shot back, "If you didn't know me any longer, my friend. I'd say I'm the best at debating, judging by the way I am an actual lawyer," he boasted.

     "Don't you dare call me your friend," the thief said angrily. "And who the heck cares if you're a lawyer or--"

     "What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Monokuma interrupted with impatience. "Stop talking when I'm giving out instructions here!" After waiting for silence to fill the entire room, he continued on as if nothing happened, "Anyways, you can either agree or deject one's own arguments as much as you like by providing evidence to back you up." Then advised everyone, "Remember, this game comes with consequences so be aware of your timing and target. Any questions before we begin?"

     "I have a question," Robbie piped up in the background, "When can we play that game?"

     Ignoring the axe boy, Monokuma asked again, "Any other questions besides that?"

     Emily raised her hand bravely before asking, "What about Vera? She's not really feeling well, and I don't think she can participate with such injury in her--"

     "Jesus, she's supposed to be dead," Monokuma muttered out loud. "How did I forget?"

     "Thank god that didn't happen!" Vera said with a hopeful look as she steadied herself from falling. Turning her attention back to Emily, "I-It's alright, Emily," she smiled at the doctor, "My injuries are only minor, but after this game is over, I just want... I... just.............want................" Her voice faltered quietly before losing consciousness as the world around her went completely black. . . 

     Fortunately, Naib was closer to her right and immediately rushed over to catch her before she could hit the ground. (P.S: IT'S NOT A SHIP, SO DON'T COMPLAIN!) 

     As the survivors and hunters were watching this awkward moment from the bleachers, Galatea noticed someone was taking this seriously out of all the audiences. "Hey, check that out," she whispered over to Robbie as he too, glanced at where she was looking over at. "I can't tell behind the mask if he's nervous or well... mad," she giggled. 

     Robbie didn't see much when he tried to spot who she was referring to. The only thing he could see was Geisha fanning herself in the middle row, Yidrah looking so bored and frustrated along with Burke, but realizing when she meant mask... did she refer to someone he knew.  Darting his gaze over to Joseph, next to him sat Jack the Ripper. 

     Although Jack didn't seem to react what-so-ever from where he sat in the front row, Robbie could only take note of Jack's back. "I don't get what you're trying to say," he mumbled. "Seems fine to me."

     "Focus on his hand," Galatea whispered back, "If you haven't noticed it, he's fidgeting alright." Once again, Robbie tried his best to peer at a different angle instead of watching his back, and then it soon became clear. She was telling the truth. 

     "Is he nervous?" Robbie asked, unsure what's wrong with him. "Perhaps he's not used to watching this game?"

     "Dunno," she hinted a small smile as she focus on watching the show, "But I feel like this is first love at first--"


     "Forget I said anything..."

     . . . .

     Joseph sighed, "Jack, get over your nerves," he began, "You never even met this survivor and you're totally falling for someone who's as clueless as you."

     "Why do you think I like Vera?" Jack the Ripper questioned as he stopped fidgeting around. "You know, I'm not taking any liking with--"

     "I'm not talking about her," the photographer said unexpectedly, glancing back at the spotlight. "It's him, I'm talking about," he pointed his long sword directly at the one who just saved Vera from the fall. 

     "I have no idea what you're talking about," Jack said with his convincing tone, "That's my habit of getting nervous..."

     "Whatever you say~" 

     "I'm telling the truth!"


     . . . . 

     "Fine," Monokuma gave up, "Let's just assume she's dead for now and get back to the trial," he sighed.

     "Hey, wait just a minute!" Fiona (#1) argued, "At least put her in a resting room, not here!"

     "Why are you acting like she's your friend?" Fiona (#2) demanded. "Stop trying to make everyone think you're me."

     Sitting down in silence, Monokuma snapped as he announced, "Fine, I'll send in the ambulance if it'll make things easier!" 

     And at that exact moment, the door from the elevator opened, and a large vehicle came out charging towards them. Stopping just an inch in front of Naib and Vera, the door to the ambulance opened, and Vera was immediately taken away by another robotic Monokuma who was dressed as a doctor. 

     After watching them leave together with Vera, Naib returned back to his spot behind the stand, and everyone waited for complete silence...

     "Anyways," Monokuma began, "You may now commence the trial!"

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     "I'll go first," Freddy volunteered. "But before we get ourselves into a tight mess, let's start off with an easier question," he said, "The cloaked figure whom we've been all following in the first place, could that be the traitor?"

     Many survivors nodded their head while some hesitated on that thought, including me. "In my opinion," Helena replied, "I think it's kind of strange how the traitor just showed up like that and then led us into chasing after it. If it's intentions were to follow them, in which it could be a trap, that's part of the reason why everyone was separated."

     "So you think it's a trap?" Kurt said with a disapproving tone, "Let's just say if this was a trap, how are we instantly separated? I mean, weren't you somewhere behind me when we're chasing after the figure?" He questioned, "There's no way it can be a coincidence!"

     "This is confusing, so is it a trap or a no?" Tracy rolled her eyes, "And how long do we have to discuss that part? That's easy, it's definitely a trap!"

     A trap? I'm not so sure about that part. Those three are on to something for sure, but I'm not quite sure where to start. After all, I've only been searching around the halls with Mike, Margaretha, and Patricia for clues and even I couldn't think of anything connecting to what just happened. If only I could remember. . . 

     "If it was a trap," Freddy pointed out, "Then explain how the hidden figure just instantly ran away from the moment Fiona mentioned him," he said. "Clearly, this one was listening to our conversations. Didn't you guys notice how this figure flinched immediately when he/she realized they were being caught?"

     "Uh, have you heard of something... I don't know, called acting?" Demi suggested thoughtfully. "Because that would explain this whole situation pretty well."

     "Alright," Freddy nodded his head slowly, "But I want to make one extra step here," he began, then turned his full attention on the twins. "Which one of you came into the main room addressing that Vera and one of you were attacked?"

     "It's me," Fiona (#1) answered, raising her hand before adding,  "And you must be expecting me to explain myself, correct?"

     "Please do."

     I wonder what truth or lies she's going to tell. For the most part, I'm not sure which Fiona to trust, judging by my naked eye...

     Fiona (#1) explained everything about how she and Vera were heading over to the kitchen earlier to get a quick drink when suddenly one of the traitors came in with a weapon. She also told us how Vera ordered her to go get help. "And when I came back in the main room, exhausted," she continued on, "I somehow fainted a little due to the blow on my back when the attack happened, and just when I recovered some of my energy, did I find the traitor secretly peeking at us from the doorway."

     Victor was shaking his head constantly right next to me, while still refusing to say anything. 

     "You know~ you can just write your thoughts down, Victor, like you did before," Murro implied, "That way, we can understand you better."

     After we watched Victor scribbling down the letter, he decided to hand it over to me so I could read it out loud to everyone. But before reading it to them, I almost choked back myself when I examined the letter. 

     "Something wrong, Lucky?" Emma brought up her concern. 

     "Um, it's nothing," I replied, then I began to read it out loud: "The one we've been following wasn't the traitor, but someone who disguised themselves in order to mislead us into thinking we are on the right path."


      I'll stop here for now so it wouldn't be too long and boring to read. Though, I'll try my best not to leave out any information, and hopefully you enjoy reading this chapter! And yes, I have made some mistakes in the past on writing stories like forgetting details which clearly might not make any sense what-so-ever, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you guys might have. Without further ado, see you in the next chapter! PEACE OUT! (^-^)/





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