Chapter 70 -Trial #2: The Reveal Of The Killer (P.t 4)-

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     *Woo hoo! We're about to finish the trial~ Isn't that amazing? You guys are so awesome if you get to make it this far, because oh-my-gosh, 70 chapters and I have gotten over a thousand views, squeeeee~! Anyways, I hope you have a lovely time reading this chapter and don't forget, plot-twist~!*

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     Alright then, Freddy. Show me what you've got...

     "Alright, so it's possible that the prime suspects, Tracy, Emily, Margaretha, and maybe Kreacher were the only ones that were near the kitchen at 6 a.m. and no others, is that correct?" Freddy asked, meeting everyone's eyes carefully. "Plus, I'll also add Edgar into the list."

    "Hey!" The painter stared strangely at him, "Don't tell me you don't believe me, right?"

    "Of course not," the lawyer shook his head, "But you had arrived at the suspicious time, isn't that so?"

     Edgar sighed, "I only arrived at the main room this morning, not anywhere near the kitchen," he told him.  "But if you suspect me, then I won't even bother arguing about it."

     "Right," Freddy tilted his head high up in the air, "We've basically answered most of the questions, did we? Now the most challenging part, how was the rock able to have the same size and shape like Kreacher's?"

     Kreacher rolled his eyes, "Uh, because they want to accuse me?"

     "Of what?" Jose asked. 

     "Of being the most suspicious out of all the prime suspects?!"

     "True," Helena agreed, thinking it very closely from here. "Although, why need to make the head in a perfect shape? Was it to draw out our attention that at first glance, the victim wasn't headless? Why hide it if we're to open the brown bag then?"

     Hm, tough questions. If I were to think this through, which I am, then it's possible that the killer wanted to mislead us in some way. But who would take the time to make this a perfect masterpiece of Kreacher's head? 

     "You know, we already know who's the traitor on our side," Ann mentioned out loud, and I wasn't sure why she wanted to turn the subject around. 

     "And who might that be?" Freddy questioned, raising one of his eyebrows at her. 

     But at his words, I noticed all the hunters were looking at one specific person somewhere on my left side. All pairs of eyes were focused on the girl in the wheelchair from behind Murro. 

     What? Why her? Why Galatea?

     And that's when a sudden thought hit me on my head like a lightning bolt...

     She's the sculptor, of course! That's why they suspected her, isn't it? Her handiwork must've created the head that's shaped like Kreacher....

     "Was it because she's the master at sculpting?" I asked curiously, wondering if I was correct at my guess. 

     Even Robbie was silent when he faced my direction, but then he answered, "Monokuma told us earlier that she 'was' a traitor and Galatea... she, well, didn't deny it."

    . . . Didn't deny it?

     "Well, he's not wrong," Galatea responded silently and she continued on by saying, "After you guys find out who's the traitor for this crime, the hunters can pretty well vote me out after this."

     "Why?" I asked, and that's when I saw her expressions. They were totally emotionless when she gazed over at me. 

     "Didn't you hear?" She softly spoke, "Anyone could literally be the traitors, and I'm beginning to suspect that it could be me as well. Though, to tell you the truth, I would be happy to call myself one of the traitors... I already know that's my role." 

     'My role?' What does that even mean? Do I have to guess what that means? AND why did she want to give up all of a sudden? Did something happen to her that made her, well, broken? I want to believe her... Yes, I really do.... But on second thought, I don't want to believe one thing from her...


     Her lies. 


     My eyes shifted across from Freddy, hoping that he wouldn't pin this blame on her or something like that, but to my surprise, I could see concern lifting in his eyes when he thought this through cautiously... 

     "So what?" Freddy murmured for a second, finally meeting Galatea in the eyes, "You think I'm stupid? Of course you can't be the traitor, so wake up."

     "Hm?" Galatea hesitated, her face twisted into pain and confusion.

     "I understand," the lawyer muttered as he closed his eyes, "I know the feeling of what it's like to be nobody. I've experienced that as well. So don't blame yourself if something was bothering you, just open up and be somebody that you love."

     "Uh, Freddy?" Emily began with a whisper, "W-what are you doing?"

     "Nothing much," Freddy sighed, "It's just a bit complicated to understand, but everything's fine now, right?" He opened his eyes to meet Galatea in the eyes. "Can you trust yourself now?"

     As much as I wanted to say, Freddy might be the best at understanding people than he used to... Wow....

     "Right," the girl in the wheelchair blinked back her tears before wiping it away, who knew a girl who looked as scary as the hunters would be crying right now... She smiled, "Then I'll try my best not to give up hope and believe that I'm innocent."

     "That's the spirit," Edgar nodded before getting to the point, "So, pretending that we're running out of time right now, let me just quickly ask you, Galatea... Did you create the replica of Kreacher's head?"

     She shook her head, "I didn't. Besides, how can I get to your side? I've been in my room the entire time this morning."

     "But she's the only sculptor that can create the matching head!" Jose put into the conversation. "So stop acting like you're the victim and tell us the truth."

     I glanced over at Freddy, "Take it away, Fred. You got this, right?"

     "Hmph, fine then," he cleared his throat. "I'll prove that Galatea has nothing to do with the replica of the head."

     Now, that's the spirit I wanted to see in you, Freddy!

     "Alright," the first officer said confidently, "Here's my claim. Since Galatea is the Ultimate at sculpting, she could've helped the killer by creating a masterpiece of Kreacher's head with her chisel. Now where's yours?"

     Freddy crossed his arms, "Have you ever considered that Galatea is a professional sculptor, Jose? The head only matched the shape and sizes of Kreacher's head, but not entirely the performance that is put into it."

     "Yeah, but she could've adjusted it, so she wouldn't be caught," Jose explained. "Any killer is smart enough to do that."

     This isn't good... Freddy needs a little help from me... So I must think, what is one key detail that Galatea used to create her masterpieces? Surely she would create it within a second with pure perfection, but this rock is just a replica of dirt. Nothing special about it... 

     "Hold on a minute," I paused their conversations, then turning to Galatea, "What kind of rocks did you use to create 'your' masterpiece, Galatea?"

     "Correction, I do 'not' use any kind of rocks, but specific ones only," Galatea corrected, "I love using marbles, preferably."

     "Well, that sums up the ending of this argument," the lawyer added. "Would have been best if you mentioned it earlier."

     "S-sorry, I thought you guys had already known," Galatea smiled shyly. 

     Jose, not pleased with how this was going, gave up. "Fine, whatever! This is getting really confusing here! Can one of us just find out who's the killer right now?"

     Luca nodded, "Of course, we're getting to that in just a second here, Jose," he said. "Anyways," the prisoner met my eyes hopefully, "Now can we find out who's the killer? We're all dying to hear from you two."

     I took a deep breath before replying back, "Don't worry, we're just getting started here. From what I can tell, the killer has to be on the survivor's side, which means the hunters are excluded from this crime."

     "Thank lord," Mary relaxed her shoulders. 

     "Fine by me, I guess," Hastur mumbled. 

     "Just hurry it up," Yidhra added. 

     Right. I didn't expect anything much from them, so we're on the right track here. 

     But who is the killer? The traitor? And there is only one possibility to find out who.... However, from this time, I have to count on luck and perfection if it takes me to uncover and solve this mystery of the headless victim.....



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