Chapter 62 -T_T-

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     *Yes, that's my title alright. It's a face... Lol~!*

      Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     Waking up at 6 in the morning for the first time, I put on my glasses, got dressed and ready before exiting out of the room quietly...

     First things first, I made my way over to Luca's room, though I believed he also shared a room with Mike as well. 

     Knock knock.

     "Pst," I spoke softly, not wanting anybody but him to hear. "Luca? It's me, Lucky Guy."

     After a few moments of waiting and knocking, I heard a slow thump on the other side-- Had someone fallen off the bed just now because of me?

     . . . 

     "C-coming," I heard a voice murmured behind the doors, and to my surprised, it was actually Mike who was standing right in front of me. 

     Dang it. 

     "Um," I began sheepishly, looking uncomfortable for a second. "Is Luca still asleep?"

     "Hmhm," the acrobat mumbled sleepily, "So, what is it? Do you want me to give him a message or what?"

     That would be a great idea... But then again, the lesser he knows, the more safer it is to confirm my theory from last night... Although, if I wake up Luca and make him follow me to Freddy's room so I could show him the journal, and what he means by dots... Yeah, that wouldn't work. This plan will only increase suspicion from Mike and everyone else... I need a much safer plan... one that doesn't involve anybody to guess...

     "Uh," I stood there awkwardly, trying to think of another way I can introduce the journal to Luca without raising any suspicions. "Nevermind, it's not that important," I finally said, choking back my smile. "Thanks, and sorry to bother you up in the early morning. Got to go!" And before Mike could question me any further, I dashed away as fast as I could...

     . . . 

     (~1 hour later~)

     . . . 

     The longer I think about this... The longer I think I'm about to go crazy...

     "It what?!" I exclaimed in shock, grabbing both of Freddy's shoulders. "W-what happened to it, Freddy? Did someone sneak in last night in your room?"

     Freddy, not liking how close I was to him, shoved me gently off with a sigh. "Sheesh, how many times do I have to tell you?" He then emphasized casually, "The. Journal. Is. Still. There. Exactly. The. Way. It. Is. From. Last. Night. Except.... the bad news is that the words were now replaced with dots."

     "Dots?" I repeated, suddenly getting goosebumps... 

     Had Luca been telling the truth all along? Or is this a dream? Because... this can't be real! Me, Freddy, Emma, and Emily all knew that there wasn't such a thing as dots when we read the journal together! Unless... unless it must've been a mistake...

     "Where is it now?" I demanded, looking pale. "Please tell me you had it with you."

     The lawyer shrugged, "It's in my room."

     "Then let's go back there and get it," I told him. "You have no idea how much I needed to double check it--"

     "Double check on what?" A familiar voice came behind us. 

     We both whirled around to find-- thankfully someone I could sort of trust-- Emma and Emily. Afraid that someone might wonder why we're just standing together in the middle of the hallway, I decided to explain quietly on our way to Freddy's room so we could check up on what's going on... 

     Once we arrived at Freddy's room, Freddy took the journal out of its hiding spot from under the bed, and handed it over to me. So far, the journal seemed to be the same from its cover, but when I opened it, I couldn't get a hold of myself and gasped. 

     The words that were once written in the journal were now gone as if they had vanished into thin air... And was replaced by what Freddy and Luca had just said... 


     All of the pages I checked were all dots....

     All Of Them....

     "Are. You. Kidding. Me?" I heard Emma mumble behind me. 

     "W-when did this happen?" The doctor asked Freddy. "You sure you're the only one that knows where you put that journal?"

     "Of course I do!" Freddy snapped back, shocked at her for accusing him of hiding it poorly. "Jose didn't even know that I put it there, nobody knows!"

     Except me... 

     But I'm pretty sure Freddy didn't want to admit that as well when he glanced over at me...

     "Hmm, could it be possible that someone must've switched the journal by a chance?" The gardener suggested. "That could be one of the reasons why this is happening, right Lucky Guy?" She stared at me with curiosity in her eyes, as if she expected me to know the answer immediately.

     Too bad I don't, because when I was about to tell them my thoughts and ideas about this situation, Freddy sighed, "Get over it, someone had come to my room last night and switched it up," and then changing the subject, "Plus, I'm starving. So might as well get this over with it and start our day fresh."

     . . . 

     "That's it?" I raised my eyebrows up at him, feeling surprised at those words. "That's all you cared about? What happened to the old Freddy that wants other's attention? Don't you want to be the best lawyer at solving 'who's the traitor?' Don't you?!"

     "Hey, it's not my fault that you couldn't guess it right, Lucky Guy."

     "What's that supposed to mean?" 

     "Isn't it obvious? Someone did this!"

     "But where's the evidence for that?"

     "Look at the cameras, dumb-head. It's all over this place and do you have any clues what I'm trying to indicate here?"

     "... No," I softly said when our eyes met. "I don't."

     "Are you accusing me of being wrong?"

     "No! It's not like that!" I tried again, "It's just that... I find it hard to believe, that's all..."

     "Oh really? So you don't think it might be one of the traitors or the mastermind who planted these cameras just to later come into my room and switched it all up? Hmm?!"

     This felt like a trial here... Ugh.... 

     "Maybe?" I gave him a shrug as my response, "I mean, you could be right, but then again... I think you're overthinking this too much about switching--"

     This triggered Freddy so much that I could hear him taking a huge gulp of fresh air before storming out of the room, not giving me the chance to explain myself...

     . . . 

     "Ah, Lucky Guy?" Emma gently patted my back to comfort me, getting my attention once again. "I know you're smart and all, but let's just say... Go easy on Freddy there, he's doing his best as a lawyer you know."

     "Hmhm!" Emily agreed besides her with a smile- which sort of lifted my spirits up even more. "That's right! Not anybody could be perfect," She began, "But as long as we're all working together to get out of this place, we'll be fine."

     Hmm... I guess they have a point right there... I can't give up just yet. Not when we're starting to doubt hope again!

     However, I have a different plan in mind. . . 

     "Thanks guys," I faked a smile at those two before leaving the room, "Come on, we should hurry and get to the main room before we're going to be late."

     "Of course!" Emma beamed as she and Emily held hands and all three of us made our way to the main room...
     What those two didn't know was that I had hidden the journal somewhere else when they weren't looking... 

     . . . 

     Sorry Freddy, I'm only doing this for you and also to everyone else. So please, don't mind me because....

     I work alone.


     P.S: Not all protagonist (main) characters can be perfect! Besides, it'll be boring if Lucky Guy gets to be all that smart and all of those blah-blah-blah positive vibes about him... So why not change it up a bit and make it more creative? More hard to believe, actually?

       ( )( )

     -Taina Zakura- 

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