Chapter 44 -Despicable-

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     Emily's P.O.V: "Doctor"

     Darn, where did he go? Where did he go? I can't lose him now! This is the only opportunity I have to find him! If he's already loose... then... then I... I have to find him and bring him down before he could get to the others! Or worse--

     "Emily, there you are!" I heard my best friend cried as she ran over to throw a hug at me... 

     "Oh, um, hi Emma," I began, a bit startled to find her here in the hallways, "Sorry to keep you waiting," I gave her a small smile when she finished hugging me. 

     "Where were you?" My bff demanded all of a sudden, and I couldn't blame her as she glanced at me, her expressions were far more worrying than I thought. "Why weren't you with us when we followed Martha?"

     I hesitated, unsure how to respond to that complicated question..

     Not that it's hard or anything... just hard to explain.... 

     However, I was indeed anxious as someone might over-hear us, so I whispered to the gardener, "We should talk in the room, it's not safe for me to--"

    --Unfortunately, someone has to ruin my chances to explain--

     "So that's where you've been, doctor," we all heard a voice behind us from the hallway as Freddy and some of the others came over to join our conversations. "And is there any given reason why you weren't with us earlier?" The lawyer questioned.

     Sensing that this might be the end for me, I realized that I had only seconds left to explain before they'll fully suspect me, and so I did...

     "I was following right behind you guys," I stated, meeting his eyes like I wasn't afraid to tell him that I'm wrong. 

     Hearing this, Freddy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like anyone would've believed that, you weren't even there!" He exclaimed.

    "I was actually following right behind you guys," I tried a different approach, "Until I have to run some errand."

     "What errand?" Kurt asked me.

     Anyone would've been angered or even frustrated for someone to push them even more in depth, but I simply wasn't the type of person to do that, so I patiently explained that it was to find the culprit that had attacked Martha and the others earlier....

     Freddy's P.O.V: "Lawyer" 

     "I even saw the cloaked-figure running away after you guys left to investigate the other rooms," the doctor added, while I gave her a suspicious glance like I still didn't believe her. 

     It's not like I can't trust her, but it's basically because I don't want to trust her... Nor do I want to trust anybody right now... She-- and especially someone who always tried to act so helpful and nice can always be the worst in everybody's lives, including mine. 

     "Where's the evidence?" I demanded for more proof. "Who was with you at that time? AND don't tell me you've been by yourself, haven't you?"

     "W-what's going on?" We heard someone asked and it didn't take long for the others to tell Vera and Tracy the news about the masked-traitor, the ambush, Lucky Guy and Naib's disappearance, etc. 

      That's when I turned my attention back at the female doctor after they were done explaining it to them... 

      Still, I don't want to trust that Vera and Tracy could be the traitor... But they were still prime suspects that just arrived here, late... However, I'm not done with Emily just yet... I need answers. We need answers. And if she doesn't tell them in just a few seconds... We're going to start another trial and eliminate her-- OUT!

      "But shouldn't we ask Monokuma again?" Emma did her best to draw my attention back to that robotic teddy-bear. 

      As if I would care a thing about him disappearing! Even though he told us that the news wasn't planned, which was a really vague hint, I must say... He still didn't have the dignity to explain everything to us, just simply doing his own *blanking* business and going along like nothing happened. Oh what's those words again he tried to make up his lame excuses??


      "Sorry, but I don't want to waste my time on your little charades," is what I could recall from my memory a few minutes ago with Monokuma in the dining room. "I have to go check on the others before I start doing a late night shift."

      "Hold on, before you go," Martha began worriedly, "You must tell us who's the culprit, Monokuma! Please! At least let us know if Naib and Lucky Guy are alive or... not..."

      Poor Martha, I sighed to myself, already full in despair as she slumped down onto the ground, too weak and too broken to even secure herself... What a wimp. Calling herself a coordinator with that flare gun she has? Useless... utterly useless...... It's a good thing Monokuma hasn't tried anything to me, no matter what he says or what he does, like giving me that piece of that garbage-note... I never read it.... 

      And why? 

     Tsk, I don't care. . . I know my role in this game and I'll stick to it if that's the last thing I'll do...


      "Don't be tempted by Monokuma's words and actions," Patricia harshly snapped at Martha, pulling her up from the ground. "The only thing we could do is stand strong until the very end, whether our friends died or not, there's no way to get answers from this despicable headmaster."

       "Hey, hey, hey," Monokuma's red eyes glowed, "Who're you calling despicable," then without warning, his expressions turned into sadness as he dropped his head down before saying, "This is so disappointing to find all of you hating on a poor headmaster who have to spend all of his allowances to keep this school and manor running well and healthy... Just so sad to find this school trip wasn't so fun after all."

      "This isn't some game where we're destined to live!" Jose cutted in with anger, "It's a life and death choice we have to make in order to win this game so who cares if you're telling us that you spent your entire allowances on some piece of shoot, we don't care about that!"

      Silence. . . 

      "So you really think you could survive without me? Well then, what if I cut the oxygen tank down a bit? Tone it teensy-weensy down until the atmosphere turns really dark and scary, having to realize the truth that you all can't breathe," Monokuma's words darkened, "How would you all like that, hm?"

      Could he really do that? 

      Although, it didn't take long for the survivors to discover that he wasn't wrong about that.... 

      And one by one, the survivors and I stumbled to catch our breath as we fell onto the ground, almost collapsing ourselves...

      But just before we would imagine dying like this without any oxygen left to even breathe... we suddenly started to feel the pressure going away from our lungs... And as soon as we got up, a little bit dizzy and heart-pounding to catch our breath as we breathed, Monokuma's gone...

       What was that just now? Well, now we knew he didn't lie for sure... He really owns this *blanking* place. 

      *End of Flashback*

     "Yeah, no," I shook my head in response to Emma, "If you didn't understand his message clearly from what I noticed before, this game is for us, not him to play... He's the spectator of this deadly game while we're the pawns, making our move to survive and to try to win this game."

      "But just a little peak at the cameras?" Emma whined, "Emily isn't the traitor, don't judge her base don what she did--"

      "That's enough of you!" Kreacher's impatience got the best of him as he was prepared to slap the poor gardener for trying her best to defend what-is-now-the-prime-suspect-of-this-case. 

      And before the others and I could stop him from making a scene right in front of the others... 


     Everyone around us was shocked as we realized the one who got slapped... 

     Was Emily.  


      That was strange... even Kreacher was surprised to find out that he didn't slap Emma but the doctor. 

      And it appears Emily was actually trying to save Emma by positioning herself in front of her friend, daring Kreacher to slap her again. . . 

      ???'s P.O.V: "???"

      Oh wow~! Now that's what I called a spectacular view alright! Too bad I didn't get front row seats as I have to stare at these lame cameras-- Thankfully, they're well-cleaned, but to be honest... I'm just not so surprised at all since it's all thanks to my pathetic servant! 

      Like duh~! Having to wait for someone to start a reaction of fear, like minimizing their memories, oxygen-level, hope, perhaps trust? Oh wow, does that mean no one would ever trust each other again? What a splendid idea!

      As I glanced closely at the screens, my eyes never let go of Kreacher as I watched his expressions turned disoriented... And that's when a plan started to form in my mind... 

      Watching the survivors horrified and trying to pull Kreacher apart, I felt a wide smile spreading across my face when Kreacher stormed off to his room, still cleaning up the mess, I bet.

      "You got something in mind?" A voice came from behind me. 

      "You betcha I do!" I smirked, my eyes still focusing on Kreacher. "You messed up the first time by not obeying my orders but for this time, I want you to do something really special to spice this game up a bit."

      "And what is that?"

      "Besides Naib, for what on earth you did to that poor dude, make Kreacher an offer he can't resist."


       "Tch, don't be a *blanking* dumb head!" 

       "I'm sorry, I'll do better, -blank name-" The figure told me, "P-please forgive me!"

       "Alright, here's the plan," I stood up and walked over to whom I called a 'servant.' "Give him this, this'll help motivate him even more, and make sure he reads it."

      "A-alright, anything for you, -blank name-" 

       "Not get out of my face and don't disappoint me again!" I shouted as I watched my servant leave the camera room. 


       Right, you better not disappoint me.... Or else, it's not like I'm a forgivable person!


      Thanks for reading chapter 44! Boy this took so long, I almost ran out of ideas-- Just kidding, I'm well prepared for the upcoming situations! And as an author of this lame story (I called it lame because I know it is), thanks for reading! 

      -Taina Zakura-

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