Chapter 34 -Lovely, Just Lovely-

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     Hunter's P.O.V: "Main Room"

     "Wow, you really are bad at this, Joker," Yidrah sighed, shaking her head slowly as if she couldn't believe what she's seeing, "Who's next to be humiliated with zero kills?" 

     "I was trying to get that acrobat who thinks he's a goody-two-shoes," Joker explained angrily, "And did you see how he insulted me by calling me a sad clown even when I'm wearing a smiley face mask on me? Huh?!" 

    "Was that even insulting to make the acrobat the only target?" Ann questioned. "Because it sounded like you didn't care for the other survivors even when you spotted them."

    "W-well I...." Smiley face faltered, staring at the ground, "The female dancer told me where he was, so I decided to get rid of him first before I could get rid of the others."

    Luchino hissed, "Like Yidrah said earlier before, you really are bad at this, Joker."

     "When you put it that way," Joker snapped back, "How else was I supposed to know this map? This was my first time being in... what's that place called?" He asked Monokuma who's sitting on his little throne. 

     "That 4th round you guys played was called 'Moonlight River Park,'" the headmaster answered before commenting, "I thought this place was familiar to you, Joker. Since it's pretty obvious, don't you think?"

     "Familiar?" Smiley face frowned, "How else was I supposed to know that map? I've never been there before!"

    Monokuma chuckled, "Puhuhu, didn't I tell you before? Or... did I not?" He paused to think for a moment. "Geez, keeping both sides with updates is so frustrating sometimes!" His face quickly turned bright red, "If you guys haven't noticed, your memories have been stolen. I repeat, stolen!" 

    "Then give it back you, thief," Mary demanded, trying her best to keep her tone calm and polite. "I'm tired of playing your filthy games, it's ruining my facial skin and hair alright just by waiting so long."

    "And let you guys solve all the mysteries behind this manor and school? I don't think so," Monokuma argued, "I came here to bring you guys for a fun game and you refused?"

    "We never accepted it," Galatea said all of a sudden from the back of the room. "Can't you see? If our memories were wiped clean or stolen like you insisted, then you should bring back the memories that we had accepted the role of this game instead of having to hear you blabbering on, and then we'll decide whether or not we should believe you."

    . . . . . . . . . 

    . . . . . . . . . . . . 

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

     "If you want to keep on disagreeing with me," Monokuma finally began, "Then you should know what it feels like to keep your mouth shut and be quiet, traitor."


     At that sudden word, the room fell into a deep silence....... 


     "W-what did you call me?" Galatea hesitated, "Y-you can't do that to me and lie about it, I'm not the traitor!"

     "If you keep on talking, you'll sound like one," Monokuma laughed, "And there you spoiled yourself, miss traitor, so that's why I can't keep your little secret anymore just by the looks of it."

     And without arguing, she then lowered her head down and avoided everyone's piercing eyes. Not even taking a glance over at Robbie as she hurried out the main room on her wheelchair, upset....

     "So," Joker began after she left, interrupting the silence. "Does that mean you guys are not angry with me? Am I all cleared?"


     "No one asked you," Robbie responded first before going up to him, kicking him near the lower part of his legs, and left the main room.

     As Joker held up one of his legs while yelping in pain, he cried out, "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Curse you, brat!"

     "He has a name, you know," Jack added. 

     "I don't *blanking* care!"

     "Suit yourself, but we're still angry at you," The Ripper said before walking away, "Anyways, what time is it, Monokuma?"

    "What am I? Your clock?" The headmaster sighed as he pointed at the clock behind them, "It's about 4 P.M so you guys should be ready for the next round of the game tomorrow. Speaking of which, I need to check on the survivors right now, ta taa~" 

    "Wait, you haven't told us if the sculptor is actually a traitor or if you're just--" Leo Beck tried to get answers from Monokuma, but it was too late... He was already gone in a blink of an eye. 

     Mike's P.O.V "Acrobat"

     "Way to go, you guys!" Emma cheered when we came into the main room in one piece, "You guys were awesome, I tell you!" 

     "Well done!" Emily smiled brightly, "You were outstanding, really!"

    "Wait, that means we scored three points by now," Tracy's eyes lit up, "Oh, we're so ready to win this level alright!"

    As every survivor started to cheer for us, I don't know why but... why did I not feel so glad that we won? Was it because I was so close to being sent into the rocket chair? Or was that my imagination? 

    Just then, I heard someone next to me congratulated, "You did great out there, Mike," Murro gave a small smile as he nudged me by my elbow, "Cheer up, no ones leaving you behind this time on purpose."

    "But I thought Servais, Margaretha, and you--" I tried my best to explain, but was cut off by hesitation. "I thought you guys hated me because of my unhelpful comments."

    "Don't worry," Murro patted my shoulders, "As long as I'm in your team, I won't allow you to be left behind while I'm still alive and well."

    However, when I opened my mouth to thank him again, I heard Servais and the others congratulating Margaretha behind me for finishing up the last cipher while they were waiting to open the exit gates...

    Feeling anger rushing in my veins, I wanted to scold them for trusting someone who happened to leave me all alone while Murro was my only savior out of the rest of them. Although, when I was just about to confront them, I could feel a hand on my shoulder as if someone's pulling me back. 

    "It's not worth it," Murro read my mind, still holding onto my shoulder, "Let's not create a mess while we're still here, it'll only bring hatred if you do."

    "B-but Margaretha wasn't the one who--"

    "Yes, I know," the Wildling interrupted softly with a glowy look in his eyes, "It's you, wasn't it?" 

    And my eyes widened as he let go of me, "Y-you knew?"

    "At first thought, no," Murro sadly smiled, "But when you finished the last cipher, the hunter came in to hit you, so that's when I realized you were down, not Margaretha."

    "So why couldn't I tell her off?" My voice grew impatient, "Wasn't the one who's spectating knew about this?"

    He sighed, "Why don't you ask the others and see their perspectives?"

    And that's what I did. . . 

    "Hey, Eli, Aesop," I began, getting their attention immediately. "D-did you guys spectate who finished the last cipher?"

    "Um," Eli and Aesop exchanged looks before the seer quickly replied back to me, "It's a bit complicated... but just as when Servais and Murro separated themselves towards the exit gates... the screen blacked out for a few minutes but it did that a couple of times during the game."


    "And that's when the last cipher had already been done and you were tied into the chair while Murro rescued you," Eli answered, "Why?"

    I shook my head slowly, "Nevermind about that, but did you see Margaretha decoding?"

   "Like I said," Eli shrugged, "The screen really had a bad connection and I'm guessing it must be WiFi problems, so we weren't able to capture the whole summary of the game... I'm sorry if I couldn't be much of a help."


     "Lovely, just lovely," I sarcastically muttered to myself as I walked away after thanking him for the info. And I didn't have to see it in Margaretha's eyes, but she seems happy to take the whole credit by herself. Huh, I wonder how she lost the hunter during the chase. . . I was sure she would be the first down, but me? That's ridiculous. . . 



    Thanks for reading. Sorry if it looks a bit confusing but that's what suspense looks like in my story... Anyways... have an awesome day.

    -Taina Zakura

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