Chapter 12 -Moose Head V.S Swarm of Bees-

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(Quick Reminder from later on, I will not spoil the traitor's identity whenever I had the chance to write their perspective. So heads up on that, alright? Thanks for your understanding!)

     Melly's P.O.V:

     . . . 

     My heart raced as I found the hunter with the heavy antlers tying Andrew in the balloons not far from where I was decoding. "Hold on, Andrew, I'm coming!" I heard Martha's voice about 23 meters away called. Then I heard the sound of the flare gun. *Boom!*

     Trying to decode as fast as I can, I realized that our progress was rather slow. Since we only had 4 more ciphers to go, and with Andrew and Martha doing their best to kite and distract the hunter while me and Kreacher were decoding together, I guess our best chance of survival is not doing so well. 

     "Hey Kreacher," I began, "We should split up, it's better that we finish all the ciphers while the others are doing their best to distract the hunter," I told him. 

     "What did you say?" Kreacher asked me, giving me one of those I-can't-really-hear-you-looks. 

     Realizing it was because of my beekeeping suit with the hat and veil, he must've heard my voice muffling instead, so I tried again with a much louder voice, "Let's split up so we can finish faster-"

     "What?" he interrupted me with a surprised look on his face. "Are you saying if we spit, we can finish faster?" 

     But before I could correct him, I watched Kreacher immediately spit on both of his hands before rubbing it altogether, and started working on the cipher machine next to me. Can't this guy get even more serious here? After a few seconds, he frowned, "This feels quite weird," he said, then to my surprise, he shrugged it off like it was not a big deal, "Welp, I guess it'll do for now."

     I was almost ready to give up, "You stay here to finish this cipher, and I'll go assist the others," I said, even louder this time. 

     As I ran away, I can hear Kreacher saying, "What's that? Assist the otters? We have otters here???"

     Not even close . . . 

     Feeling my heart raced a little, I knew the hunter was near. Hiding behind one of the walls, I summoned a swarm of bees in front of me with a quick wave of my net. With these bees in my command, I urged them to chase after the hunter, and they did. 

     The hunter with a moose head was already chasing after Martha instead of Andrew this time--Probably because the flare gun provoked him, and for once, I felt sorry for that guy. But then again, he's ruthless, that's what. 

     "Come and get me you moose headed hunter!" Martha challenged him as she pulled down the pallet behind her. 

     Unfortunately for her, that was a big mistake. The hunter gave a short gruff reply as he tossed his weapon (a hook) directly at the coordinator, passing through the pallet, and latching onto her in seconds before pulling her back in front of him. 

     Getting that hit from him, Martha did her best to run away as she struggled to find a better place to get away. Luckily, I didn't forget what my bees could do, so I forced them to proceed onto their route, covering Martha behind her back as she ran away.  

     Seeing the swarm of bees approaching him, the hunter seemed to hesitate a little as to whether or not he should go through. Of course, I knew it couldn't sting him, but at least I'll buy some extra time for Martha to make her escape. 

     And by the looks of everything, this particular hunter decided to go around the bees. Bad mistake. I commanded the bees to turn left, and they obey instantly, slamming the hunter into the wall. While he was busy struggling to get through the swarm, the bees pushed him back even more, slamming him into another wall.

     However, I knew I was wasting time keeping him distracted. But it was the only way I could bring myself to save my teammates. Even so, I could feel my energy starting to run down a little, and at that moment, I knew I couldn't hold it in much longer. 

     The moose headed hunter struggled to get past the swarm as it kept pushing him away and the more he struggled, the harder it was to get past the swarm. At that moment, I noticed the orange lighting of a cipher light up a mile away, and then another from a few miles away. Which means, 2 more ciphers to go! 

     Unfortunately, the hunter didn't seem satisfied about this. And with that, he used his hook and began attacking the swarm of bees. The more he attacked, the less there were with the bees. And with just 2 hits, I immediately was disconnected from my fellow friends. 

     Bringing back myself, I made my way to the nearest cipher...

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V:

      We stood there in the main room, watching Melly and the others facing against the hunter on a huge TV screen. And wow, I didn't know Melly could do that. To be honest, I kind of consider herself awesome! 

     "Monokuma," I heard Emma called him, and I turned to find her eyes still gluing onto the screen, "Who's that hunter? Are you going to help us get some details?"

     "Oh, right!" Monokuma exclaimed, "I almost forgot to introduce you to Bane the Gamekeeper!"

(Note: The other survivors should've already known Leo Beck and Joseph's name and skills by the way, sorry I didn't include that info part earlier on before-- But basically Monokuma does explain a little bit info about them to the survivors, including the hunters too! So that means both sides will learn more about each other soon during the next couple of rounds!! And sorry I got super lazy going back and forth, but here I'm doing it now!!!)

     "The Gamekeeper?" Demi repeated with a look of curiosity on her face. "He doesn't look anything related to games."

     "That's because he is a Gamekeeper!" Monokuma replied back. But I must say, it seems a little vague to me--not much understanding here when he repeated that. Seeing our confusing faces, he tried again, "All you need to know is that he holds a weapon, a hook to be precise, and as you can see here in the 3rd round," he paused, "He has the ability to latch onto any survivor, either across from the pallets or windows, and pulls them back to get that perfect hit."

     Hmm, but that doesn't explain much about why this hunter, Bane, is called the Gamekeeper. And like Demi pointed out, she's right. He doesn't look like a Gamekeeper unless . . . He's part of a game? Like an unknown character in a game? Maybe??

     Trying to focus back onto the spectating moment instead of wasting time with questions, I watched Bane tying Martha back onto the chair. He seriously went after her all this time? As I examined the screen closely, I noticed that Bane didn't seem to acknowledge the others as they were busy decoding. He was camping near Martha. Probably wanted to get rid of her first?

     But wait... There's more. 

     "Help me!" Martha cried, struggling as she was tied helplessly. 

     "Hold on, I'm coming!" Kreacher shouted back. 

     Doesn't he know that he's not supposed to yell out loud? Or else the hunter-- 

     Bane turned around to find Kreacher running towards them. "It's time for me to shine!" He yelled back, hands reaching inside his jacket. What is it? What is it? What is it? I wanted to ask really badly. But then he pulled out a plain, old flashlight. And I'm like, what...?

     (As a token of appreciation, I'll try to make these chapters a bit shorter than it really used to. Usually, it'll be up to 1500 words, or 2000, or especially close to 3000 words (1st chapter)--am really sorry about that. But either way, I don't think it's really professional to write short chapters, but I'll try to keep it at a minimum here. Anyways, thanks for reading! \^0^/ )



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