Chapter 47 -Not Just Any Book-

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     Freddy's P.O.V: "Lawyer"

     Geez, does that sickening prisoner have to hit me that hard on my head? God, it could've given me a concussion! 

     Thankfully, I didn't even bother to care about him now that I was only left with a small scratch, I wouldn't even compare that to the worst-to-come. 

     "Next time," Patricia crossed her arms at me, "Use your brains wisely, mister genius," she sarcastically mocked me before returning back to her room. 

     I watched as everyone headed back to the room to call it a night... not even caring to find Lucky Guy and Naib since they were already worn out by the stress from this morning's trial and the 4th round, and now this... 

     Just then, I secretly caught Eli making his way up the stairs from the corner of the hallway. Where is he going? Is he looking for Luca or...? 

     Sensing that he must be hiding something from us, I crept quietly behind his back, and followed him up the stairs without making so much noise. And as I followed right behind him and watched him enter through an unknown room, I was about to enter as well until--

     "What do you think you're doing up here?" A voice interrupted behind me and I almost jumped from a heart attack. 

     I immediately spun around and standing face-to-face was none other than the embalmer-himself. "Tsk, what am I doing here?" I pretended to play cool, "Just exploring, why?"

     Aesop stared at me closely before looking behind me, and I didn't have to think twice on what he's pin-pointing on... He already knows why I'm here... 

    "If you're exploring... it's late to do it at night," the embalmer told me off, but I wasn't bothered to pay any attention to him until he added, "Besides, I heard someone screaming not so long ago."

     Now that caught my attention.

     "Where?" I demanded, wanting more info. 

     He hummed as if he was thinking where he had last heard the screams...

     Aesop's P.O.V: "Embalmer"

    "I heard it down in the secret tunnel," I guessed, though it was more of a lie. Anything I would say would most likely help my friend up there. "It was really loud... but I'm sure someone would be dying to look for--"

     "Say no more!" He brushed past me, making his way down the stairs... 

     Hmph, I didn't think he would buy this so easily... Then yet again, he's the one eager to put down the traitor while the rest of us aren't... 

    Seeing the coast was clear, I turned around to find Eli peeking behind the door, "He's gone, right?" He whispered quietly.

     I nodded my head, indicating Freddy did, and he seemed relieved to hear this. "Hurry up before he gets back," I said softly before walking down the stairs.

     Funny I should say, I was hoping I could run into Luca for a minute, but now's not the best time to be spying on someone. . . Even though I was only curious what a prisoner might do... 

     Freddy's P.O.V: "Lawyer" 

     When I came back down the stairs, my eyes fell onto the ground in the middle of the hallway.

     Hey, wait a second... Isn't that Luca's book? 

     Walking over to it, I gently picked it up, and frowned as I did my best to read the title... It was kind of getting dark very fast, so I had to take the book with me to my room so I can get a better view of why Luca would even have this book in the first place...

     Fortunately, my roommate, Jose, was already fast asleep in his bed when I entered through the room quietly. Must've been really tiring for him to get so worked up, I guess... And hearing him snore was unbearable too. 

     Oh wait, shouldn't I explore the secret tunnel first? Although I'm sure Aesop must be lying to me, I'll just explore that later whenever I have the time to. 

     Lighting the candle with a match, I examined the book thoroughly as if I was investigating a crime scene. And it didn't take long for me to realize that this book wasn't a book, but a diary. . . Where did Luca get his hands on that type of stuff? Or was he the owner of this diary? 

     . . . . 

     Cautiously, I read it to myself the title of this diary: "Our Future Diary."

     "Our?" I repeated that word. "Who's our?" And then my eyes scanned through the first page...


     Dear Diary, 

     Great news! I'm so excited to be able to attend this awesome school + manor in Hope Peak's Academy! After my mum and dad did their best to save up their allowances to benefit my future, I can't wait for them to be proud of me after I fully graduate~! After all, the host of this school, A.K.A~ the Principal, had interviewed me and you know what he called me? He referred me by the title, Ultimate Gardener! How cool is that? 

     And also~ I'm going to meet some new classmates pretty soon! How fun is that? Anyways, that's all I could say for now. I hope my future remains the same or... the best! Haha, better not jinx myself back there!

     With love, Emma


     Emma?! What is she doing in this diary?! I... I don't believe this.... She's excited to be here in this school? What rubbish is that!? 

     Just then, I heard Jose mumbling in his sleep as he tossed and turned over in his covers before falling fast asleep, snoring pretty dang loud once again. 

     Intrigued yet again, I flipped to the next page, and I didn't need to guess that this handwriting is well-written in cursive ink. 


     Dear Diary~

     Life in my world is already fantastic enough, but the school I'm about to attend in Hope Peak's Academy is none other than the world I wanted to live in right now. I mean other than how private-life this school was and how it's really spotless and clean, especially the kitchen~ This school has a lot of rooms and a lot of boring, bunch of people. And I don't want to mention that one of the teachers here stinks like rotten egg dumped in the sewer! Bleh! 

     Besides being with some losers, I can already tell I'm about to ace and graduate in no time. Ha, as if my sister can compete against that! ...But... *sigh* if I were to go back, I wanted to be able to graduate and achieve the biggest prize of all time... I need that.... I need it so badly! Yet through all of my sadness and depression, I wanted to tell my sister that I hoped she would forgive me, and would one day look up to me like I'm the nicest sister of all. 

     With love, C//////  Vera 


     I didn't know Vera has a sister... And what's with that slash on her name? C- something??? Guess she must've mistakenly wrote that, which is why it's always best to write in pencil so it would be erasable. Although, aside from that, it's pretty neat, not bad for handwriting. 

     "Hmm," I told myself as I began to flip through some pages some more. There's one with Murro... something about how he was grateful about the principal of this school letting him take his faithful boar with him to class (same goes with Victor, but his was more memorable in some way), then as I flipped through more pages, I finally met mine... 


     Dear Diary, 

     Let me start off by saying what a journey it had been to make my way towards Hope Peak's Academy school. It took me so long to arrive, I almost wanted to quit, but then it wouldn't be much fun when rumors spread that there was a huge prize money for attending this school. I heard that it's filthy rich, and no kidding when I first arrived there, it looked boring. 

     But meeting the principal of this school is something put together. He was nice, friendly, and very fortunate to have me while we're interviewing. He even granted me some amounts of money if I did well in studying in one of my classes and that's a jackpot alright! 

     I especially can't wait to graduate~! I wonder how much richer I can be? One thing's for sure, money solves lots of problems for me and to all those lower-class people who called me 'A Failure,' they're nothing but stupidity all combine, ha!

     Though, I hope I would one day reunite with my one and only true love~!



     I can't believe this... I can't believe my own eyes... Was I that selfish? Rude? Arrogant? Has a crush on somebody? Th-that can't be right! There must be a mistake?! I'm sure this is all planned out by Monokuma... Or why else could Luca....... Wait, I need to find someone important first...!

     As I flipped through the next few pages in hopes to find Luck Guy's short diary passage, I came across the last page--

     Unfortunately for me, it seems as though the pages had been ripped apart.... 

     That means... Lucky Guy is still unknown... He's.... No, it can't be... He can't really be a traitor? After all we've been through, I'm still suspecting it must be him.... 

     Hmmm... but the question I'm now wondering is... Where did Luca find this diary? And more importantly, did he rip the pages??  Whatever, I guess I should later ask Luca about it tomorrow, assuming he's honest and thoughtful--

     Just before I could call it a night, I heard thumping below my bed... Oh shoot... 


     Thanks for reading Chapter 47! You're amazing!!

     -Taina Zakura-


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