Chapter 15 -Traitor's Next Game-

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     Luca's P.O.V: "Prisoner"

     I never knew who we're chasing after, the traitor or an unknown figure? Because, it didn't take long for me to find William, Murro, and Naib looking around in confusion, and I knew. We lost the culprit. "Dang it, where did he go?" William muttered in frustration. 

     "What happened?" I asked, as I was the 4th lucky survivor to catch up. Though, I already knew the answer by the look on their faces. 

     "He got away," Naib answered back, still glancing around the corridors. Then he turned to face me, before looking behind me. "Say, where did the others go? Weren't they following behind us a moment ago?"

     Now that he mentioned it, it's very odd to find the four of us by ourselves alone in the hall. "I-I thought they were following right behind me," I hesitated, wondering if this was a trap set by the traitor. It's strange how one minute ago, I heard footsteps, but then the next minute, the sound behind me grew silent afterwards...

     "This must be a trap," Murro said as if he read my mind. "We should head back." 

     "Seriously, why did you bring that wild boar with you again?" Naib glanced strangely at the furry, brown creature. "Doesn't anybody know that I hate boars?"

     Murro looked quite offended by this comment. "How dare you insult my faithful friend here? You should have some respect, young man."

     "Oh yeah?" Naib challenged, clenching his fist.

     "Woah woah woah," I jumped in between them before anybody could get hurt. "Now's not the time to fight like children," I told them. "Believe me, we don't want anybody to suffer more than they should." 

     Both of them looked at me, and then at each other in a strange way. And for a second, I thought they wouldn't listen to me, until...

     "I'm sorry," Naib apologized first. "It's just I'm not into any favors with wild animals."

      "That's alright, I get that from many people," Murro sighed, accepting his apologies. His boar seemed calm, as if it had too, been listening closely.  

     "Um, guys?" William interrupted our moment, "I think we're being watched," he said quietly. 

     Glancing at the security cameras above us, he was right all along. And then we heard the announcement, "Testing...testing...Is this thing on?" It was Monokuma! "Ahem, since we're all scattered everywhere, let's play a short game, 'shall we?"

     Our eyes were in shock with disbelief. So the one we're chasing was a trap?! How could this had happen? 

      "Anyways," Monokuma began, "The  game is called, 'Traitor's next kill!'" he exclaimed, "Now this is where the fun really gets starting!"

      "He must be out of his mind," I heard William grumbled behind me, and I couldn't agree more.

      "But does that mean Vera isn't dead?" Naib asked us, but we all shrugged in confusion. 

      "You survivors have only 1 hour to head back into the main room safely," Monokuma said through the announcement. "But be careful," he warned, "I didn't tell you how many traitors there are. So I'm saying this once, there are exactly three traitors! Which means, there are 3 chances you have to guess right or else one of those traitor remains safe! Ta ta~!" And then the announcement clicked off. 

     Darn it, he should've said so earlier! Otherwise, why are we just looking after one of the traitors when there are possibly more of them?! 

     Looking at the others reaction, I could tell they didn't like this game one bit, and neither do I. "Listen," I began, "Let's head our way back to the main room before we get ourselves into a messy situation-"

     "Why should I listen to you?" William snapped back at me. And I had to admit, I was surprised by his words. "For whatever reason, you could be the traitor, prisoner," he accused me, pointing his finger directly on my chest as he cornered me to the wall.  

      I stood dumbfounded... As I opened my mouth to speak, no sound came out. Not even a single word of, "What?" 

     "Hey, let's not get into this mess," Naib said, touching William's other shoulder to stop him. "Just because he's known as the 'prisoner,' doesn't mean he could be the traitor."

     "I have to agree with Mercenary here," Murro added. "It's not right to suspect each other that quickly."

     Letting go of me, I struggled a cough as I watched William stormed off, leaving us alone. "Thanks," I mouthed, and together, we decided to let William guide us back to the main room.

     Hopefully, we wouldn't run into any kind of trouble. . . 

     After a moment of walking back, we noticed William stopped in his tracks. What is he doing just standing there? I wondered. "Hey, William," I began, but then there was silence. "What's wrong?"

      "Nothing," was his reply, and he continued on walking. Was he actually afraid he'll be ambush by us? I highly doubt any of us are the traitor, but if I spoke too soon, then I'm sorry to say I make bad predictions. 

      Finally as we reached into a corner, we saw a trail of thick blood on the floor and walls, as if someone walked past here. And it's fresh. 

     "What in the?!" Murro's face was pale. "S-someone's already dead?"

     The line of blood seem to go on forever and I was beginning to wonder if the victim was being dragged or just trying to get back for help. Not to mention there were hand prints on the wall with blood. 

     "Perhaps they are injured?" Naib suggested. "Anyways, let's follow it and see where this trail of blood leads to."

     "If you say so," William replied. 

     And we followed the trail of blood at the end of the hallway. However, It didn't take long before we find out who the trail of blood belongs too. . . Sitting there was a familiar face and body we knew.... 

     (Trying to keep this short and entertaining here~! Sorry if I decided to go onto a little break game before finishing the rounds in Level 1 between hunters and survivors in Identity V. But since this is also part of Danganronpa, I also would like to add in some of that as well. Please enjoy this little game of excitement, and sorry again for not being specific on how many traitors there are. At first it was 1, but then I decided to spice things up a little more and added 3. Hope you enjoy the next chapters and don't worry, I promise you no one would die... maybe? I dunno, but it's too early to die anyway so I'll try not to give too much info away, and sorry about Bonbon...)

     -Oh and hint hint, don't let the P.O.V's trick you. Anytime I added one of the traitor's in a short amount of time for P.O.V's or longer time, I won't be so specific about it unless you pay attention closely on details. Like, I won't let you get into their thought process, that's what. So that is a friendly reminder, thanks again for understanding!-


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