Chapter 69 -Trial #2: Critical Thinking! (P.t 3)-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     I think I figured out how the killer rearranged their tactic already.... But let's just keep this going, until I'm able to discover the traitor's weakness so I can take them down...

     "Can you give us further examples of what you mean by expressions, you guys?" I asked those two. 

     "Well, whenever Emily gave me her lemon hot tea to drink, it's always sour and disgusting," Tracy clarified. "Makes my face twist."

     "But the fake Kreacher," Luca joined in, "Didn't react to the drink?"

     Tracy shook her head, "Nope, he stayed neutral. Though, I find it hard to believe how emotionless his expressions were."

     Emotionless expressions, huh? Alright, we're getting somewhere already...

     "But what does that even mean?" Leo Beck asked from behind me. "How does that solve this mystery?"

     "It means," Freddy took over the conversations before I could, "That we just figured out how the traitor managed to disguise themselves."

     "Disguised themselves?" Mike repeated, stunned. "How?"

     "Of course, isn't that obvious?" The lawyer said proudly with a grin, "It means the killer used a mask that looked just like Kreacher!"

     "What!?" The others in the room gasped. 

     Hm, I guess that makes sense... But then, where had the killer hid the mask? 

     "T-that doesn't make any sense!" I heard Margaretha disagreed. "Then who was that victim? The killer?"

     "No," I softly began, "That dead body wasn't the traitor. It's what the traitor wanted us to believe," I reminded her. "However, it could be another victim we personally don't know yet."

     "Hold on a second," Eli finally got everyone's attention as he turned his gaze over to the headmaster. "I just wanted to know, how many traitors had taken a part in this crime?"

     Hearing this, Monokuma answered from his throne, "Why of course, it's only one of them!" And then adding, "Even if they got some little help, it's only the traitors who would graduate."

     Help? Does that mean one of the traitors had involved an innocent survivor or a hunter in this mess? If so, I need to think this through....

     "But maybe the killer had help from one of us," I murmured, realizing that most of their attention was on me again. 

     "What?" Martha's eyes widened, "That can't be possible!" She stated, "If they got some help from one of us, surely we would know that they're suspicious. Like who would ask to help carry a dead body or something--"

     "Wait, what did you say?" Edgar paused her. "The last part. Can you repeat that?"

     The coordinator sighed as she did what Edgar asked of her, "I said if the killer had involved one of us in those crimes, we would know that they are--"

     "After that," the painter corrected. "After the part about being suspicious."

     "Oh," Martha's face fell, "You mean, the part when I suggested that 'who would ask to help carry a dead body?'"


     "Then that must've happened!" Emma's jaw dropped. "The killer had not only disguised themselves, but had also disguised the dead body!"

     "Wait, wait, wait, this doesn't make any sense," Kreacher began, "How would the dead body have been disguised? Don't tell me you guys assumed it happened that way."

     "Well, for starters," I replied, "It's kind of fishy how the killer was able to stab the victim, gave it many cuts around the body, and replaced the head with a rock, don't you think you could do that in just less than an hour or so?"

     "So the murder had to happen in the middle of the night then," Demi confirmed, "Anything else we should add?"

     If the body was discovered this morning, Demi and Galatea could be sort of right. That the body must've been dead hours ago, for who knows how long it's been here... However, where did that fresh of new blood come from anyway? Now that I think about it closely, I think I just remembered someone mentioned a prank....

     "Hey, Freddy," my mind decided to take a turn here, "During the 1st class trial, did you--"

     "Why the heck do you want to remember that 1st trial?" Freddy interrupted me. 

     "You mentioned something about a prank, what was it that you did?" 

     It was a curious guess. Not that my hunch wasn't correct, that is. If I were lucky to guess this right, then we're on the right track here....

     He sighed as he closed his eyes to think for a while, finally he answered, "Oh right, you're talking about the blood prank."

     "That prank wasn't even funny," William muttered, having to dislike that memory. "We thought you were dead."

     "Woah, Lucky Guy," Norton said, "Don't tell me you think the victim is alive--"

     "No, that's not what I'm trying to say," I disagreed immediately. "The victim is dead, no other reason, or why else are we putting this class trial if the victim wasn't dead?"

     "Ah, nevermind then," the prospector smiled awkwardly. "I got the wrong idea here."

     "Of course you do," Tracy rolled her eyes, getting tired and bored of hearing us talk. "So what now? Do we decide who's the killer yet?"

     Please be a little more patient, Tracy. I wanted to tell her. 

     "Not yet," Luca told the mechanic. Then turning to meet my eyes, "Take it from here, we need this conversation to keep on going, Lucky Guy."

     I nodded, "Right," I said confidently. "Alright, so this is what I've been thinking. The Killer had already planned this tactic from the start, so they pre-killed their victim first before revealing it to us," I explained. "And to confuse us into thinking that the murder had happened this morning, they used the extra blood from--"

     "Actually, that blood looks legit," Freddy added, "In other words, they probably found it in the health room or something like that since they stored plenty of them in the fridge."

     "Right," I agreed, can't believe how Freddy was backing me up. "They used the extra blood from the fridge. But what they do not know is how much the blood had to be spilled, so the killer spilled a huge glob of blood on the chest instead of measuring how much the blood was meant to be spilled."

     "Wow, nice observation you've got there, Lucky Guy," Edgar nodded in agreement, "I totally can see why they call you the 'Lucky Guy.'"

     I blushed embarrassingly. "T-thanks."

     "Um, I don't want to break this little praise, but can we focus back onto the trial here?" Jose said with an annoying look past me. 

     Jealous much? I wanted to laugh. 

     "So there's only one possibilities of how this murder had happened," I sorted this out. "One, the boxes. The disguised killer had disguised the body with the large boxes, covering the body," I simplified my words carefully. "But that might've happened before Emily and Tracy had walked  into the kitchen together or afterwards when the killer had left the kitchen. Those are the main possibilities of how this tactic had gone."

     "Okay?" Patricia said slowly, "But what about the other evidence that you might've missed?"

     I frowned, "What do you mean?"

     "I'm talking about the code written in blood, of course," the enchantress clarified herself. "What do you think that #10 means? It's got to mean something, right?"

     "Well," I began, but I was cut short by Servais. 

     "It clearly means the number to our dorm rooms," the magician said, "I checked that out myself and I happened to notice the room number matched up with someone."

     Melly crossed her arms, "Don't tell me you're pinning this onto Tracy's room."

     "My room?!" Tracy's eyes went huge. "What are you implying? That I am the killer?! Are you insane?"

     Oh yeah, we still hadn't gone to that part just yet... But there's something else hiding behind this crime scene... Like, why did the victim write #10 on the boards? Is there a deeper meaning behind this? 

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