Chapter 60 -The Future Foundation-

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     *If you watch/read Danganronpa, then you would know some specific characters. But if not, it's fine! Keep on reading! AND~ I've decided to reveal their names 'cause why not? It wouldn't be a surprise later anyway now that I'm switching this up to a new level here! And if you know me well, I love Plot Twist! Let's go!!*

      Mukuro's P.O.V: "Soldier"

     After I brought my sister her coffee, I smiled, "How do you like it, sis?"

     Watching her taking a small sip, my younger sister made a face. "Do you seriously have to put in so much sugar?!"

     I blushed, "But t-that's good, right? The more sugar, the better?"

     "Hmph!" My sister turned away from me as she placed her coffee down on the table. "Anyways," she began, going back into business. "Where the hell is everyone? Don't tell me they're not done yet outside~!"

     "Hm?" I gave her a puzzled look. "You mean the Remnants of Despair?"

     "Of course, that's what I meant!" The mastermind burst in anger. "Who else would I mention? The Future Foundation?" Her voice dripped in sarcasm. "Get your act together, sis. We only have one chance to bring these guys into total despair before the Future Foundation decided to--"

     "We're here!" Came a voice behind us as the door opened. "Sorry to keep you waiting, miss," a familiar figure informed us with a shy smile. 

     My sister, who has a particular habit of being impatient, wasn't proud that the whole team wasn't even here when her eyes darted to only 3 of them. "Where are the others?" She demanded furiously. "Is that all you've got to impress me with your tardiness?"

     The three Remnants of Despair glanced at each other with a blank expression in their eyes before staring back at their leader in silence... 

     "Allow me to speak first," the boy with a dark green, (knee-length) zipper coat with a jagged-cut tail said softly. "Everything's going into plan except for one little thing...."

     "And what's that supposed to mean?" I heard my sister questioned him, her eyes glowed dangerously. "Do tell me, Nagito~ I'm waiting~!" 

     Nagito let out a sigh as he crossed his arms, "The good news is that the world has finally arrived at 'The Tragedy' point. The bad news..." he faltered, meeting our eyes. "Is that we have an unexpecting visitors from the Future Foundations."

     I gasped, turning my eyes around to find my sister looking shocked as her eyes widened. But in that second, that shock turns into an evil smirk. "And?" 

     "And," Nagito continued on. "They wanted to talk to you directly in the channel," adding, "Seem to me, they know exactly where we are by the way. Isn't that a coincidence?"

     Know exactly where we are? I thought. How dare they want to intervene in my sister's plans again!? Don't they ever just give up? Tch!

     "Junko," I began, "Allow me to stop them. Just say the word and I'll make them pay for this!"

     (Author's notice: Sure, sure, sure. Junko's sister, Mukuro had died in the Hope Peak's Academy in Danganronpa before, but~ Let's just say that she got resurrected! Including the others who died before too! Ta daa! LOL~)

      Junko the Ultimate Fashion Diva stood there, unmoving. "No need to," she smiled murderously. "Alright then, let's hear it from them, 'shall we?"

      "Of course!" Mikan stepped forward behind Nagito, holding a small black briefcase before opening it up, showing a hidden screen. Setting it down on the table and clicking the power button on, the black screen turned fuzzy until the connection was stabilized, revealing a familiar looking boy with brown hair and a black suit. 

      Future Foundation.

     "Long time no see, Makoto!" Junko beamed friendly as if they haven't seen each other in years, although I could tell she must be acting. "Surprise that I'm alive and well?"

     Makoto stared at us with concern in his eyes, "Give it up, Junko," he began, ignoring her gesture. "We've got your hidden location pinned on our radar. It's about time you turn yourselves in, along with the other Remnants of Despair you've kept!"

     "Aww~" Junko made an adorable face, although it was more of her 'different' personality that she planned to keep herself from being bored. "Is Makoto jealous of me~?"

     "Jealous?" Someone right next to Makoto appeared on the screen. "Don't make me laugh," a familiar face with the same black suit as Makoto answered with a revolting look. "If you want to play childish games with us, you better think twice here, Junko. We're not messing around this time and we'll finally end you and the rest of your filthy organization of despair!"

      Junko smirked with a look of despair on her face. "Ah, that feeling of despair!" And she turned her attention back at the two. "Listen here, Makoto and that-know-it-all-Byakuya," she automatically changed her voice into her 'other' accent, "Your threats do NOT concern me, what-so-ever! Nor can you do anything about it! Despair has officially befallen in almost every city!" She declared boldly. "Not to mention the reborn of Hope Peak's Academy."

     "Oh yeah?" Makoto challenged my sister, almost startled. "Well, just so you know, we're coming to stop you and end this tragedy once again!"

     "Is that so?" I heard my sister replied with a grin, going back to her original look. "Well then, I look forward to playing this game with you, but if you'll excuse me, I have some business to do. Ta taa~!" She waved before closing the briefcase down, ending the channel. And just as I expected, she cursed. "We don't have much time," Junko's eyes glistened in envy, "End the next two rounds and start the traitor's game for level 2."

     "B-but, Junko!" I began, forgetting to be silence for once, "The hunters won't have a chance to--"

     "Forget about it!" Junko snapped rudely, "Declare the survivors the winner for level 1 first thing tomorrow morning and let's move on!" Then she turned her eyes back to the three Remnants of Despair, "And you three, go tell the others about my message. They. Better. Finish. That. Plan. Or. They'll. Disappoint. Me!"

     "Right, we'll do our best," Nagito gave a quick bow before the others followed him out the door. 

     "Junko," I softly murmured, but she left the room with a sudden glare in her eyes... I've never seen her act like this before...

     If Junko's plan fails... all because we're running out of time or it's because of that Future Foundation who's already onto us... I'll never let them take my sister's desire of despair. Never. 

     But before I could bring myself to follow after Junko, something caught me in the corner of my eyes... In the security cameras, one of them showed a survivor walking down in the hallway and knocking on someone's door... 

     Wait, isn't that... 

     Lucky Guy.


     Freddy's P.O.V: "Lawyer"

     "Lucky Guy?" I raised one of my eyebrows at him, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed by now?"

     "I know, but could I come inside for a minute?" Lucky Guy whispered, not wanting others to hear us. "Please, it'll only take a minute," he promised, but I shrugged as I opened the door for him to come in. 

     Although, seeing Lucky Guy looking around in the room for a moment, I realized he was looking for Jose. "He's in the bathroom, getting ready for the night," I read his mind. "But don't worry, he can't hear us for now. So what's the problem?"

     "D-do you still have the journal with you?" He whispered. 

     "Yeah, it's with me alright," I admitted, then I spotted the letter in his hand. "Hey, what's that?"

     "Long story-short," he replied, "I'm trying to check if Tracy wrote me this letter," and then he started to explain how he needed the journal to determine if this was Tracy's actual handwriting. 

     . . . 

     After I brought the journal out and spread it on the table, we both examined the handwritings very carefully...

     "It looks... the same to me," I observed both of the evidence carefully. "Doesn't seem like anything's suspicious at all if you asked me."

     "But that's the problem," Lucky Guy insisted, giving me a worried look, "I don't believe Tracy would give me such a letter instead of in person. Besides, what would she want to talk about?"

     I sighed as I pointed at my face, "Do I even 'look' like Tracy? Stop asking me like I was 'her' or something!"

     "S-sorry," Lucky Guy's shoulder slumped down a little. "You're the only person that I could think of that could help me..."

     Hearing this, I gave him a soft smile, "Well, I guess that's the reason why you're here in the first place."

     "Hmhm," he nodded. Then changing the subject, "Should we tell this to Luca?"

     "Why must he know?" 

     "Because..." Lucky Guy began, "Remember when he told us that the diary or the journal, whatever you call it, is written in dots?" And he pointed at the diary, "We have to make sure that this is the 'diary' he's talking about."

     "I dunno," I replied. "Luca could be lying, you know. Or~ he could be blind," I suggested smoothly. 

     "You're not even helping me at all," Lucky Guy let out a breath of fresh air as if he's too exhausted to even argue with me. "Whatever then, it's great having to know that this is written by Tracy alright."

      But before I could ask what he's planning to do next, Lucky Guy took the letter with him and marched right out the front door as if he's in a hurry. 

     "Where are you going?" I demanded, watching him disappear down the hallway. 

     However, it was too late, he's already gone... 


     I wonder where he's going... Oh and don't mind me~ I wanna bring the Future Foundation into this as well~!

     -Taina Zakura-


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