Chapter 38 -The Devil Mask!-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

    Though, to be honest, I've never seen Kevin act so strange before. It's like that piece of answer must've brainwashed him. Either way, I can't promise to trust him. I mean, what could go wrong? 

    *grumbling noise*


    Is it dinner time yet? 


    I stared at the door uneasily, desperately wanting to leave this room so badly... Maybe I should go and check if....

    Without any warning, I heard a sudden noise behind my door as if someone was waiting outside my room. What the heck? Is Kevin back so soon? Or maybe Kreacher? Dunno...

    Before I could ask who's there, I heard the sound of someone trying to open the lock from my door... The door knob started to rattle and I started getting goosebumps on my skin. Someone's trying to break open this door! I told myself, as I scrambled into hiding.

    Without any second left to waste, I decided to hide in the most obvious place a hider would be... Under the bed.... And that's when I heard someone entering through my room...

    Emma's P.O.V: "Gardener"

    "It's dinner time!" I called as me and the other girls were setting down the plates on the table. It was kind of quiet now that Monokuma's motive must've affected some survivors here, but I'm not going to allow 'the answer to my past' stop me from doing what I love best, and that is helping others. "Hey, Martha, Naib, could you get the others here and tell them it's dinner time?" I asked them when they entered the dining hall together. 

    "Um, sure," they answered altogether as they checked to see who was missing from the dining table... Realizing that half of the seats were missing, Martha declared, "Guess we'll have to get some handful of people here then," and then they left the room, just like that...

    "Do you think the others would be okay?" Emily whispered to me, pulling me by the arm gently. 

    "Don't worry, Emily," I smiled at her encouragingly, "I'm sure the others are just relaxing in their rooms right now as we speak and soon, they'll be back in shape in no time."

    "H-how can you be so sure?"

    "It's a gut feeling," I replied back before giving her a hug. "Let's just stay hopeful, alright? I'm sure we can survive this game if we have positive thoughts."

    "Yeah, you're right... all we could do now is wait for the best."


    Martha's P.O.V: "Coordinator"

    Gosh, I wonder how long this'll take to round the other half back to the dining hall in time for dinner, I'm starving! Hmm, I guess it's better to stop thinking about food for a minute and focus on what's in front of me... But what's a good topic to start with Naib here? Hmmmm....... *light bulb immediately hit me*

    "Oh yeah, what were you saying earlier, Naib?" I asked him, "Something about a hunter staring at you after the 1st trial~"

    "W-Where did you get that piece of information from?!" Naib stammered. "I-I never told you that, it's a lie!"

    "Oh come on now~" I teased him, "You know I overheard you and the other guys talking about it with Norton after lunch~" 

    He gave me an uneasy look like he doesn't trust me for a second, "And what does that have to do with right now?"

    "Well, nevermind about that," I sighed, "I was only curious..."


    "So, uh..." I tried a different approach this time to balance the awkwardness here as we're making our way down the hallways, "Do you work out?"

    "Haha, very funny," the mercenary gave me a sarcastic response before answering, "Um, that I don't remember for how long..."

    We walked in silence soon afterwards as we started going to each of the rooms and knocking--

    "Time for dinner!" I bang on Vera's door, "Come on out, lazy head!"

   "Who're you calling a lazy head?!" I heard Vera's voice behind the door as we waited for her to open the door. Finally after a few minutes, did she take her time opening up the door dramatically as if she was throwing a grand entrance at us.... And boy does she look gorgeous after a long, quick shower.... And did I smell roses somewhere on her? "Oh, it's only you two..." Vera gave us an odd look that we've never seen before. Who does she still think she is? The boss? 

    I sighed to myself, perhaps losing a best friend and reading a single word about our past was enough to cause her a mess alright... 

    Thankfully, the one worded-answer that I got didn't hurt me that badly as it did require a few thoughts of progress to understand that my past wasn't that bad, I hope not... 

    "Um, we've come here to let you know that it's dinner time," Naib told her. "Are you ready?"

    But Vera wasn't paying any attention to us as she surprisingly rolled her eyes at us, "Ugh, I'll be down in just a minute after I'm done applying enough perfume on me," and then she shut the door right in front of our faces. How rude. 

    Walking past her room, we came across Tracy's room... Hmm, I'm pretty sure she lives in her room by herself since she had requested an empty room earlier to Monokuma before, if I could recall.

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