Chapter 49 -Figuring Out The Survivor-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     After a few seconds of knocking on the door once again, the door finally opened as Emma stuck her head out to glare at Freddy, "If you want to keep on pestering Emily, please don't come here to start another prob--" Her voice trailed off as soon as she spotted me and Naib from behind Freddy. "Lucky Guy?" She gasped before glancing back at the mercenary, "Naib? What are you two--"

     "Long-story-short," I quickly began, "Naib's hurt, is Emily in there? Please, we need her help," I pleaded to the gardener. 

     "Emma, who's out there?" The doctor asked as she came up behind Emma, but when she saw us, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "Oh my..." Emily mouthed, "You're injured!"

     "Shh," Freddy gestured for her to be quiet, "We don't need an entire audience to show up because of you," he loudly whispered. 

     Getting the hint, Emily nodded, "Right, sorry," she whispered back, then opened the door for us as if we're guests, "Come on in."

     . . . 

     It was pretty awkward and silent after Emily had managed to bandage and treated as much as she could despite some efforts to fully recover Naib's wounds. And when she was done, we decided it was best for Naib to get some rest in his room, so I decided to take him over to his room by myself, and made sure he was relaxed in his bed. 

     Fortunately, Norton was fast asleep in his own bed so I didn't wake him up. However, I'm sure he would be surprised the next morning to find out that Naib had been here this whole night, resting. 

     . . . 

     Making my way back after closing the door behind me, I spotted Luca coming down the stairs slowly. I watched as he was looking down, not even caring to acknowledge me until I faked a cough. 

     He glanced at me and our eyes locked... 

     "Lucky Guy?" Luca halted in his tracks before racing over to me, "What happened to you? Are you alright?"

     "Thanks, I'm alright," I answered the second question. "Anyways, what were you doing up there?"

     Speaking of 'up there,' how come I've never explored that pathway earlier? Must've been tired or too distracted to even care, I guess...  

     "Oh, I was just... taking a little tour before 10 P.M." 

     "W-wait, what time is it right now?"

     "Hm, it's a little over 8 P.M, but I was going to call it a night," He told me, making his way towards his room, adding, "I'm glad you're back here, Lucky Guy. Life won't be the same without you," and then he was gone.

      Well, it's too late to ask what he means by that... I gotta get going... 

      . . . 

      As I made my way back into the room, I did my best to tell them everything about what I know. Including Naib speaking the opposite, which is kind of strange if I say so myself... And after finished telling them, I wasn't even less surprised when Emma asked--

     "But I don't get it, how come Naib had a short coma and ended up in the tunnel after Martha went out to get help?"

     "That's what I wanted to know too," I sighed, "But at least Martha wasn't hurt that bad, was she?"

     "Martha's injuries weren't that physical compared to Naib," Emily replied back, "Although, I have to break it to you guys, but Naib doesn't seem like himself."

     "What do you mean?" The gardener frowned, "He looks fine to me--"

     "He smelled kind of funny," the doctor explained, "I'm not sure why but when I got closer to him in order to treat his wounds, it smelled like he'd been taking drugs or alcohol... that's probably the reason why he has some loss of memory, other word known as 'amnesia.'" 

     So, I was right! That's got to be the reason why this was happening to him! But... why? And when and where did this all happen?

     After I listened closely at what the others were trying to tell me next, we all kind of soon guessed what might've happened... 

     "Do you guys think," Freddy paused, "That the attacker must've drugged him and shove him into the tunnel while Martha went off to get some help?"

     "That's odd," Emily whispered, "After you guys left to go investigate, I thought I saw a cloaked-figure running in the opposite direction as you guys, passing through walls, and trying to--"

     "Woah, woah, woah," the lawyer interrupted her, giving a confusing expression, "What do you mean 'passing through walls?' Don't tell me you believe in ghosts."

     Emily sighed, "Not ghosts, but it looked like one. I wasn't that sure since it moved pretty fast and flexible."

     Fast and flexible? I wonder which survivors could do that... But either way, that's not important right now... Just listening to this makes some sense here, but sometimes... I felt like we're missing something important... and we're basically ignoring it right now... Though, what is it? What am I missing--

    "Um, Lucky Guy," Emma tried her best not to laugh at me, "If you're trying to think that hard, please don't mumble it out loud," before adding, "We can all hear you."

    Talk about embarrassment! 

    "S-sorry," I blushed, "I was overthinking it."

    "Any word that comes from you," Freddy began, "You always focus on what we're missing when it's obviously right in front of us."

     I heard myself asking silently, "What do you mean?"

     "Then yet again," Freddy changed the subject, "I had something I wanted to tell you guys, but I don't think it's necessary since come to think of it..." He turned to meet my eyes, "I don't think you actually exist, Lucky Guy."

      Hearing those words, I froze immediately. . . 

      W-what? I never... exist? What is Freddy talking about? Was it because I'd never gotten that piece of paper from Monokuma? Is that how he sees me as? Just... another non-existence? How could he...? How could he not?

     . . . . . 


     "Well, that burns," Emma commented quietly. "Either you're joking or you're either dead serious."

     "Do I look like I'm joking to you?" Freddy snapped at her, "Of course, I'm not!" He loudly whispered. "You want some evidence to back up my claim? Then take a look at this..." He held out what appears to be a book or a journal, I can't tell which one is it since they look all-so-not-familiar-to-me. "Here, read it," he handed it over to me, and I didn't hesitate to flip open the pages... 

     Although, I must add... this journal looks like it had been written years ago... 


     . . . 

     Now I kind of understand why Freddy thinks that way... I was never on this page... 

     However, even if I wasn't on one of those pages, why does this diary entry have exactly 28 pages? And each of those pages contains each survivor... And if I wasn't there in one of those 28 survivors... Who was the other one?

     As I immediately flipped and read most of the pages, I noticed familiar words like 'principal,' or 'Hope Peak's Academy,' written in most of the pages. Including some personal reasons of what they hope the future would be like for them, but some part of the message is pretty vague. Like I don't understand how they must've written this or if someone might be pranking us... 

     "Emily. Emma," I handed them the journal, "Did you guys remember writing these down?"

     They both glanced nervously at each other before staring back at the journal, "I... don't remember," Emma sadly replied.

     "Me neither," Emily said. 

     "Wait, where did you find this, Freddy?" I demanded. 

     "Tch, if I tell you, it'll only make things worse," the lawyer ignored me. "Besides, he'll definitely get me for sure..."

     . . . 

     Emma's eyes glowed a little, "I recall Luca throwing it at you, so don't try to hide it."

     "Fine, whatever."

     "So Luca found it," I said, relieved to finally get some answers. "That's a great start."

     "You think?" Freddy crossed his arms. "We still didn't find your name--"

     "Let's not argue about this," I cutted his words off with a sigh as I did my best to scan the journal over again. "There's one person I haven't found yet who is one of those 28 survivors, besides me."

     "And who might that be?" Emily asked quietly, peering at the journal from behind me. 

     . . . 

     Found it.

     "Someone who never showed up here," I began confidently. "Do you know this person?" I pointed at the next page, the one I didn't recognize the first and last name from the moment I scanned earlier. . .

     Emma peered right closer for me to see what I was talking about and her voice grew soft as she read the name out loud...

     "Edgar Valden."


     Thanks for Reading~! 

     -Taina Zakura-

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