Chapter 11 -The Traitor is Emily?-

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     Taina Zakura (Author):

     Wow, I'm surprised you would make it this far. (0_0) You know, back in the old days, people don't read-for-nothing unless it's THAT exciting. Anyways, lots of this and that, on and so on. But speaking of which, I'm here to deliver an important message for you detectives/readers~ 

     You see, I can't just go to every survivor and take their perspectives, it's a lot of work! I mean, these chapters can go forever and beyond if you know what I mean. Oh yeah . . . I completely forgot about the hunters too. I still couldn't figure out which P.O.V's I'm doing for that side, but anyways~ I'm still working hard.

     I guess by the looks of everything, you're still wondering why I haven't included the survivor's past and the hunters? Well~ I guess you'll find out soon Enough! Because if you know Danganronpa really well, then I'll assume you know how Monokuma handles the-

     Monokuma: Did I hear someone say my name?

     Taina Zakura: Not you! I mean, Yes! It's you, but I didn't call you!"

     Monokuma: Puhuhu, is this part of your lame script again?

     Taina Zakura: It's not lame. *Ahem* Alright then, let's get back to the story! Heh, sorry to keep you all waiting . . . my bad!

     Monokuma: Hold on a second!

     Taina Zakura: What now?

     Monokuma: Just a moment here, why do you have to spoil the fun?

     Taina Zakura: Me? What did I do?

     Monokuma: I saw what you did back there! You were about to let one of my students start a romantic relationship!!

     Taina Zakura: *sigh* Here we go again with the ships . . . Don't worry, it's not that romantic. 

: As a headmaster, I won't allow it!

     Taina Zakura: And as the author, I don't mind! *Takes the mic* Anyway, we'll discuss that later, now back to the story!


     Vera's P.O.V:

     Since the day that I first stepped into this place, I felt like everything around me was drowning away in a puddle of water. All of my memories of why I was here quickly became a waste of time as it turns out, I knew nothing. And when I kept telling myself we'll surely leave this place, I couldn't bear listening to myself any longer . . . 

     One thing's for sure, everybody seemed to be late for some reason. What could possibly keep them from arriving on time? Why am I the only one who arrived in the main room first? Doesn't anybody know that it's better to be early than sorry?! And why am I talking to myself?!?!?

     Glancing at the clock impatiently, it was already 7 AM. "Even my roommate, Fiona, hasn't woken up either, just great," I sarcastically muttered to myself. Just when I was about to go get her, I heard something booming from the other side. Wait a moment, where's that sound coming from? Could it be behind the throne Monokuma used to sit? 

     Could that be a secret entrance? Well, since I'm here early, I guess it won't take long to figure out what's behind it, if only I could find a secret entrance-- Huh, why's there a mark behind his chair?

     Hunter's P.O.V:

     "Bonbon, are you mad?!" Luchino hissed, "What the hell's wrong with him?!"

     "It seems like he's malfunctioning," Burke answered, as they watched Bonbon uncontrollably firing bombs everywhere in the hunter's main room. 

     "Well, get it to stop or else this room will catch on fire!" Joker shouted, then turned around to see Robbie crying in the corner of the room, "Stop crying you baby!"

     Galatea argued back, "He's not a baby, you clown."

     "Oh yeah?" Joker got up in front of her, looking all tough, "Then what is he exactly?"

     Being a young hunter in a wheelchair, it never bothers Galatea to meet him in the eyes. "He's a friend, not a bully like you," she answered confidently, but before things couldn't get any worse between them, another familiar voice interrupted--

     "What's going on in here?" Jack asked, as he turned around to find Burke and Luchino trying to stop Bonbon, and on the other side, Joker and Galatea giving each other a death glare while Robbie's still crying. 

     "Bonbon's out of control, can't you see here?" Luchino responded, jumping out of the way as Bonbon let out another ferocious bomb. "He was alright when we last checked on him, but something happened earlier in the morning, and..."

     "And here he is, all messed up," added Burke, shielding himself with his staff. "Something must've happened that malfunctioned his system."

     Bonbon's head spun around uncontrollably losing his mind as he kept placing even more bombs on the ground. Luckily, the ground wasn't breakable, but it did create a black stain after the bomb died down. "Error 324234 . . . Error 324234 . . . " 

     As the bombings kept coming, the other hunters soon arrived just in time to see Luchino, Burke, and Jack managing to pin Bonbon down, but he wouldn't stop moving quickly as the little robot struggled and struggled, 'till it became too exhausted to move a single muscle. And finally, his entire body shut down completely. 

     "Bonbon!" Robbie gasped as he went over to check on his dear friend, Galatea watched him go and she followed him, leaving Joker behind. "Please no . . . "

     "So Bonbon caused this ruckus?" Ann asked, unsure whether it's a good time to start a question. "That pretty much sums up why we're all here."

     "But how did this happen?" Michiko asked, "Is this someone's doing?"

     "Correct you are!" A voice behind them laughed, and everyone's eyes turned around to find Monokuma laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

     The others in the room showed a mix of emotions, confused, scared, angry, frustrated, sadness, and even despair. 

     "Is he dead?" Robbie asked sadly, "Because if he is, I-I'll never forgive you, Monokuma!"

     Monokuma didn't seem bothered by those words, "I didn't do anything," he began, then startled everyone in the room as he gave them a huge hint, "If you want to be angry, then blame it on the traitor."

     "Wait a second," Wu Chang said, "There's a traitor among us?"

     "Precisely why I'm here," Monokuma smiled, "You see, there are two ways you could die, or possibly more." He continued on, "After the results of the final game, one of the sides would become the blackened and the other, the winner. And even though you lost one of the rounds doesn't mean you actually die, and just like Leo Beck, he was reborn back here. . ."

     "So, what's the catch?" Violetta's rasped voice asked, after Monokuma paused for someone to ask a question. 

     "Glad you asked," He replied, holding up his black paw with a stern look on his face, "And the other way you could die completely, is if you let the traitor get to you."

     Vera's P.O.V:

     I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing... I didn't know this secret entrance could take you to the hunter's main room. How unbelievable. And the hunters, they don't look so bad. Just a lot of expression on their faces when they realized there is a traitor on the loose. 

     Hiding behind the replica of Monokuma's throne, I watched closely to find them lost in words. But wait a minute, if there is a traitor on our side, why haven't Monokuma said there was a traitor on their side? He hasn't told them about it, did he? Or are there more than two traitors? One on our side and one on their side? That can't be real!

     "Let me clarify this one more time," he said, "It's up to the traitor to kill anyone they like, but it can't be more than two, or else everybody would be dead and there are no more characters in the game."

     "So they can only kill up to two, that's it?" A hunter with a weird looking moose mask questioned, "But isn't that confusing?"

     "Not really when you put it that way," Monokuma turned away, "Anyways, it really doesn't matter because now that the danger has passed, it's time for another round of the game," he said as he checked the time, "Good timing, it's already 8 AM! Now if you'll excuse me, I must check on the Survivors!" And then he was gone. 

     Gosh, I almost forgot about the time! Immediately pulling myself down onto the ground, I ran as fast as I could in the tunnel and climbed onto the stairs towards the main room. But then I caught a sudden noise near me. I realized I wasn't alone...

     Not turning back to find out who was spying on me, I made my way into the surface, and got out just in time to hear the sound of someone laughing softly behind me. It was so creepy, it gave me shivers down my spine. 

     Getting out of the trap door that is hidden behind the Monokuma's throne, I got up, slipped the chair back into position that is hiding the trap door, and walked quietly off the stage without anyone catching me snooping. Whoever put this there, doesn't want anybody to find out, and I'm the unlucky one. 

     Patting away the dust on my clothes-- Oh how my nice outfit is ruined thanks to that filthy tunnel! I was careful not to let anyone notice where I came from, pretending to act like I just entered the main room casually behind them. 

     Thankfully, they just noticed me, so I was safe from danger. "Morning Vera!" Fiona greeted me first, "How's your beauty sleep?"

     "Never been better," I played along, though I felt almost ready to throw-up from the thought of remembering how dirty the tunnel smelled like. Mixed with something disgusting I can't even imagine!

     "Did you have a hard time changing into your clothes?" Martha asked me, "Because that would explain why you were a bit late."

     "No, I wasn't late!" I argued, then realizing I embarrassed myself in front of an audience, I gave a small, restless laugh. "Haha, I meant," I cleared my throat, "No, I wasn't late because of that."

     Watching everybody giving me curious looks before turning back into their normal conversations, Fiona slowly began, "Oh okay, so~ If you aren't late because of that, then...?"

     I sighed, how was I to tell them about the secret tunnel to the other side? If I'd known any better, that would be going against the rules, right? I can't let anybody find out that I went there. I'm especially being targeted because of my lame curiosity!

     Just as when my mind was racing on how to explain myself any better, Monokuma appeared, "Sorry for the delay everybody, but I have some good news and bad news," he said, "The good news is that everybody here arrived on time!" 

     Oh my, I didn't notice that everyone was already here. So that person who had been following me in the tunnel couldn't be one of them, could it? As I scan everybody's faces, I noticed Emily was looking at me. Her eyes were widened in horror, as if she knew a hidden secret about me. And the expression look on her faces was sorrow--

     "The bad news is that a hunter named Bonbon had been killed by the traitor," Monokuma explained, "It malfunctioned so deeply, it impacted his entire body system into nothing. Now that one hunter is gone, I wonder... who will the traitor be after next on this side?"

     And the longer we both stared at each other, the more I'm certain my guess was correct. "I-It was Emily!" I accidentally shouted in advance. 

     Everyone in the room gaped in shock and disbelief, including Emily. "You think the traitor is after Emily?" Emma looked horrified at that thought, but I wasn't going to back down. 

    "No, the traitor won't be after Emily, because..." I hesitated, "The traitor is actually Emily Dyer!"

     A sudden gasp escaped from everybody as the atmosphere around this room became suddenly cold. Emily, on the other hand, didn't say anything. She was confused and alarmed, making it possible for me to pick her as a prime suspect. Wait, just because she was looking at me in a horrible expression before, couldn't make her the suspect? Or am I seeing guilt? No wait, I must be making a huge mistake for saying that out loud in public, because it's definitely too early to decide just yet. 

     All eyes turned towards Emily and then back at me. "Why would you choose her?" Patricia asked me, breaking the silence. 

     "Because," I hesitated again, looking quite foolish of myself, "Because she was staring at me in a horrible way while nobody's looking and--"

     "That's because there was a spider on your hair," Emily defended herself, looking quite hurt by my accusations. "I'm sorry if I ever make you feel that way!" And she even started crying all of a sudden.

     "And if she was the traitor," Emma added, "She would know how to malfunction--what's his name, Bonbon? But she's a doctor, so it can't be her!"

     Ignoring Emma, I frowned, "I have a spider in my hair?!" Feeling my hair, I managed to pull out a dead spider, ugh- so disgusting to be in that filthy tunnel! Then flicked it away, "Fine, if it wasn't you, then can anyone suggest who--"

     "No," Emma interrupted me. 

     "Pardon?" I was taken aback by her attitude. "What do you want now?"

     "I want you to apologize to my friend, Emily," The gardener responded. "Right now."

     There was a moment of silence as everyone waited for me to say something . . . 

     "Fine, I apologize," I said dramatically, didn't want to get caught up in this situation, "Sorry for accusing you, Emily," then glanced back at Emma, "Better?"

     "That'll do for now," Emma replied, turning her back to face me as if I was some kind of sickening bug to her. Gosh, I hate this girl so much. What's up with her attitude over an accusation towards her friend? Hmph, as if she knows any better!

     Finally when things settled between us, Monokuma cleared his throat, "Ahem, now what was I going to say? Oh right," he began, "Well, you can always find the right time to discuss who's the traitor, and once you found out, you only can get 3 chances to choose with the majority vote," Monokuma explained, "Since, there is absolutely no guessing game without any proven evidence what-so-ever!"

     "And if we are lucky to find this traitor, what happens next?" I heard Jose asked. 

     "Puhuhu, then no killings would happen in the future and the traitor would be blackened!" Monokuma answered with a chuckle. "Although, if you guessed wrong, then the traitor remains where he/she is and would continue if he/she must. But not too worried, they can only kill at least 1 or 2 on both sides in each level we go," he continued on, "And since we're on level 1 out of 5, the traitor has only one chance to hurt someone else since you know, poor Bonbon has been eliminated."

     "Hold on, let me get this straight," Demi said, "So you're telling me the traitor can only pick 1 or 2 from the survivor's side and the hunter's side?"

     "Precisely why I'm giving you guys a next hint," Monokuma answered, "The next target would definitely be from your side, so you better be careful when time strike and-- Oh look at the time, it's time for our next game, and the hunters are already waiting." Pulling the lever down besides him, he said, "This time in round 3, it'll be random since we don't have the time to have any volunteers."

     The TV screen on the stage glowed and I crossed my fingers, hoping it's my turn to shine. As the pictures of us kept rolling down like the machines used on the casinos, it slowly stopped to four pictures. Unfortunately, it wasn't me. 

     "It seems like it's Kreacher, Andrew, Martha, and Melly," Monokuma read the names, "You guys are up against... Haha, can't tell you that, now please proceed to the waiting room you four!"

     Everyone bid them farewell as the four of them disappeared. Guess I'll have to wait my turn. . . Or better yet, I feel quite thirsty all of a sudden. I'm just going to head down into the kitchen for some water. 

     As I was about to head out, Fiona stopped me, "Vera, where are you going?"

     "I'm just getting water from the kitchen," I replied back, then she gave me a worried look with a smile. 

     "Let me come with you," she tried her best to act normal, but I can tell something's wrong with her. "I'm also thirsty too."

     "Um, I can get you water--"

     "No need, I'll come with you," she interrupted me, then grabbed my hands, forcing me to follow her. "Come on, we should definitely hurry back before the game ends."

     I smiled in relief, "If you say so."

     I knew I could trust her. After all, she's my friend. . . 

(Thanks so much for reading this chapter! I know it's long, sorry about that. Let's keep the chapters rolling!)







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