Chapter 20 -Tell The Truth-

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     *error......error....error.... RELOADING--*


     Kreacher's P.O.V: "Thief"

     What the hell's going on? I-It can't be possible, how come I never thought about it before?! Does that mean Fiona's actually the real traitor here? I can't believe Luca got this point straight down before I did. But even so, what now?

     Feeling my hands shaking, I pointed my flashlight straight at her. "Don't tell me you're the traitor, Fiona," I began, my mind still racing on what to do. "Explain that to us."

     I really couldn't tell if she's lying or not, but whatever she's doing, she's very good at acting like one. "Um, I-I don't really k-know what you're all talking a-about," Fiona trembled her words, fidgeting the end of her braided hair. 

     "But we all saw you, everyone saw you in the main room before the game started," Naib recalled, "You appeared to be in a rush when you stated someone attacked you and Vera."

     "And don't forget she's the one that pointed straight to the traitor in the cloaked figure," Luca added, then gasped all of a sudden as if everything clicked together in one piece. "Now that I think about it," he paused, "It was you that led us into this crazy situation."

     The guys around me looked uncomfortable at Fiona, like she was really the traitor. . . 

     "M-Me?!" Fiona's expression became astonished as she sputtered immediately, softly at first before getting louder, "I-I don't know what you're all talking about, I d-don't know what you're all t-talking about, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT!" She shouted, and the tunnel around us shook a little as if there was an earthquake up ahead. 

     We all hold still as the ground below us shook before coming to a halt slowly, thankfully, no one got hurt. "What the heck are you talking about?" I snapped at her, "That you don't know what we are all talking about?"

     For a moment, I thought Fiona was going to admit that she was the traitor. However, she didn't. Even in the darkness, I could tell she was frustrated at not being heard correctly even though we already got the gist of it. 

     "Listen," Naib confronted her, "If what you say is true, then when did you last appear in the main room before the mini game started?"

     She glanced around the surroundings like she was totally lost, "Um, let's see..." she faltered, "I was uh, heading to the kitchen with me and Vera when the match started--"

     "And you tripped and fell down into the tunnel?" Luca interrupted, "And what else?"

     "And here I am," was all she answered. "I didn't figure out how to get out of this tunnel, so I was basically stuck here, around an hour or so."

     "Wait a second," I said, my mind racing, "But if we saw Fiona in the main room before this game started, it means..."

     Naib sighed, "Well, I guess there's your answer, someone's an impostor all right."

     "But are impostors and traitors the same?" Luca asked out loud.

     All of us shrugged, unsure whether or not this is some kind of a joke. And listening to this didn't make any sense what-so-ever. So if Fiona has been down here this whole time, who's the Fiona we just saw earlier before? This doesn't add up to anything!

     "Guys," Fiona began with a pause, giving us the chance to come back into reality, "If there's really an impostor here, I want you all to take my duplicate down," she said. "And if Vera thought I left her, tell her that I've been here this w-whole time, please?" And then she started to cry. 

     "Alright, alright, stop with the crying and begging," I rolled my eyes, technically not in a mood to see someone who's an adult cry like a baby. Then I turned to glance over at Luca and Naib, "What do you guys think? Should we or should we not?"

     Naib shrugged in reply before responding, "I'm actually not buying this story, it really didn't make any sense," he said. "Fiona could be lying to us that she's been stuck down here, when in doubt, she could've really gone up there by herself in these tunnels."

     "Hold on a minute," Luca argued, "You saw how it's hard for me to get out of the tunnel by myself, didn't you Naib? Even in complete darkness, it requires an assistance-"

     "You mean like a ladder?" I offered a suggestion, "And does this tunnel only require one entrance to escape back up?" Seeing the expression on Luca's face, I could tell I won this argument. "Even so, we don't honestly know what this tunnel is capable of leading us into, which means that there should be more than one exit, isn't that right Fiona?"

     There was an awkward silence as we all stared at Fiona. . . 

     "Well?" Naib gave her a strange look. "Do you have anything to offer, perhaps the truth, maybe?"

     "I guess I don't know," she replied breathlessly, almost in defeat. "All I know is that I've been here--"

     "The truth," Luca interrupted, and Fiona stared at him with a perplexed look. "Tell the Truth."

     After a few moments, it didn't take long before she smiled innocently-which did throw us off guard at first, but then she replied, "I gave you the truth, what more do you want from me?"

     Emma's P.O.V: "Gardner"

     "Easy there," I murmured as Emily and I both did our best to assist Vera as we followed behind the others. 

     "Thanks," Vera managed to reply back, keeping her steps short. 

     "How's everything back there?" Fiona asked, turning around to watch us, "Need some assistance?"

     I smiled as I shook my head, "Nope, thanks Fiona but we got it under control here," I replied back. "How far are we to the main room?"

     "If I were to remember correctly," Tracy began, checking the time on the wall, "We shouldn't be so far ahead, like I would say about 5-10 minutes."

     "Alright, thanks for the heads up," Emily nodded, and I couldn't help noticing how the cameras were watching us. Still, I just hope Monokuma did plan to make this short game a bit easier for us now that we're in a group together. 

     As I stared ahead, watching Fiona and Tracy taking the lead, while Eli and Aesop were muttering about something in front of us. I was astonished to watch Eli pull out the strange toxins he was talking about earlier and handed it over to Aesop. What on earth are they doing?

     "This'll make it a lot easier if you never show this," I heard Eli whisper over to Aesop. "Got that?"

     And I watched in horror as Aesop nodded his head as he took the toxins from him and shoved it back into his suitcase. Those guys are planning something, aren't they? 

    "Something wrong, Emma?" Emily asked me, clearly noticing something wrong written on my face.

    "No, nothings wrong," I replied back, keeping my eyes straight ahead as we continued making our way down. Even if those guys are up to something, I told myself, I shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast. Just, not at this moment I won't. 

     "Hey," Tracy began, snapping me back into reality, "Look what we found, guys," she beamed, "It's them!"

     We all glanced over from across the halls and there stood Kurt, Servais, Murro, and William, along with the rest of the other groups who came back. They didn't seem to notice us as they were mostly busy banging loudly on the main room's doors. 

     "Open up!" Jose demanded, trying to kick open the doors. "We're all here!"

     "Guys, they're back!" Norton called, as he and some of the others came rushing over to us. 

     "Vera, are you alright?" Martha asked Vera as she looked absolutely horrified to see her friend looking hurt. "What happened to you?"

     "I-I'll explain later," Vera mumbled while coughing. "Now's not the *cough* time to be *cough* worrying about me."

     As the others began asking lots of questions, we started hearing the doors from the main room opening. Finally, this game is over. . . Or so I thought. 








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