Chapter 25 -Trial (pt 3) The Fake Fiona revealed-

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     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

    "Absolutely disagreeable," Demi objected immediately from my right, causing me to startled myself so badly when I turned to face her. 

    "Did I say something wrong?" I asked, knowing that this is too pointless to argue. "Because if you look at this situation very carefully, you would agree that this can't be a coincidence but the work from the traitors."

     "I know what I'm saying," her words struck me hard again. "But I just hate to agree with someone who knows little about finding the right evidence, so how about it?" Demi challenged me. "Can you prove that there is such a thing that can make hallways go in circles?"

     Oh right, I kind of forgot about that.... "Um..." I paused, "Me and my group haven't exactly ran into endless hallways before so that was just my lucky guess."

     By the look on Demi's face, I could tell she knew she won this argument. "See? NO exact evidence, means NO proof. And if there is NO proof," she began, "Then it's too pointless making quick assumptions about--"

     "Wait," someone interrupted Demi. "I think I can provide evidence to what Lucky Guy's pointing out," smiled Martha from across the room. "Since me and my group experienced this situation, we did take a look around for clues as well."

     "Well, I'm waiting," the barmaid said impatiently. 

     "Aye, coordinator here is talkin 'bout the scratch mark on the floors, ain't it?" Kevin glanced over at Martha who nodded back. 

     "Ah, now you mentioned that," Helena finally recalled, "I believe we did happen to find those on the ground, as if something big was being dragged on it..."

     Even though something big was being dragged, it would definitely matche the clue I needed to know. Although, that wouldn't explain much about it... Because if the hallways were being dragged to make it endless in circles... Then there should be some kind of sound like a rumble or scraping noises that would alert us that the hallways were being dragged but at that time, it's so quiet!

     "Unless," I began, "Unless..." I repeated. 

     "Unless what?" Demi demanded. 

     "Unless the walls were sound proof," I suggested. 

     "What are you talking about?" Freddy asked before starting, "It's obvious a hallway can't be dragged!"

     I shrugged, "Well, think about it," I replied back calmly. "You know very well that's the reason why we couldn't hear the sound, isn't that right, Monokuma?" I turned my attention to the headmaster.

     "Lucky Guy's not wrong about it," Monokuma answered, but I could tell he hated to agree with me. "The wall is sound proof even in your rooms and that includes upstairs and downstairs.... But there's a catch...." He waited for everyone to listen carefully. "The only place that isn't soundproof is the main room..."

    "Victor!" Norton called him, getting everybody's full attention. "You were in the main room the entire time, yes? So you must've heard the rumbling sound, correct?"

    Much to our disappointment, Victor shook his head sadly before writing his response in the letter, and handed it right next to me. (Quick Note: Emma's on Lucky Guy's left, Victor is on Lucky's Guy's right, and Demi is only two spaces down on the right side so she's on Victor's left side.)

     Reading it out loud for everyone to hear,  I read, "Unfortunately, I've been caught up listening to the stranger speaking that I barely paid any attention to my surroundings, I'm sorry if that wasn't a big help."

     "Seriously, it could be Victor," Tracy whined after I was done reading the letter, "He's lying! He just didn't want to admit he's helping the traitor or that he's one of them!"

     "Calm down, Tracy," Emma replied as she let out another breath. "We don't need to start this again, do we?"

     "That was just some random thought," Tracy shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe I'm right? Maybe I'm wrong?"

     "Definitely not right to me," Emma shook her head. 

     "So what? He's suspicious, you're suspicious, everyone's suspicious! Who do I get to believe?" Tracy snapped, and this was my first time seeing this side of her before. Guess she must've lost her temper over waiting for lunch. . . Finally calming down by herself, she sighed heavily, "S-Sorry I lost myself back there for a moment, just continue on like you never heard me say anything."

     There was a moment of awkward silence as we continued on this trial. . . 

     "Victor might be telling the truth, so let's not suspect him just yet," Murro advised, "We can later get back to him after we uncover the mystery behind those moving hallways."

     "Hallways are impossible to move," both Freddy and Demi stated altogether before glancing at each other in alarm, making me wonder if they're somewhat related... Ah, maybe not at this moment. . . Can't let myself be distracted again!

     As I carefully listened to their conversations about this on and off, I realized Fiona (#1) was clearly lost in thought while Fiona (#2) was feeling numb about something. Perhaps one of them knows something about the moving hallways? 

     "Hey, you two," I began, focusing my attention on them while the others were quiet as they heard me asked. "If you have any ideas or clues, don't be afraid to share them out."

     "I don't have any to give," Fiona (#2) replied sadly.

     "Me neither," Fiona (#1) said. 

     How odd. . . At first they seemed pretty much angry about finding who's the traitor and then the next minute, they don't seem too enthusiastic about this whole trial thing. Maybe I was right... One of them knew I was onto something, which is why none of them wanted to say anything!

     "Did you guys plan to hold us waiting even longer?" I asked cautiously. 

     "O-Oh," Fiona (#1) responded back first. "Um, I have no comment about that part."

     "That's kind of suspicious," William lashed out. "You sure it's not because you're hiding something from us?"

     "L-like I said, 'I have no c-comment,'" Fiona (#1) stammered, and everybody was now beginning to suspect that it must be her. "I mean, if you want my opinion, it could be a remote control device that--"

     "Device?" Kreacher questioned, "You mean this?" He pulled out a strange looking mechanical remote. It was a bit rusty but looked like it's still in good use. "Found this on the garbage bin downstairs with Servais and Kurt."

     That's when everyone's eyes widened, especially Fiona (#1) who's as pale as a ghost from top to bottom. "U-um, what a coincidence," she faked a small laugh as she watched in horror. "How did I even know there's a remote for it?"

     "Because you were the one using it alright," I answered with confidence. "So the only one who can come up with that idea of how the hallways can move on their own is you!"

     "No!" Fiona (#1) yelled, "It's not me! IT was by accident, I can't possibly be a traitor!!"

     "Speaking of which," Freddy pointed out, "Does the remote even work?"

     Kreacher answered with a shrug, "I can try it?" Then he randomly clicked on the button and there we instantly heard it. . . the sound of the moving walls beneath us. 

     "So, I guess that's our answer," Margaretha smiled proudly, "We found the traitor and the real Fiona! We did it!"

     "No, you didn't," Fiona (#1) disagreed, and that's when we saw her evil smirk plastered on her face. "You guys think you won so badly? Ha, ha, ha, ha! You guys make me laugh."

     What's going on? I thought, as I watched the fake Fiona yelling and screaming. "It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!!!"

     "She's out of her mind," Freddy muttered, "Let's just end her and get this over with, who's ready to vote?"

     Something's wrong here... I can sense the disturbing atmosphere reaching in towards me. "H-hold on," I alerted everyone before they could cast their votes, "It's too early to decide if the mystery has been solved yet. What we need is to know the exact truth of what happened, if Fiona (#1) can prove herself, then we'll rethink our decisions."

     "That's right, I can prove myself," Fiona (#1) smiled innocently before declaring her true identity, "I'm the fake Fiona, what else can I be? Go ahead, vote if you wanna lose!"

     "Lose?" Jose repeated angrily, "How dare you say such a thing? We're going to win, that's for sure!"

     "Ha, as if!" The impostor laughed, "Well, what are you waiting for, cast your votes and end me!"

     "Before we do anything, let me ask you something," I began, "Now you're caught, you should be able to answer this easily..."

     "Go ahead, I'm waiting~" 

     "How come you arrived in the main room after Emily did?"

     She smiled arrogantly as she responded, "Being the traitor, it's not easy when you're being followed. So I decided to head into the secret tunnel so Emily could go ahead first while I waited for my actions to take place."

     "But Vera said she saw you and the attacker together in the kitchen," Emily argued, "So was there another traitor working with you?"

     "Of course not, it's me!" The fake Fiona snapped abruptly, "I was the attacker and the traitor who back-stab Vera behind her back, what else?" Then she laughed, "Hahahahah, and you guys thought I was your friend but I wasn't from the start!"

     "Can't we just vote her off and end this quickly before I begin to lose my mind over this?" Tracy said, rolling her eyes. "It's not like we have anything to ask her about since she's in her bad mood."

     But there's a lot of questions as to why she didn't kill Vera. "You did try to kill Vera, right?" I asked carefully. "If so, she would've been dead."

     "S-she ran off so fast before I could," the fake Fiona argued. "Anyone can prove that--"

     "Vera didn't run away," Eli jumped in, "She told us about how she hid in the storage room... Does that mean you weren't the attacker?"

     "Huh?" The fake Fiona stopped all of a sudden. "O-of course I was the attacker!"

     "Then you are able to answer the question as to how Vera was able to get away from you during the attack, because if not, then we can assume you weren't working alone," Eli convinced her. 

     She looked at him with rage, and I almost thought she's going to throw another fit at him. "Vera got away.... because she.... Tch!"

     "Wait a second," Helena interrupted, "If you were the attacker, then which Fiona Vera was with before?"

     "That's the real Fiona," I heard the fake Fiona grumbled in reply. "Who else can it be? I'm fake."
     "But Fiona (#2) said she had been down in the secret tunnel before the game started," Luca protested, "That doesn't make any sense at all!"

     "How dare you accuse me of lying!" The traitor shouted across the room until we heard a soft spoken voice from the other side of the room--

     "Sister... that's enough for now. It's no use in hiding," the other Fiona smiled gently. "I'll admit it just for the sake of time being, I'm not the real Fiona either."


     Alright, I'll stop here for now~! Sorry the trial is shorter than expected compared to the Danganronpa series since Monokuma had promised this game trial would be short, so I'm making this a shorter trial! The next chapter would be the final end of the first trial before jumping back into the other rounds in Identity V game. 

     Thanks so much for your patience and understanding! Without further ado, have an awesome day!   ^o^/

     P.S: Sorry I didn't include everyone's participation like Aesop (Doesn't talk much as you can see) and not everyone get to share what happened since this'll make the trial even longer, so I'm basically writing the most important part to bring up in the trials besides throwing you guys off guard!

     -Taina Zakura


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