Chapter 4 -Escape or Lost?-

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Lucky Guy's P.O.V

     As I watched the hunter come over to me, he grabbed me up and tied me into a balloon. And it was all happening at once. I struggled. I screamed. I kicked. I flapped. And I struggled even more, but it was too pointless as I was carried into the rocket chair, roped tied around me. Who knows if Emily and Emma are alright out there? I just hoped they aren't in a tough situation like I am.

     Time seemed to slow down as I waited and waited. . . What's taking them so long? Why haven't they even come to save me? I struggled to see if I could get myself out of there, but I couldn't. I was helpless.

     To make things easy enough for me, the hunter left me. Had he spotted someone already? I glance from left and then to the right, hoping to spot any familiar faces of my teammates. And I did.

     "Freddy, that you?" I asked, as I met a young man in glasses with a red tie hanging below his neck.

     "That's me alright," He replied as he helped me untie the rope. "We have to hurry before he comes back to get me."

     "Get you?" I looked confused, but the only response he gave me was silence. I think I might have pushed his limits or so, because then he ran off somewhere, leaving me to follow him. "Hey, wait up!" I called, but then I realized now's not the best time to be shouting. OR else, I might be the one getting all of my teammates in trouble. Which wouldn't make me so lucky after all.

     Of course, he glared at me, "Can you be any louder?"

     "S-sorry," I apologized, feeling a bit let down by his question. "I-I thought you were going to leave me a-alone," I hesitated.

     "What are you, 5?" Freddy raised one of his eyebrows at me, as if he was sure he was way smarter into calculating me. And I hate to agree, but he did seem like some sort of character who loves to boast his IQ. Still, I find it silly to be arguing like this. Especially if we're in a bit of a crisis here. "Try to keep up, won't you?" Then he left me behind.

     I was speechless. "You're not going to heal me?" But it was no use, I had already lost him. Had I said something to make him angry at me? Or does he think it's alright to abandon a teammate? Instantly, I thought back to what Monokuma had mentioned earlier about winning and losing. If we lose this round altogether, then it'll be impossible to catch up. But if it's one survivor who's only captured, I'm sure that counts as a win for us. Although, what about if there were two?

     "Two survivors who escape will result in a draw," a voice snapped back at my attention, and I immediately jumped.

     Realizing it was only Monokuma in front of me, my shoulders relaxed a bit. "Ah, you scared me, Monokuma," I said.

     "Geez, it's only me," Monokuma said, tilting his head out of curiosity, "Say, you're not hacking with the others?"

     "No, but I have a quick question to ask you," I began, "If this game ends in a draw or so, does that count as neutral for both sides?"

     Monokuma stayed silent for a second, "Wha Wha what? Oh, why hadn't I thought of that?" He suddenly paced back and forth, kind of reminding me of Freddy though. "Eureka!" he exclaimed, "Thanks for the catch, I'm going to change the rules!"

     I gulped, "You c-can?"

     "That's right, I can!" Monokuma beam, "If the game ends in a draw, it'll be easy just for me to decide which side should count as the winner, and the other side will be the loser."

     "Hey, but that's not-"

     "No take backs," he chuckled, "Puhuhuhu, imagine the expression when everyone realized it was you who gave me such an idea."

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