Chapter 30 -4th Round: All Hail the Circus!-

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     Survivor's P.O.V: 

     "Now that everyone is finally here~" Monokuma waited for the survivors to listen-up for his announcement. "We can now commence the 4th round of the game, who's ready for some excitement?!" He exclaimed. 

    "Definitely not me," Vera replied abruptly with a slight displeasure on her face. "I'm already badly injured enough so I'll stay here and watch the game, if you don't mind."

    "Not at all," Monokuma responded, finally turning his full attention back on the other survivors. "Anyways, since we'll make this day quick and fun, why don't I let you guys decide who's wanting to go next? But only the ones who haven't gone yet~"

     Hearing this, the survivors all glanced at one another, wondering who's wanting to be the next lucky survivors to play the 4th round. But before they could wait any longer, a hand shot up in the air. "I'll do it!" And all eyes spun around directly at the female dancer. "If nobody's willing to step up, it's got to be someone," she smiled, "Besides, I can tackle this alright."

     "Then... if you're going," Murro began, "I guess I'll go too, just in case."

     "Don't forget me too," Mike added, joining in the circle.

     Hearing this, Margaretha smiled brightly, "It looks like the whole circus is here!" 

     "Um, but we need one more person in our team," Murro mentioned out loud, "Anyone?"

     . . . 

     "I guess I'll go?" Servais volunteered from the back of the room. "I-If no one wants to go, that is."

    "Yay, now we have everyone in our team!" The female dancer beamed as she did a quick cart-wheel before realizing others were staring at her. "Ah, my bad! Dancing later~" 

    As everyone bid them 'good luck,' the four survivors were off and ready to play the game. . . and the room went pitch black. . . 

     Margaretha's P.O.V: "Female Dancer"

     The black room soon became obvious as I found myself sitting down on one of the empty rooms with a long, white table in front of me. Next to me soon took shape as Mike joined in, along with Murro, and Servais across the table. 

     Which makes me wonder...... which hunter are we about to face this round? I remember seeing some of their faces during the trials as audiences, but I couldn't remember exactly what they all look like. 

     That's when a figure loomed over at our table, and I almost gasped in surprise... It was a clown. But not just any clown, it was a muscular man with a smiling, white clown mask on his face... His mask had a red nose and red lipstick painted on it... And as for his entire appearance, he had a red clown-hair with a black top hat, his black jacket with red and black strips in his arms, black gloves, blue pants, black shoes, and a red scarf above his shoulders.

     Worst of all, he had a rocket as his weapon. What a weird weapon that was... but still, it looks deadly dangerous to be hit with that thing.

    "Hi, I'm Margaretha!" I introduced myself to the hunter with a smile, "What's your name?"

    I'm not sure if hunters could talk, or were allowed to, because... he looked at me as if I wasn't supposed to be alive. How rude...

    "I don't think we're supposed to talk to him," Murro reminded me, "Remember what Monokuma said earlier about 'no talking policy' to the hunter?"

    Sheesh, when he put it that way, I never thought about that except... "But Monokuma only told us not to talk to them during the game and we're not in the game, yet."

    "Suit yourself," Servais replied to my response, "It's not like they're willing to become friendly to us anyway."

    "I think I remember you," Mike suddenly said as he glanced up at the hunter, and our eyes froze. 

    Did he... actually know this hunter? W-what about our memory loss? Wasn't he the one that pointed out that most of our memories had been wiped clean thanks to Monokuma?  I suspiciously eyed him very closely, "Mike, don't tell me you seriously know this clown... because if you do, then...."

     "No," the acrobat smiled as he tried to clarify himself, "I didn't say I fully know him. Although, just only teasing him since we all looked as if we've been in the circus together." 

     "Oh yeah," the magician agreed, "I was about to mention you guys seemed like you are all part of a circus group together, except me," he pointed it out. 

     "Well, what do you know?" I tilted my head over to acknowledge the hunter, "I'm sure we must've known each other back then, so 'All Hail The Circus!'" 

     Hearing this, the clown threatened us while waving the rocket in the air as if he wanted to plummet it right down on us, not caring if it'll smash our heads right off........ I guess he didn't want to be part of the circus...????

    We were almost afraid at the thought of being threatened early before the game started, when all of a sudden, Mike smirked. "Pfft, trying to threaten us, you poor sad clown?"

     That's when the hunter turned to stare at him, and I swear, he wanted to kill the acrobat immediately, but couldn't because of the rules. "Um, don't you think taunting him is a little bit harsh, Mike?" I asked him, hoping he would get the gist of it and stop messing around. "We don't want to.... what's the word? Provoke, the hunter?" I gestured my hand at the hunter, "He's already mad."

    "Let him be," Mike shrugged carelessly, "If only I could remember well, then I wouldn't have acted like this."

    "You don't have to mention he's a sad clown," Murro murmured, "But anyways, is everybody ready to go?"

    "Gosh, I'm so nervous!" I wiped my hands together, giving myself a short prayer before giving a thumbs up, "I'm ready!"

    "Same here," Servais nodded. 


    "Mike?" I raised one of my eyebrows at him, "You ready?"


    "Let's get this over with..." Mike sighed before saying, "Good luck--"

    "ALL HAIL THE CIRCUS!" I shouted enthusiastically, standing up proudly. "Woo!"



    "Stop....Just- stop it already.........." The other guys said altogether, giving me a strange look of 'Are you kidding me?'    (-_-)III 

    "Um, I was trying to be a bit modest here," I muttered as the room around us immediately went pitch black...


    "Good Luck, guys. . . . . . . . . . . and All Hail The Circus!" 
I whispered in the darkness.


    "OKie." :)


    As much as I love writing comedy-short chapters, I can't help thinking my jokes are lame, lol~ Anyways, I'll stop here for now. Sorry I couldn't get to the middle of the game quickly since I didn't want to leave out any details that I missed just for entertainment..... Have a great day/night!

     -Taina Zakura- 




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