Chapter 14 -A Surprise Visit-

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(Oh come on now, let's not forget about Victor here~)

     Victor's P.O.V: 

     Everyone watched as Fiona pointed directly behind them, but we couldn't see who she meant until we noticed a cloak-figure dashing away behind the side entrance doors. "Hey!" Williams was the first to react quickly, and began making his way towards the culprit. "Stop right there, you traitor!"

     As everyone scrambled to go after the unknown figure, I was caught in the middle of chaos. Ducking down for cover, along with my companion dog, Wick, by my side, we were thankfully able to stay clear of everybody's way as they headed out to catch the culprit. 

     After a few moments of watching many of the survivors leave, I could feel my shoulders relaxed as I got up from the floor. Looking around, I was now alone in this room with Monokuma. But, what was that all about? I wondered to myself. Feeling confused, I glanced over at Monokuma, but he didn't say anything. He was standing still. Very still like a statue. 

     Steadily, I walked quietly over to him, still keeping my distance apart. I was thinking whether I should talk to him, but then I realized I had a stitch on my mouth. Taking out a pen from my satchel, I used the empty letters to write a message: Is everyone allowed to leave the main room? Just a simple question to get some answers from him. 

     As I showed him the letter for a few seconds, Monokuma strangely didn't seem to acknowledge my question. Nor did he move a single muscle of his robotic body. Strange, was all I could think to myself. Is he not here with us?

     Even Wick seemed a little frightened by Monokuma's well-unknown behavior as I watched him sniff at Monokuma before pulling back. Something's not right here... Cautiously, I reached over to touch him, just in case if he's playing dead by a joke or something. However, when I was about an inch close to touching his ears, I heard a voice interrupted me--

     "Well, it's too bad for him," said a voice above me. 

     My eyes swiftly looked up and I was immediately surprise to find the culprit--that everyone was after not so long ago. I could feel my body froze as the stranger with a cloak decided to drop down in front of me with a perfect landing. 

     Wick hid behind me in fear, and I don't blame him. As long as I'm here, I told myself, I won't let this traitor hurt my fellow companion!

     The stranger met my eyes for a second, but I hurriedly dropped down my gaze. Who is this person? A traitor? A savior? And speaking of which, what is going on with Monokuma standing still? Doesn't he have the audacity to speak?

     The stranger with the white mask on chuckled softly, "Oh, so you seem to think he's still here?" Then to my surprised, he kicked down the lifeless Monokuma on the head, and it fell over  instantly. "Monokuma isn't the only pest around here," he stated, turning to face me. "But just so you know, he's not dead."

     I scribbled down the paper before giving him the letter.

     The stranger looked at it closely before reading it out loud, "Who are you exactly? And what did you do to Monokuma?" Just then, I caught a glimpse of him looking quite amused as he chuckled again. "What did I do to him? Oh please, it's not my problem he's having some technical difficulties, that's what." Then answering the first question, "And my name is Orpheus, by the way."

     I tilted my head curiously. Orpheus, huh? Could it be that he's not the traitor? 

     "Anyways," Orpheus began, "The one controlling Monokuma is probably going to be so furious after what I did," he said with a slight amusement in his voice. "But that doesn't matter right now, all that matters left is that it wouldn't be long until Monokuma is reborn again, so I'm pleading you," he paused a brief moment, hoping I was listening carefully. And to be quite honest, I was. "This is a delivery message I'm giving you," he handed me the letter, a mail to be exact. 

     My eyes widen, shock to find him coming over to me to just deliver a message. Trying my best to not let that thought stopped me, I nodded, still wondering why he would give me this right now. 

     Orpheus took a step away from me, and I was sure he was about to leave immediately. But then he placed one of his hands on his mask, slowly revealing me his true identity. I can't say how much I was nearly shock to the core. Because standing in front of me, was a real person. 

     His eyes were real. His face were realistic. And the way he was compared to me or to us, was totally unimaginable. What troubles me was a possible theory that I came up with. Orpheus doesn't belong here. 

     "You're right I don't," he smiled, reading my mind. "And as for the letter I gave you..." Orpheus's eyes suddenly acted differently, as if he was being cautious or something around us. "Only open it when trouble comes," he warned me, after recovering back, "And do not let anybody take it away from you, so hide it well." 

     I nodded, pocketing the letter inside my satchel. But just at that moment, Monokuma appeared back out of nowhere behind me. "What happened in here?" He demanded, turning bright red. "Who the heck destroyed me a while ago?!"

     Hesitating, I was sure Orpheus would've been caught by now, but when I turned around behind me. He was nowhere to be seen. I quickly wrote a quick note in my best handwriting and handed it over to him. 

     "You were having some technical difficulties," Monokuma read the note, suddenly looking sad. "And here I thought you were trying to hate on me or something, puhuhu."

     I shook my head, unsure whether it's a good idea to explain everything what Orpheus had done to him, or stay silent about that part. Fortunately, I knew what's best for the both of us, and I remained quiet. 


     (Orpheus was the surprise visit, lol, thanks for reading!)

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